
mén bǎ shou
  • door handle;doorknob
  1. 我试了试门把手,结果它转动了。

    I tried the doorknob and it turned .

  2. 他使劲地晃动门把手,响声很大。

    He jiggled the doorknob noisily .

  3. 要漆这扇门,你得把螺丝拧开,缷下门把手。

    You 'll have to unscrew the handles to paint the door .

  4. 我站在那里,紧攥着门把手。

    I stood there , clasping the door handle .

  5. 她轻轻地握住门把手扭动了它。

    Gently , she took hold of the door handle and turned it .

  6. 我转了一下门把手,发现门开着。

    I turned the handle and found the door was open .

  7. 她不得不抓紧门把手,直到那阵疼痛过去。

    She had to cling onto the doorhandle until the pain passed .

  8. 她只好紧紧握住门把手,直到不疼了才松开。

    She had to cling onto the door handle until the pain passed

  9. 我们用手一扭,门把手就掉了下来。

    The door knobs came off in our hands .

  10. 她转动门把手打开了门。

    She twisted the handle and opened the door

  11. 他左手摸索着门把手,转动一下,然后推开门。

    With his left hand he groped for the knob , turned it , and pulled the door open

  12. 他在暗中摸索着找门把手。

    He groped for the door handle in the dark .

  13. 他在黑暗中摸索着找门把手。

    He felt about in the dark for the door handle .

  14. 门把手脱落了。

    The handle of the door has dropped off .

  15. 这项研究由英国消费者杂志《WhichComputing》开展。该杂志让一位微生物学家对伦敦某办公室内的33个电脑键盘,一个马桶座和一个卫生间门把手进行细菌检测。

    A study by British consumer magazine " Which Computing " asked a microbiologist to examine for bugs on33 keyboards in a typical London office , a toilet seat and a toilet door handle .

  16. 并在D.诺曼关于产品的设计模型与用户模型区分的基础上,考察、探索了可用性之于设计的深刻意蕴;进而讨论了门把手的技术设计问题。

    Gipson , explores its implications in design on the basis of D. Norman 's distinguishing between products ' design model and consumer model , afterwards discusses the design of door handles .

  17. 外部事件的影响。《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)杂志曾经对ModelS大加吹捧,但最近该杂志也报道了它的一些常见故障,包括门把手失效,中控触屏白屏,导致车内大部分功能不能使用等等。

    o Outside events can intrude.Consumer Reports , which raved about the Model S , reported a few " quirks " recently that included door handles that failed to activate and a center touch screen that went blank , blocking access to most of the car 's functions .

  18. HBsAg检出率医院和商场门把手无显著性差异,但二者均高于机关办公楼和居民楼,机关办公楼门把手HBsAg检出率高于居民楼。

    The HBsAg detection rate of hospitals and shopping malls door handles has no significant difference but both were higher than office buildings and residential buildings , the office building was higher than residential buildings .

  19. DH传感器,即门把手传感器零部件作为汽车零部件新生的汽车零部件产物,其逐步扩展的市场份额和产品的普遍应用性,说明了该产品不断上升的市场需求和整车厂对于此产品的重视。

    DH sensor as new automotive products , expanding market share and products widely applied , indicating the rising market demand for the products and OEM products for this attention .

  20. 然后,他的审美观逆转了180度,称赞起由鲍豪斯建筑学派(Bauhau)的创始人、德国建筑师沃尔特·格罗佩斯(WalterGropius)设计的一款门把手。但他赞许的方面并不是这款产品的舒适性,而是款式设计的清晰简洁。

    On the other end of the aesthetic spectrum , he praised a door handle designed by the German architect Walter Gropius , the founder of the Bauhaus , not for its sensuality but for its clarity of form .

  21. Setai酒店的地板用现在已拆除的上海新天地弄堂中的狭长黑砖铺成;门把手裹以鲨革;房间内摆放着大量优雅的漆器和有雕饰的几何屏风。

    The floors are paved in narrow black bricks from the now dismantled hutongs in Xintiandi ; the door handles are shagreen ; and there 's an abundance of elegant lacquer and carved geometric screens .

  22. 这仅仅是一个圆柱体与一个立方体的结合,谈及在Katonah建筑五金店找到的这件物品时,他说,这款门把手设计得太经典了,所以我总是一再回来购买。

    It 's a simple intersection of a cylinder and a cube , he said of the piece , which he found at Katonah Architectural Hardware . It 's such a classic , and I always return to it .

  23. 门把手:幸好没事,什么?转动。

    Doorknob : Rather good , what ? Doorknob , turn ?

  24. 她扭转门把手,把门扭开。

    She wrenched at the door-handle and wrenched the door open .

  25. 我叹息着,把手放到了门把手上。

    I sighed and put my hand on the door handle .

  26. 我转动门把手进到屋里。

    I turned the handle of the door and went inside .

  27. 他摇了摇门把手,但是门锁住了。

    He shook at the knob , but the door was locked .

  28. 定期清洁厕所门把手、电灯开关以及马桶。

    Regularly clean door handles , light switches and flushes on loos .

  29. 我转动门把手,但门上了锁。

    I tried the handle , but it was locked .

  30. 从另一个房间里传来门把手转动的声音。

    Sound of a knob turning in the other room .