
  • 网络La Plata
  1. 布宜诺斯艾利斯附近的拉普拉塔市(laplata)计划兴建一座新港口,中方参加了港口建设及疏浚作业的投标。

    China is involved in bidding for port and dredging operations in the construction of a new port in the city of La Plata near Buenos Aires .

  2. 阿根廷国立拉普拉塔大学医学院的人文学科教育

    Teaching Humanities at Medical School of National University of La Plata , Argentina

  3. 当乌拉圭计划在拉普拉塔河己方一侧建设一个由芬兰Botnia公司投资的约12亿美元的纸浆厂时,发生了一场与基什内尔总统领导下的阿根廷的激烈争端。

    Uruguay has ridden out a bitter dispute with Mr Kirchner over a $ 1.2 billion cellulose factory on its side of the border river .

  4. 这条小海豚是拉普拉塔海豚海豚,也被称为Franciscana海豚,一般能活到20岁。

    The La Plata dolphin - also known as the Franciscana dolphin can live to be twenty years old .

  5. 上个星期三晚上一个住在拉普拉塔外乡下的居民报警说他听到他家房子后面的田野里有婴儿啼哭的声音。

    A resident of a rural area outside La Plata called police late Wednesday night to say that he had heard the baby crying in a field behind his house .

  6. 210项统一入户调查的结果已被录入拉美和加勒比地区社会经济数据库。该数据库由国际复兴开发银行和阿根廷拉普拉塔国立大学合作建成。

    210 harmonized household surveys are included in the Socio-Economic Database for LAC ( SEDLAC ), a joint effort by the IBRD and the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in Argentina .

  7. 26岁的公关马丁·阿克比想出了这一主意,几年前,他与他的四位朋友在距离阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯51.5公里远的拉普拉塔组织了一场假婚礼。

    The idea was the brainchild of 26-year-old publicist Martin Acerbi , who , a couple of years ago , organised a fake wedding with four of his friends in La Plata , about 32 miles away from Buenos Aires .

  8. 巴西整个海岸,当然还有内陆很大一片区域,即从拉普拉塔到南纬5度的圣罗克海角2000多英里的地理范围内,只要是有坚固岩石的地方,都属于花岗岩地层。

    Throughout the coast of Brazil , and certainly for a considerable space inland from the Rio Plata to Cape St. Roque , lat. 5 ° S. , a distance of more than 2000 geographical miles , wherever solid rock occurs , it belongs to a granitic formation .