
  • 网络early Yuan Dynasty
  1. 元初对浙西地区缺乏有效管理,导致了连年水灾,人民因此而遭受了严重灾难。

    Early Yuan Dynasty and the lack of effective management of western Zhejiang region , resulting in successive years of floods , the people is subjected to a serious disaster .

  2. 元初,相对落后的草原文化冲击了已成封建传统的伦理道德,但是其豪放与直率之风为元代的伦理道德打开了新的局面。

    Early Yuan Dynasty , the relative backwardness of the grassland culture shock has become a feudal traditional ethics and morals but it is bold and forthright style of the Yuan Dynasty , opened a new ethical situation .

  3. 第三部分论述金末元初辞赋创作的艺术特色。

    The third part discusses the artistic characteristics of Ci-Fu .

  4. 元初江南求贤及其文坛效应

    Seeking for Intellectual in the South in Early Yuan Dynasty and Its Effect

  5. 从忽必烈对儒人儒学的态度看元初杂剧中的士人形象

    Kublai Khan 's attitude to Confucian scholars and their images in Yuan Zaju

  6. 元初江南儒士的处境及社会角色的转变

    The Situation and Transformation of Social Roles of the Southern Scholars in the Early Time of Yuan Dynasty

  7. 这使我放弃了‘元初动因’的证论,变成了一个无神论者。

    This led me to abandon the " First Cause " argument , and to become an atheist .

  8. 元好问在东平的活动对金末元初的文化发展做出了突出贡献。

    The action of Yuan Haowen in Dongping did a great contribution to the culture development between Jin and Yuan .

  9. 钱选作为一个时代剧变下的遗民,虽然选择隐逸的方式面对人生,但很难再找出另外一个人像他这样在元初对中国画史做出重大变革。

    But it is difficult to find a person who made great contribution to Chinese painting history of Yuan dynasty .

  10. 受战争、变乱和自然灾害的侵扰,当地在元初已由核心区转变为边缘区,故水环境在自然和人文两方面对当地产生了影响。

    War , harassment and natural disasters , the local became into marginal from the core area in the early Yuan Dynasty .

  11. 研究其人对考察元初社会思想实际,无疑具有重要意义。

    The study of him is undoubtedly quite significant in probing the social ideology in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty .

  12. 朱熹理学与元初的正统论反映到史学上,便是史学思想逐渐正统化。

    Zhu Xi 's Confucian Ideology and the Orthodox Theory in the Early Yuan Dynasty These two changes have provided the historiography with orthodox .

  13. 元初的文化寻根是以重振传统文化、树立理性权威为旨归的文化现象。

    The seeking source of Chinese tradition culture was an appearance in order to carry forward the tradition culture and establish the authority of reason .

  14. 根据材料具有粘弹性的特点,以有限元初应变增量法为基础,提出了水泥混凝土道面考虑材料粘弹性的温度翘曲应力的数值计算方法,并编制了相应的计算机程序VT03。

    According to the characteristics that material is visco elastic , the formulas for calculating thermal curling stresses are proposed by initial strain increment F. E. M.

  15. 它是金代中后期以来诗坛复古思想的继续,也是元初恢复汉文化活动的必然。

    It is the inheritance of the trend of back-to-ancient in the middle and late Jin Dynasty and the necessity of the trend of back-to-Han culture .

  16. 学者一般认为,姚燧是元初文坛“主气说”的代表人物,张养浩《牧庵集序》称其创作为“才驾气驱”。

    Normally , Scholars think that Yao Sui is the representative of the proposition centered on momentum in the literary world in the early Yuan Dynasty .

  17. 李俊民是生活在金末元初颇有成就的重要文人之一。

    Li Jun min who lived in the latter part of Jin dynasty and the early part of Yuan dynasty was one of the accomplished and important literati .

  18. 杨奂是金末元初的著名文学家,其散文作品虽然现存数量不多,但质量颇佳。

    The proses written by Yanghuan , a famous writer who lived in the end of Jin dynasty and the beginning of Yuan dynasty , are good but seldom left .

  19. 元初的高官显宦和下层文人的隐逸情怀虽然不同,但他们都向往隐逸,他们在精神世界中勾画的隐逸生活都是出世的。

    They all look forward to hermit life and want to live in seclusion where they can do what they want to do , although their hermit sentiments were different .

  20. 尤其是在金末元初的文坛上享有盛名的刘祁,他从小受到祖、父辈思想、文化的熏陶,自身的文化修养也非常高。

    Especially at the Jin and Yuan Dynasty in the literary world renowned LiuQi . He grew up by the ancestors , their parents thought and the influence of culture , his culture cultivation is very high .

  21. 你与一切全有之间的联系永远也不能被切断,而它的知晓是如此之细微和专注以致其注意力确实是导向元初创造者对每个意识的关爱。

    The connections between you and All That Is can never be severed , and Its awareness is so delicate and focused that its attention is indeed directed with a prime creator 's love to each consciousness .

  22. 云南小城镇二元结构初论

    On the Binary Structure of Small Towns in Yunnan

  23. 首先对线基元进行初连接。

    First , we initially connection line subset .

  24. 杂剧盛行期:前期,元杂剧初兴,对这个新生事物的理论批评并不充足。

    The one that Yuan Zaju prevailed : Yuan Zaju began to prosper in the prophase , so people neglected the new lease of life .

  25. 河南省商品肉牛生产三元杂交试验初报

    Effect on Three-way Crossbreeding of Commodity Beef Cattle of Henan Province

  26. 弹塑性边界元法中初应力(或初应变)奇异体积分的计算一直是一个较为困难、但又是非常重要的问题。

    The calculation of the initial stress ( or initial strain ) singular integrals in elasto-plastic boundary element method is a difficult , but an important problem .

  27. 家蚕新品种野三元引进试养初报

    Preliminary Report on Breeding of A New Silkworm Variety Ye San Yuan

  28. 用有限元法分析钢管初应力对钢管混凝土轴压构件基本性能的影响

    The Behavior Effect on Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Members Subjected to Compression Under the Initial Stress of Steel Tube Based on the Finite Element Method

  29. 2001年年初,基金余额为200.17亿元,到2005初,已达1659.86亿元,5年增长了730.23%。

    The fund reached to RMB 20.017 billion at the beginning of 2001 and RMB 165.986 billion at the beginning of 2005 , with 730.23 % increase in 5 years .