
zhènɡ shuò
  • Zhengshuo;first day of the first lunar month
正朔 [zhēng shuò]
  • (1) [the first day of lunar year]∶一年中的第一天,即农历正月初一

  • (2) [new calendar promulgated by the emperor]∶帝王新颁的历法

  • 定正朔

  1. 从它在朝鲜时代流传情况的变迁及其原因,可以看出韩国传统的以中国为正朔的史学观,及以中国历史知识为主要内容的史学启蒙教育。

    The details of and reasons for the popularity of the book revealed traditional Korean historiography view , which regarded China as the origin , as well as its historical rudimentary education , which was mainly centered on Chinese history .