
  • 网络MENDOZA;Mendoza, Argentina;Dayana Mendoza
  1. 门多萨在要求获得政治庇护之前一直呆在这里。

    Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum

  2. 美国圣母大学(NotreDame)门多萨商学院(MendozaCollegeofBusiness)的两位管理学教授爱华德•康隆和安特•格拉瓦斯对这一点深信不疑。

    Edward Conlon and ante glavas , two management professors at the Mendoza College of business at Notre Dame , think so .

  3. 这个问题是美国圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)门多萨商学院(MendozaCollegeofBusiness)管理学教授蒂姆西•贾吉进行的一项深入研究项目的核心。

    That 's the question at the core of an exhaustive research project by Timothy Judge , a professor of management at the University of Notre Dame 's Mendoza College of Business .

  4. 门多萨官方称Arturo因年老引发并发症而去世。

    Mendoza officials said the bear died from complications of old age .

  5. 门多萨还表示,NetApp不光以物质奖励的方式来使员工快乐并激励员工。

    Still , Mendoza says NetApp keeps workers happy and inspired in ways beyond just material niceties .

  6. 在本世纪初,门多萨的这种习惯让他指派销售代表乔•桑塔莫雷纳(JoeSantamorena)主管纽约分公司快速壮大的金融销售队伍,尽管桑塔莫雷纳的直接上司们反对这次任命。

    In the early 2000s , the habit led him to put sales rep Joe Santamorena in charge of the New York office 's rapidly expanding financial salesforce , even though his immediate bosses argued against the appointment .

  7. Arturo自从8岁起就在门多萨动物园生活,周日逝世时年近31岁。

    The bear was nearly 31 years old when it died on Sunday and had lived at the Mendoza zoo since age 8 .

  8. 任何员工都可以直接给门多萨写信,告诉他其他员工帮助公司、帮助客户,或实践NetApp文化的举动。

    Any employee can write directly to Mendoza describing how another employee helped the company , helped a customer , or generally exemplified NetApp 's culture .

  9. 劫犯被确认为是55岁的遭解聘的菲律宾警察,门多萨,他带有杀伤力极强的M-16步枪。

    The gunman was the55-year-old police captain Rolando Mendoza who was dismissed , and he was armed with an M-16 assault rifle .

  10. Arturo在门多萨动物园逝世,两年前曾有超过五十万民众联名请愿想把它送到加拿大生活。

    Arturo died in Mendoza Zoo , two years after a petition gathered more than half a million signatures seeking for him to be moved to Canada .

  11. NetApp这一独特文化,大部分应归功于自1994年起为公司服务的现任副董事长汤姆o门多萨。

    The creation of NetApp 's unique culture is largely the work of Tom Mendoza , its current Vice Chairman , who has been with the company since 1994 .

  12. 门多萨承认,跨国企业如何给予[员工]应有的认可仍是一项挑战。NetApp正在推进名为“同一团队(1Team)”的多项企业文化计划,大力宣传公司现行策略。

    Giving recognition where it 's deserved when your organization is international remains a challenge , Mendoza acknowledges , but NetApp keeps pace with " 1 Team , " a mix of cultural initiatives that delivers the company 's ongoing strategy loud and clear .

  13. 例如,2年前开设这一课程的印第安纳州门多萨商学院(MendozaCollege)研究生商务课程的高级主任玛丽戈斯(MaryGoss)称,40%的学生仍是其所属的圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)的毕业生。

    At Mendoza College in Indiana , for example , which started its programme two years ago , 40 per cent of students are still graduates of the parent University of Notre Dame , says Mary Goss , senior director of graduate business programmes .

  14. 员工接到门多萨的来电,都会深感自豪,他们认为这项计划证明了NetApp创造感恩文化的承诺。

    Employees are often filled with pride when they receive a call from Mendoza , and note that the program speaks to NetApp 's commitment to creating a culture of appreciation .

  15. 据《周日人民报》报道,门多萨动物园5个月前曾拒绝将Arturo转移至加拿大温尼伯的阿西尼玻公园动物园,该公园动物园内新建了一个国际北极熊保护中心。

    Mendoza Zoo blocked an effort five months ago to move Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg , Canada - where a new International Polar Bear Conservation Centre is located , reported the Sunday People .

  16. 在大学系统内,与其它学院相比,给商学院命名的阻力要小得多,圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)门多萨商学院(Mendoza)院长CarolynWoo表示,你很少看到艺术和科学学院被命名。

    There 's much less resistance within university systems to having business schools named than with other schools , says Carolyn Woo , dean of the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame . You seldom see colleges of art and sciences being named .

  17. 门多萨动物园认为Arturo忍受不了2天的旅程,且动物园主任古斯塔沃·波诺托表示医委会已经做出了决定,官方力求“避免出现重大失误”。

    The zoo did not believe the bear would survive the two-day trip , with director Gustavo Pronotto saying the medical board had made a decision - and officials were keen to ' avoid a big mistake . "

  18. 马上去把门多萨和格拉汉姆带到观察室来。

    I want Mendoza and Graham in the situation room right away .

  19. 事实上,门多萨不久便名声大振,致使汉弗莱斯与他反目为敌。

    In fact , Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him .

  20. 他主动提出教授门多萨,而年少的门多萨一学就会。

    He offered to train Mendoza and his young pupil was quick to learn .

  21. 随后,门多萨在沙利文号驱逐舰上服役,直到战争结束。

    Mendonsa then served on the USS THE SULLIVANS to the end of the war .

  22. 现在我在门多萨读着大家的留言,好有趣!

    From Mali : I am in Mendoza hostel read your words , so funny .

  23. 门多萨在14岁参加了一场拳击赛后一举成名。

    Mendoza rose to fane swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old .

  24. 门多萨是葡萄酒的国度。在那里葡萄藤蔓延着,生活绝对浪漫。

    Mendoza is wine country , and where vines grow , the living generally qualifies as romantic .

  25. “因此说合并是错误的,”门多萨对《马尼拉标准报》称。

    " So it is wrong to say there was a merger ," Mendoza told the Manila Standard .

  26. 后来,门多萨与汉弗莱斯再次在拳击场上较量,门多萨又输了一场。

    Mendoza met Humphris in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for the second time .

  27. 而默顿教授、汉科克和门多萨已经让很多人认同了他们的事业。

    And Prof Merton , Mr Hancock and Mr Mendoza have already made a striking convert to their cause .

  28. 门多萨挣来大笔大笔的钱,一次出场费就多可达100英镑。

    He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as 100 pounds for a single appearance .

  29. 但是,在注意到桑塔莫雷纳自发地指导经验较浅的销售代表后,门多萨相信他是一位天生的领导者。

    But Mr Mendoza was convinced that Mr Santamorena was a natural leader after observing him spontaneously mentoring less experienced reps .

  30. 埃里克?平托?门多萨驾驶着小船顺马德雷德迪奥斯河而下,在马尔多纳多港享用着啤酒。

    Eric Pinto Mandoza , who drives a canoe down the Madre de Dios River , enjoys a beer in Puerto Maldonado .