
  • 网络Bulgarian;Bulgars
  1. 问题16.保加利亚人和希腊人用什么手势表达否定?

    Question 16.What gesture do Bulgarians and Greeks use to express negative responses ?

  2. 保加利亚人在1月6日主显节(基督教的节日)这一天,在冰水中翩翩起舞。

    Bulgarians dance in icy water on Epiphany ( a Christian festival on January 6 ) .

  3. 曼联CEO吉尔周末表示俱乐部没有打算让保加利亚人挪屁股。

    David Gill , the United chief executive , said at the weekend that the club had never considered moving on the Bulgarian .

  4. UNESCO的总干事IrinaBokova于去年11月上任(见保加利亚人在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)竞选中击败最强的候选人),本周(4月14日)她宣布了新的八人助理团队。

    Bulgarian defeats favourite in UNESCO election ), announced her new eight-person assistant team this week ( 14 April ) .

  5. 保加利亚人围着炉火许愿,吃血香肠。

    Bulgarians make Christmas wishes around the fire and eat blood sausage .

  6. 我们听说你在保加利亚人的监狱。

    We heard you were ina Bulgarian prison .

  7. 目前大约有100万保加利亚人生活在国外。

    Approximately 1 million Bulgarians currently live abroad .

  8. 保加利亚人说的塞而维克语。

    A Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria .

  9. 按照警方的说法,他们已经逮捕了3名保加利亚人,并且正在全力搜寻另外一名嫌犯。

    Police said they arrested three of the Bulgarians and were looking for a fourth .

  10. 哈格里夫斯相信保加利亚人在德甲就已经进步很快。

    Hargreaves believes the Bulgarian has improved his game from his time in the Bundesliga .

  11. “现在他是世界最好的球员,”保加利亚人说。

    " At the moment he is the best in the world ," said the Bulgarian .

  12. 在除夕那天,保加利亚人用树叶和水杯算命玩。

    On new year 's eve , Bulgarians perform fortunetelling tricks with leaves and water glasses .

  13. 保加利亚人也是一个土耳其民族,不过他们学到的是雅利安语。

    The Bulgarians also are a Turkish people , but they have acquired an Aryan speech .

  14. 从勒沃库森加盟的这位26岁的保加利亚人上赛季联赛打进12球。

    The 26-year-old Bulgaria captain scored 12 league goals during the 2006-07 season after joining Spurs from Bayer Leverkusen .

  15. 保加利亚人现在越来越发现自己无法在曼联的重要比赛中获得机会。

    Increasingly , though , the mercurial Bulgaria forward finds himself on the fringes at United when the stakes are at their highest .

  16. 保加利亚人亚沃尔·托多罗夫进行表示他的孩子想去乘坐,但承认他也有很愉快的体验。

    Bulgarian Yavor Todorov says his children wanted to go on a ride , but admits he had a good time as well .

  17. 很多媒体都抨击这位射手的失误,而在电台的热线电话里大家都认为这位保加利亚人身价过高。

    Many media outlets lambasted the striker for the miss , while radio phone-ins were awash with suggestion that the Bulgarian was overpriced .

  18. 在主帅德尚没有信服他的能力后,保加利亚人被认为这个月将会寻求转变。

    The Bulgarian was thought to be looking for a switch this month after failing to convince boss Didier Deschamps of his ability .

  19. 大多数保加利亚人(82.6%)至少在名义上是保加利亚正统宗教,即国家东正教的成员。

    Most Bulgarians ( 82.6 % ) are at least nominally a member of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church , the national Eastern Orthodox Church .

  20. 在这里尽情的游历观赏吧,你会为这个独特的地方的魅力蛊惑,为保加利亚人的热情所融化。

    Experience a day here and watch as you fall under the spell of this unusual place and the hospitality of the Bulgarian people .

  21. 对2014年英国开放边境时可能涌入英国的保加利亚人和罗马尼亚人数量,官方估计的数字似乎大大偏高。

    Official predictions appear to have grossly overestimated the numbers who would come in 2014 when the borders were opened to Bulgarians and Romanians .

  22. “你必须坚强,相信自己。你要知道自己能做什么。”保加利亚人告诉10月号的走进曼联。

    " You need to stay strong , believe in yourself and know what you can do ," the Bulgarian told Inside United in October .

  23. 当地报道称嫌疑人应该是一名保加利亚人,从商场内抓了一把刀子,将这名女子斩首。

    Local reports say the suspect , who 's believed to be a Bulgarian man , seized a knife from inside the store and beheaded the woman .

  24. 由于保加利亚人受到苏联的控制,这可能就意味着波兰团结工会的计划已被泄露或是瓦文萨本人身处险境。

    Since Bulgarians were under the control of the Soviets , this could either mean that Solidarity 's plans were compromised or that Walesa was in danger .

  25. 弗格森爵士让贝尔巴托夫在曼联的未来画上了大大的问号,认为保加利亚人可能离开俱乐部。

    Sir Alex Ferguson has cast doubt over the future of Dimitar Berbatov at Manchester United after appearing to suggest that the Bulgarian could leave the club .

  26. 弗格森否认自己打算清洗贝巴,他认为保加利亚人对曼联的争冠是很重要的。

    Sir Alex has dismissed suggestions he is ready to offload Dimitar Berbatov , insisting the Bulgarian has an important part to play in United 's trophy quest .

  27. 虽然人口在减少,但一些保加利亚人在意识到他们想念家乡的某些方面,包括文化和悠闲的生活节奏后,还是回到了保加利亚。

    Despite the shrinking population , some Bulgarians do return after realizing that they miss some aspects of home , including the culture and relaxed pace of living .

  28. 德国人、奥地利人、土耳其人和保加利亚人在审议中没份,他们只准接受和会强加给他们的决定。

    The Germans , Austrians , Turks and Bulgarians were permitted no share in its deliberations ; they were only to accept the decisions it dictated to them .

  29. “上半时我们打得更好,有3-4个进球机会&我们还打了门柱,”保加利亚人说。

    " The first half we were the better team and had three or four chances to score – we hit the post as well ," the Bulgarian said .

  30. “这真是奇妙的一天,特别对我来说是这样的。因为我完成了帽子戏法,这也帮助球队赢得了德比战,”保加利亚人对曼联电视说。

    " It 's a magical day , special for me of course because I scored a hat-trick and we won against our rivals Liverpool ," the Bulgarian beamed on MUTV .