
qì shì
  • air chamber;gas cell
气室[qì shì]
  1. 基于经验公式的制动气室动态特性分析

    Analysis on Dynamic Characterizations of Brake Air Chamber Based on Empirical Formula

  2. 基于遗传算法的导管-气室系统参数优化研究

    Data Optimization Research of Pipe and Air Chamber System Based on Genetic Algorithm

  3. 一套用于控制CO2浓度的人工气候箱&CDCC-1型密闭式动态CO2气室

    A climatic chamber for controlling CO_2 concentration & CDCC-1 chamber

  4. 中压GIS设备的气室绝缘研究与设计

    Research and design of the gas chamber insulation of GIS equipment with medium voltage

  5. 基于USB接口技术的制动气室自动试验台设计

    The design of test bench with USB for pneumatic braking system

  6. 基于MATLAB的风镐气室压力信号的计算机仿真

    The Computer Simulation of the Gas Cabinet Pressure of the Air Pick Based On MATLAB

  7. 浅谈SF6气体酸度测定在GIS设备故障气室判断上的应用

    Fault chamber judgment for gas insulated switchgears through sulfur hexafluoride acidity test

  8. 笔者采用气体分析技术对一起GIS事故进行了分析、判断,通过检测管技术确定了故障气室;

    A GIS incident is analyzed with gas analysis technology , and the fault chamber is determined by using detecting tube technique .

  9. 定义了气室结构因子Ro。

    The structural factor Ro of a gas cell is defined .

  10. 测定了它们的气室平均输出气流功率随波周期的变化曲线NA-T;

    The air chamber ′ s average output variation curves N A T with wave period T were determined .

  11. 蛋重对C组气室高度的影响明显地大于A组和B组(P<0.05)。

    The effect of egg size on group C was more significant than that on group A and B in the height of air cell ( P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 民乐变1402组合电器~5气室SF6气体水分超标浅析

    High Water Content of SF_6 Gas of No.5 Air Chamber of 1402 Combined Appliance in Minle Substation

  13. 土壤呼吸通量是直接测定从土壤表层释放的CO2通量,测定方法也逐渐由静态气室法向动态气室法完善;

    Soil respiration efflux was the CO_2 evolution process from soil surface , its measuring methods were being improved from static chamber method to dynamic closed chamber method .

  14. 转子风叶的圆周线速度几乎与LV气室喷出的气体速度相同。

    Rotor blades rotate almost same speed of with same circumference speed with injected gas speed from LV pocket .

  15. 因此对SF6封闭式组合电器各气室因内部电弧引起的压力、温度场研究,成为研究的重点。

    Therefore the pressure and temperature distribution in SF6 GIS become the focus of the research .

  16. 基于VOF模型的OWC气室波浪场数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Wave Field in OWC Chamber Using VOF Model

  17. 采用开顶式气室,研究了干旱胁迫下CO2浓度升高对大豆生长状况、光合作用及蒸腾作用的影响。

    Soybean plants grown in open-top chambers were used to study the effects of elevated CO_2 concentration on photosynthesis , transpiration and stoma conductance under drought stress .

  18. 文章以迈克耳逊干涉仪实验为例,通过在实验装置中增设可调压强的气室和CCD图像采集系统,实现对干涉图样的实时观察和气体折射率的较精确测量。

    As an example , a research-type experiment , the measurement of gas ′ refractive index by using Michelson interferometer and CCD system , is designed and putted in practice .

  19. 利用OCT-1型开顶式气室进行不同的CO2浓度处理对冬小麦生长发育影响的诊断试验。

    The diagnostic experiment of impacts of different CO2 concentration treatment on growth and development of winter wheat are made by using OTC-1 open top chambers .

  20. 红外气体传感器采用开放式气室,选用高信噪比的探测器和电调制的MEMS红外光源。

    The infrared gas sensor contains an open-path gas chamber , a high SNR ( signal to noise ratio ) infrared detector , and an electrical modulated MEMS infrared emitter .

  21. 反映PVT时心脏功能降低。气室与胚胎变化不甚明显。

    The mechanism of PVT is not quite clear . The change in spiracle and embryo is not quite apparent .

  22. 最重要的是返回的粗料经过LV气室向下时不要再与含有细粉的气体混合。

    It is important that the rejected coarse material coming down through LV pocket should be feed directly without mixing with gas , which contains the fine material .

  23. 文章对一起110kVSF6气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(GIS)母线分支气室SF6气体微渗事故的缺陷检查、处理过程以及事故原因进行了介绍分析。

    The defect inspection , handling process and the causes of SF_6 micro-leakage fault of bus branch air chamber for 110 kV SF_6 GIS metal enclosed switchgear were introduced .

  24. SF6GIS设备在电力系统中的应用越来越广泛,建立运行中的GIS设备故障气室判断的有效检测手段和方法,对此类电气设备进行高效维护和检修显得尤其重要。

    With the increasingly wide use of sulfur hexafluoride ( SF_ 6 ) gas insulated switchgears ( GIS ) in power system , it has become extremely important to establish an effective judging means for fault chambers of operating GIS and realize efficient maintenance and repair .

  25. 通过Morlet连续小波变换,详细分析压气机失稳过程中非定常信号的变化,并研究旋转失速初始扰动信号在处理机匣气室中的局部行为。

    With the Morlet wavelet transform , the time-evolution of the unsteady signals during the stall inception and the local behavior in the casing treatment plenum are investigated .

  26. 该方法用LED16做光源,结构简单、成本低廉,配上专门设计的气室,响应度较高的探测器,以及以DSP为核心的数据处理电路,研制出了实用的甲烷气体传感器。

    The practical methane gas sensor is developed with LED16 as light source , the special gas cell , high response detector and data-pro-cessing circuit used DSP a.

  27. 利用土壤探头法和密闭气室法相结合,就黄土高原旱地土壤玉米生长期灌溉和降水对N2O气态损失的影响进行了研究;

    By using soil bores and closed chamber methods , field experiments were carried out in the semiarid area of dry land to study the effects of irrigation and rainfall on the N2O loses .

  28. 汕尾市100kW波力电站空气透平与气室匹配设计

    Match-design of the air turbine and air chamber of Shanwei 100 kW Wave Power Station

  29. 运用开顶式气室(OTC-1)研究了O3胁迫对原位条件下冬小麦叶片的光合色素、脂质过氧化和抗氧化系统的影响。

    Effects of ozone on chlorophyll content and Lipid peroxidation and anti-oxidation system in the in situ leaves of winter wheat in an open-top chamber ( OTC-1 ) .

  30. 针对OTC-1型开顶式气室的物理性能进行了评价,结果表明:在不同CO2浓度下,CO2送入量控制稳定,气室内CO2浓度的水平和垂直分布均匀。

    The physical performance of OTC-1 open top chamber is evaluated . The results show that the control of the input CO2 is stable and the horizontal and vertical distribution of CO2 density in the chamber is homogeneous when CO2 density is different .