
lā dīnɡ rén
  • Latin
  1. 拉丁人思想的统治现在即将结束。

    The reign of the Latin mind was now drawing to an end .

  2. 我年轻,拉丁人,帅气,而且我很有自信。

    I 'm young , Latin and good-looking , and I call it like I see it .

  3. 因为我是拉丁人而且我特别感谢这个事实

    Because I 'm Latina and I really appreciate the fact

  4. 你知道拉丁人是很喜欢派对的,对吧?

    And you know how those Latinos love to party , huh ?

  5. 就因为他我家里挤满了拉丁人

    Because of him , I have a house full of Latinos .

  6. 又问我当然了就因为我是拉丁人

    Ay ! Of course ! Because I 'm Latina ,

  7. 他们是东方的拉丁人。

    They are the Latins of the Orient .

  8. 中世纪初期,日耳曼人部落经常袭击拉丁人。

    During the dark ages , the German tribes regularly made raids on the latins .

  9. 拉丁人,亚洲人,美洲土着人;

    Latino , Asian and Native American ;

  10. 他是个年轻人,好看的拉丁人的脸上长着一双使人吃惊的蓝眼睛。

    He was a young man with a startling blue eyes in a good-looking Latin face .

  11. 嘻哈业内的大部分先驱者都是非裔美国人和拉丁人。

    The vast majority of pioneers in the hip hop industry have been African-American and Latino .

  12. 拉丁人中的每一个争论的这些早期世纪抓住要点,并保持它在所有的危害。

    The Latins in each controversy of these early centuries seized the main point , and preserved it at all hazards .

  13. 一名叫马格达雷娜的中年拉丁人,来到我的诊所,她患有高血压、脑血管疾病和抑郁症。

    A middle-aged Latina , Magdalena , comes to my residency clinic with chronic hypertension , cerebrovascular disease , and depression .

  14. 该研究是对人种群体激素水平进行的最大规模的分析,也是首次大规模对夏威夷土著人和拉丁人进行研究。

    The study is the largest analysis of hormone levels by ethnic group , and the first large study of native Hawaiians and Latinas .

  15. 在英国文化得到文明化发展之后,它吸收了很多拉丁人的成果,比如很多词汇,而这些成果都来源于罗马人的统治。

    After the english culture has been civilized and it has taken many latin things that came from the roman domination , like many words .

  16. 贝加有着拉丁人的典型棕黑色头发,当她身着白色长裙,头戴镶嵌钻石珍珠的桂冠走上舞台的狭窄通道时,台下情绪激动的观众热情欢呼。

    Vega , with typical dark brown Latin hair , was cheered on by an electric crowd as she walked the catwalk in her diamond and pearl-encrusted crown and long white dress .

  17. 所以新方法,现在被带回神学教育中来,像女权主义分析,文艺批评,解放神学,还有非裔美国人方法,还有拉丁人方法。

    You have new methods now being brought back into seminary education , like feminist analysis , or literary criticism , or liberation theology , or African American approaches , or Latino approaches .

  18. 2.虽然Caucasians高加索人,也就是白种人在美国占大多数,但是拉丁美洲人很快就会成为人口数量最多的少数民族,他们的人数一直在增加。

    Caucasians are the majority in America , but Latinos will soon make up the biggest minority . Our numbers are growing .

  19. 其他民族有其他欧洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲人。

    Other nationalities include other European , Asia and Latin American .

  20. 因为那边有上百万的拉丁美洲人。

    B : Because there are millions of Latinos there .

  21. 种族蔑称;对具有拉丁美洲人血统的人的攻击性的的用语。

    Ethnic slur ; offensive terms for persons of Latin American descent .

  22. 人数最多的是说西班牙语的拉丁美洲人。

    The largest groups are Spanish speakers from Latin America .

  23. 有个拉丁美洲人也不会很酷吧。

    It wouid 've been cooi to have a latino .

  24. 美国黑人和拉丁美洲人患有糖尿病的几率是平均水平的两倍。

    African Americans and Latinos are almost twice as likely to develop diabetes .

  25. 这对我们所有的拉丁美洲人,特别是天主教徒而言意义非凡。”纳胡拉说道。

    This is important to all of us Latinos , especially Catholics , " said Najera .

  26. 二月的总统候选人初选情况表明,出席今年11月大选的拉丁美洲人与黑人会很多。

    February 's primary election suggests turnout among both minority groups will be high this November .

  27. 第113届国会也有43名非裔美国人,31个拉丁美洲人,12个亚裔美国人和太平洋岛国人。

    The 113th Congress also includes 43 African-Americans , 31 Latinos , 12 Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders .

  28. 卡门说当她母亲得知她嫁的人不是拉丁美洲人时非常高兴。

    She says her mother was very happy to hear she was not marrying a Latin American .

  29. 在南部,拉丁美洲人仅占人群的一小部分,但是他们确实在那。

    Latinos are a much smaller part of the population in the South , but they are here .

  30. 拉丁美洲人:来自墨西哥或者南美国家,深色皮肤,主要从事舞蹈、音乐和体力劳动。

    Hispanic : from Mexico or South America countries ; dark skin ; dancing , music and hardworking .