
lā jù zhàn
  • seesaw battle
  1. 据信正在进行拉锯战。

    A seesaw battle was believed under way .

  2. 零售市场方面,沈阳的金饰品价格虽然没有大起大落的表现,但在国际金价冲高与节日促销的夹击之下,也偷偷地玩起了“拉锯战”。

    In local jewelry market , retailers are quietly launching a seesaw battle as China National Day is coming in dozens days and the gold price remains at high level although there 's no big up and down .

  3. 就清污的规模和方式,ge与监管机构进行了长达数十年的拉锯战。

    Ge battled with regulators for decades over the scale and shape of the clean-up .

  4. 唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司与美国科技巨头苹果公司,就iPad商标在中国的使用权纠纷已经陷入了长期的诉讼拉锯战。

    Proview Technology ( Shenzhen ) and US technology giant Apple have been tangled in a lengthy dispute over the right to use the iPad trademark in China .

  5. 曾经,英式英语的“honour”一词与美式英语版本的流行度不相上下,由此二词展开了长期的拉锯战。

    For many years , British English maintained its hold on ' honour , " grappling with the American version for years as the two flip-flopped in popularity around the world .

  6. 该领域最大的服务商Spotify陷入了与日本音乐公司的已有两年的版权谈判拉锯战当中。在该国,本土流行乐明星的唱片销量远超西方歌手。

    Spotify , the biggest such player , has been stuck for two years in licensing negotiations with music companies in Japan , where homegrown pop idols by far outsell Western acts .

  7. 中国人民银行(PBoC)昨日还在不到一周内第二次小幅调高银行间市场利率。目前中国央行正与各商业银行在快速放贷问题上展开拉锯战。

    The People 's Bank of China also raised interest rates modestly in the inter-bank market yesterday for the second time in less than a week , as it engages with commercial banks in a tug-of-war over rapid lending .

  8. 事实上,美元正处于一场拉锯战之中,一面是qe3,一面是市场对全球经济增长前景的担忧,结果美元夹在中间,摇摆不定。

    In fact , the dollar is now caught in a tug of war between qe3 on the one hand and fears over global growth on the other , leaving it in limbo .

  9. 与艾滋病的斗争将会是一场旷日持久的拉锯战。

    The fight against AIDS will be a long drawn fight .

  10. 两者之间的这种“拉锯战”可能还将持续一段时间。

    This back and forth is likely to continue for some time .

  11. 自那时起,双方便陷入拉锯战之中。

    Since then , the two sides have been at screwdrivers drawn .

  12. 你经历这些事的感觉就像是在尝试与退出之间的拉锯战。

    You could experience this as a try-versus-quit tug-o-war .

  13. 这就让硅谷成为了这场拉锯战的中心。

    That has put Silicon Valley at the center of a tug of war .

  14. 当你不再能抑制这种冲动,价格拉锯战就正式开始了。

    And when you can hold back no longer , bargaining begins in earnest .

  15. 普瑞斯莉亚:哇,我还是更喜欢我们这种乱战或拉锯战!

    Priscilla : Wow , I think I prefer our knock-down , drag-out fights !

  16. 我认为,拉锯战的可能性大于闪电战。

    I expect it to be more of a tug of war than a blitz .

  17. 一旦挖地洞的蚯蚓被捉住,一场小型的拉锯战就展开了。

    Once a burrowing worm is caught , a tug of war in miniature begins .

  18. 人们相信这种拉锯战正在进行中。

    The seesaw battle is believed underway .

  19. 气候系统的这种拉锯战的冲击影响可能是极难理清解决的。

    The impacts of that tug-of-war on the climate system could be devilishly difficult to untangle .

  20. 就本质而言,美国总统选举是一场自由与公平之间的拉锯战。

    Stripped to their essence , US presidential elections are a tug of war between freedom and equity .

  21. 经济上的决断取舍涉及到消费者和生产厂家在价格上展开的持久拉锯战。

    Choices made in the economy involve a continuous tug of war between consumers and producers over price .

  22. 风险在于,在这场注定恢宏的历史性政策拉锯战中,错误的一方可能占据上风。

    The danger is that the wrong side prevails in what is proving to be an epic and historic policy tug-of-war .

  23. 可以说,整个20世纪的中国现当代文学史,就是一部文学与政治的结盟史,是一部文学与政治之间的双向作拉锯战的历史。

    It can be said that contemporary Chinese literary history throughout the20th century is a history of combining literature with politics .

  24. 一只劈腿的猫咪在惠灵顿的两家人之间引发了数十年之久的拉锯战,两家人都声称这只猫是自家爱宠。

    A two-timing puss has prompted a decade-long tug-of-war between Wellington neighbours , with two families laying claim to their beloved pet .

  25. 这些问题已经引发世界工业国家和发展中国家外交官之间上演长时间的拉锯战。

    These are some of the issues that have sparked a protracted tug-of-war between diplomats representing the world 's industrialized and developing countries .

  26. 周日,这位选美皇后精神不错的出现,还发微博说:拉锯战总能更加激励我!

    And on Sunday , the beauty queen appeared to be in good spirits , Tweeting : A long run always gets me energized !

  27. 有些哲学家甚至说,过去几十年的科学实在论之争,是无奇迹论证和悲观元归纳之间的拉锯战。

    Some philosophers once pointed out , the debate about scientific realism in last few decades can be seen as swinging between No-Miracle Argument and Pessimistic Meta-induction .

  28. 同时还要让塔利班和其他敌人认清形式:尽管可能是拉锯战,但胜利是属于美国的。

    And he had to convince the Taliban and other enemies that America is in the fight to win , even if that means the long haul .

  29. 每当新首相上台,双方就会回到起点,这场拉锯战已经持续了超过十年。

    With each new prime minister , the two sides slide back to square one . The tussle has been going on for more than a decade .

  30. 今天科尔将迎来他成功转会切尔西之后在斯坦福桥球场的处子秀,在赛前,他再一次谈到了他那拉锯战版的转会。

    As the England full-back prepared for his Chelsea debut today following the deal that took him to Stamford bridge , he spoke out about the transfer tug-of-war .