
qì xiànɡ tái zhàn
  • meteorological station;meteorological observatory
  1. 利用GoogleEarth调查气象台站环境

    Use Google Earth Software to Survey the Environment of Meteorological Station

  2. 利用植被与大气相互作用模式(AVIM),基于气象台站的观测资料模拟了1971&2000年中国陆地生态系统NPP的变化特征。

    Based on the meteorological station data we used an Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Model ( AVIM ) that has been validated at regional and global scales to estimate the NPP ( net primary production ) variation of Chinese terrestrial ecosystems from 1971 to 2000 and its responses to the climate change .

  3. 基于GIS的中国地面气象台站网

    The establishment of national surface meteorology station networks based on GIS

  4. 利用GoogleEarth软件进行气象台站观测环境调查评估

    Using Google earth to investigate and valuate the observation condition of weather station

  5. 利用NOAA卫星数据及地面气象台站观测资料,建立了积雪深度遥感反演模型;

    NOAA satellite digital images and observed climatic data were used with a monitoring model to simulate snow depth .

  6. 搜集河北省气象台站降雨数据应用SPSS和ARCGIS地统计软件对其进行分析与模拟。

    The station precipitation in Hebei Province was obtained and analyzed and modeled with SPSS and ARCGIS .

  7. 在1:25万地形数据和气象台站40年气候资料的基础上,建立了气候因子与空间数据的DEM模型;

    On the bases of 1:250 thousand topography data and meteorological information of 40 years from meteorological station , establishes DEM models of meteorological factor and space data ;

  8. 利用青藏高原及其周边地区75个地面气象台站的云量日均值资料,采用正交经验函数(EOF)和线性倾向估计等方法,分析了高原地区1971-2004年总云量的时空变化特征。

    With EOF and trend analysis method adopted , the spatiotemporal variation of total cloud amount is analyzed for75 stations over the Plateau during the period of1971-2004 .

  9. 尝试利用NOAA/AVHRRFvc(FractionalVegetationCover)指数结合新疆近20年50个气象台站的气候资料,研究了新疆绿洲-荒漠生态景观的对气候变化可能响应。

    Combined with 20 years climate data sets form 50 stations and using the NOAA / AVHRR FVC ( Fractional vegetation cover ) data to study the possible effects of climatic change on the oasis-desert regional landscape in Xinjiang .

  10. 各级气象台站可以很方便地通过宽带Internet网WinSock协议进入数据处理中心,按照自己的要求调用全省紫外线强度历史和实时资料,为本地紫外线预报提供有力的科学依据和手段。

    The differently graded meteorological stations can visit the data center freely by the Internet WinSock protocol to get the historic and real UV intensity data of the province according to their own needs . The monitoring technology provides important scientific bases and method so to improve local UV forecasting .

  11. 本文利用671个气象台站的温度资料和大量植被资料,采用吉良的温暖指数(WI)作为温度气候指标,研究了我国湿润地区植被的分布与温度气候的关系。

    Relationships between distribution of vegetation and thermal climate under a humid climatic condition were studied using Kira 's warmth index ( WI ) as an indicator and based on temperature records from 671 meteorological stations and vegetation data .

  12. 本研究基于1951~2002年中国约730个气象台站观测数据,利用空间插值和Mann-Kendall时间序列趋势分析方法并结合GIS技术,分析了过去50多年中国降水量的时空变化特征。

    In this study , we analyzed the spatio-temporal patterns of precipitation in China during 1951 to 2002 by using spatial spline interpolation method and Mann-Kendall trend test , also with the support of GIS , based on measurements at about 730 meteorological stations nationally .

  13. 根据沿海地区气象台站预报服务的需求,对MICAPS系统的资料处理功能进行修改扩充,实现对气旋加密观测报的有效快速处理,满足业务服务需要。

    For the requirement of forecast service of littoral meteorological observatories , we extend the data processing function of MICAPS system treating quickly with added typhoon messages .

  14. 降水天气预报一直是各级气象台站工作的主要内容,如何能充分利用T106数值预报产品,制作更及时、准确的天气预报是气象工作者多年来探讨的主要课题之一。

    It 's one of essential research projects for meteorologists to approach for many years that how to use fully T106 NWP products to make more timely and accurate weather forecast .

  15. 利用我国新疆阿勒泰地区1996~1997年两次雪灾期间的NOAA卫星数据及地面气象台站观测资料,建立了积雪深度遥感反演模型;

    In this paper , a monitoring model of snow depth was built based on the 4 scenes of NOAA satellite digital images under sunshiny condition and the corresponding ground observation data from 20 meteorological stations during 2 snow disasters from 1996 to 1997 in North Xinjiang .

  16. 通过江河源区分布的5个气象台站有关气温与降水的多年数据,分析了近40a来江河源区的气候变化特征。

    Based on precipitation and temperature data obtained from the five meteorological stations in the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers , the features of climate change in the recent 40 a are studied .

  17. 浅谈气象台站规划及其规划图测绘

    Programme of meteorological observatory and the survey of programme graph

  18. 基层气象台站公共气象服务体系构建研究

    Meteorological Stations the Grass-roots System of Meteorological Services to Build Public Research

  19. 气象台站数据分析、著录应用系统的介绍

    The application system of data analysis and works recording in the meteorological observatory

  20. 气象台站网设计的探讨

    An approaching on the planning of Meteorological Station Networks

  21. 云南气象台站迁址造成的气候突变分析

    The analysis of abrupt climate change caused by meteorological stations moving in Yunnan

  22. 用地统计学方法内插气象台站资料预报林火发生

    Forecast of Forest Fire Occurrence by Interpolating Meteorological Station Data Using Geostatistics Method

  23. 基层气象台站防雷问题浅析及其解决方法

    Problem and Solution of Lightning Protection of Weather Stations

  24. 第十二条未经依法批准,任何组织或者个人不得迁移气象台站;

    Article 12 No organizations or individuals may relocate meteorological offices or stations without legal approval .

  25. 在大时间尺度上,气温和降水基本处于相对高值,气温有逐渐增加趋势,部分气象台站的降水有减少趋势;

    Meanwhile , temperature had an increasing trend while some meteorological stations ' precipitation was gradually decreasing .

  26. 气象台站历史沿革信息及其对观测资料序列均一性影响的初步分析

    Preliminary analyses of the information on Meteorological Station historical evolution and its impacts on homogeneity of observational records

  27. 气象台站搬迁在某种程度上会影响观测数据的连续性和一致性,特别对于气候变化分析工作,更要求数据的历史延续性。

    The transferences of stations would effect the consistency and continuity of observations , especially for climate change analysis .

  28. 气象台站应当及时无偿提供实施人工影响天气作业所需的气象探测资料、情报、预报。

    The meteorological observatory and stations shall timely provide the free aerological sounding data , information and prediction for the weather modification operation .

  29. 新疆地广人稀,地面气象台站稀少,卫星遥感大面积探测大气可降水量的时空分布和变化特征是目前唯一快速和有效的方法。

    Remote sensing is the only fast and effective method to detect the temporal , spatial distribution and variation characteristics of atmosphere precipitable water .

  30. 利用气象台站常规资料的欧氏距离指标估算梨园冠层露情规范不变重质量阿贝尔场中的反常效应

    Estimating the Dew Duration in Pear Tree Canopy Using Mathematical Distance Method and Standard Weather Station Data EFFECT OF ANOMALY ON MASSIVE GAUGE-INVARIANT ABEL FIELD