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  • 网络reservation;qualified;Qualified opinion;reserve judgment on
  1. 当审计师无法确证公司的财务报表具有公正表达性时,他将视其严重程度,签发保留意见或反面意见。

    When an auditor cannot certify the fair-presentation quality of the financial statements , he will issue a qualified opinion or a disclaimer depending on the seriousness of the matter .

  2. 假设3,带强调事项段的无保留意见与标准审计意见反应存在显著差异;

    Hypothesis 3 is that qualified opinion with emphatic paragraph is significantly different from standard opinion ;

  3. 我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。

    I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending

  4. 他有保留意见。

    He was reticent about his opinion .

  5. 而Shale似乎更靠近一些,它基本上是基于JSF,但是对此我持保留意见。

    Shale seems to come closer , being fundamentally based on JSF , but I have some reservations about it .

  6. 即使如此,因为用来保护病人的医疗标准极其严格,我们对McDonald提出的草案持严肃的保留意见。

    Even so , because of the exacting standards of medical practice that ate necessary to protect patients , we have serious reservations about the McDonald bill .

  7. 但是他的同事,参议员KayBaileyHutchison对确定被提名人没有这样的保留意见。她来自Kirk的家乡德州。

    But fellow Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Kirk 's home state of Texas had no such reservations about confirming the nominee .

  8. 人们一般认为学者们总是表达对职业规划侵占学术教育的保留意见,但他们的疑问其实与布拉德·亨德森(BradHenderson)的意见并没有什么不同。34岁的亨德森是波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)的合伙人,他负责公司在中西部的招聘工作。

    Academics are expected to express reservations about the encroachment of career planning on intellectual development , but their doubts are not that different from those voiced by Brad Henderson , a 34-year-old partner at Boston Consulting Group , who is in charge of the firm 's Midwestern recruiting .

  9. 华盛顿邮报报道,美国大使Eikenberry在过去一周向白宫发了两次机密电报。他表达了对增派军队严重的保留意见。

    The Washington Post reports the US ambassador Eikenberry sent two classified cables to the White House in the past week . In those he expressed serious reservations about sending more US troops .

  10. 对建立一个新的计算机中心的问题我有保留意见。

    I had certain reservation about establish a new computer centre .

  11. 一些资深人士用外交语言表达了自己的保留意见。

    Some senior figures have expressed their reservations in diplomatic language .

  12. 然而,对这种数据访问方法存在着一些保留意见。

    Yet there are reservations about this approach to data access .

  13. 她同意该计划,但我觉察到了某种保留意见。

    She agreed to the plan , but I detected some reserve .

  14. 政府表示对该项目的费用持保留意见。

    The government has expressed reservations about the cost of the project .

  15. 我女朋友对使用避孕药持保留意见。

    My girlfriend has reservations about going on the birth control pill .

  16. 徐伟说,中国消费者对该产品持有一些保留意见。

    Mr. Xu said Chinese consumers have some reservations about the product .

  17. 意大利的大部分文化专家欢迎这些变革,但也有一些保留意见。

    Most Italian cultural experts welcomed the changes , with some reservations .

  18. 通过实证研究发现,当非标准无保留意见被签发的时候,具有信息含量存在。

    When unqualified opinions are issued , there is information of content .

  19. 在没有见到所有的参赛者之前,我将保留意见。

    I 'll reserve judgment until I 've seen all the entrants .

  20. 我们相当公开地讨论了我们对这份合同的保留意见。

    We discussed our reservations about the contract quite openly .

  21. 嘿嘿,我从来都是保留意见。

    If your artlcies are always this helpful , I 'll be back .

  22. 对于涨价一事我有某些保留意见。

    I have certain reservations about increasing the price .

  23. 在此同时,我将会保留意见。

    At this point , I 'm going to reserve comment , Cashman said .

  24. 另外三位没有投票权的成员也明确表示反对,还有几位成员持保留意见。

    Three other non-voting members are definite opponents , while several more have reservations .

  25. 在保留意见和主导对话之间找到平衡。

    Find the balance between holding back what youre thinking and dominating the conversation .

  26. 希腊表达了一些保留意见,我们会对那些意见予以考虑。

    Greece expressed some reservations and we are going to take them into account .

  27. 约翰出版了他的保留意见表龙,并赋予它以小的代价。

    John publishes his reservation on Table Pronto and gives it a small price .

  28. 关于条约保留意见的法律和惯例

    Law and Practice relating to reservations to treaties

  29. 他同他的助手有同样的保留意见。

    He shared his assistant 's reservations .

  30. 然而,其他专家则在没有进行一些独立试验前持保留意见。

    Other experts , however , are reserving judgement until independent tests are carried out .