
  • 网络ANCHORAGE;anc
  1. 他们会用铁路把药从安克雷奇运到内纳那。

    They would have the medicine sent by rail from Anchorage to Nenana .

  2. 然而,最近的补给是在1000英里以外的安克雷奇。

    However , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away , in Anchorage .

  3. SamSiewert博士是阿拉斯加大学安克雷奇分校计算机科学与工程系的一位助理教授。

    Dr. Sam Siewert is an assistant professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department at the University of Alaska Anchorage .

  4. 星期五,CNN报道一位搭乘捷蓝航空公司(JetBlue)飞机的旅客在从安克雷奇飞往俄勒冈州波特兰的途中站起身来向坐在前排和周围的旅客身上小便。

    On Friday , CNN reported that a JetBlue passenger en route from Anchorage to Portland , Ore. , stood up and urinated on passengers sitting in front of him and others around him .

  5. 就在昨天,安克雷奇的市民给她举办了欢送会。

    Just yesterday folks in Anchorage held this farewell picnic for her .

  6. 坐飞机返回到安克雷奇,我仍无法克制地想起那个行乞者。

    Flying back to Anchorage , I couldn 't help thinking of him .

  7. 因为约珥在安克雷奇市中心的发现,灰熊生意日益兴隆。

    As Joel discovers in downtown Anchorage , the bear business is booming .

  8. 明天,比赛将在安克雷奇以北50英里的地方正式开始。

    The official start will be tomorrow about 50 miles north of Anchorage .

  9. 此航班直接飞往安克雷奇。

    The plane flies directly to anchorage .

  10. 事实上,芝加哥、圣路易斯和亚特兰大都比安克雷奇,阿拉斯加要冷的多。

    In fact , Chicago , St. Louis and Atlanta are all colder than Anchorage , Alaska .

  11. 安克雷奇的贫民施舍处每天都要救助上千的阿拉斯加饥民。

    Bean 's Cafe , the soup kitchen in Anchorage , feeds hundreds of hungry Alaskans every day .

  12. 为了我的那份钱,我会自己把她拖回安克雷奇。

    For my share of what she 's worth , I 'd drag her back to anchorage myself .

  13. 所以在像美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇的这些学校,教学会遇到相当大的困难。

    And when you come from a completely different country and are speaking English for the first time the challenges are even greater .

  14. 这是一个虎头蛇尾,至少可以说,当我们在去年达到了安克雷奇机场为我们的航班。

    It was an anticlimax , to say the least , when we at last reached the Anchorage airport for our flight home .

  15. 例如,查洛·格林女士2014年是阿拉斯加州安克雷奇市一家电视新闻节目的记者。

    For example , in 2014 a woman named Charlo Greene was a reporter on a news television show in Anchorage , Alaska .

  16. 美国人在北冰洋石油钻探方面裹足不前,这让住在阿拉斯加州安克雷奇的俄国人觉得好笑&俄国国内对此相当乐观。

    The Russian in anchorage was amused by American gridlock in the Arctic because it was so different from the bullish attitude back home .

  17. 美国阿拉斯加州南部港口城市安克雷奇动物园的工作人员们正在安装一台重1.6万磅(7.3吨)的巨型跑步机,用来帮助一头孤独的大象在阿拉斯加漫长而寒冷的冬季保持“身材”。

    Anchorage zookeepers are installing a16,000-pound ( 7.3-ton ) treadmill to keep an isolated elephant from getting fat during the long , cold Alaskan winters .

  18. 克拉克湖国家公园坐落在安克雷奇西南一百英里处,是自然爱好者的天堂。

    NO.1 Lake Clark National Park and Preservation , Alaska Lake Clark National Park sits 100 miles southwest of Anchorage and is a nature-enthusiast 's heaven .

  19. 如果你真的想搭乘航班离开这里,所有到阿拉斯加的安克雷奇市的航班实际上都是在登机状态。

    If you really want to get out of here and get away from it all the flight to Anchorage , Alaska , is actually boarding .

  20. 安克雷奇市和美国全国各地的批评家们强烈要求动物园把麦吉送到气候更温暖的动物保护区去,不要在这个靠近北极的动物园过冬。

    Critics from Anchorage and around the nation have urged the zoo to send Maggie to an elephant sanctuary in a warmer climate and away from the near-Arctic zoo .

  21. 研究人员从700只鸟身上抽取了血样,这些鸟分布在北极圈北纬67度的阿拉斯加安克雷奇市,费尔班克斯市以及一个称作“Coldfoot”的卡车停车场周边。

    Researchers took blood from nearly 700 birds around Anchorage , Fairbanks and a truck stop called Coldfoot , Alaska , above the Arctic Circle at 67 degrees north latitude .

  22. 阿拉斯加州安克雷奇&星期一,联邦官员说他们还要几星期的时间才能决定,是否北极熊在全球变暖影响下需要列入濒危物种保护法的保护范围。

    ANCHORAGE , Alaska-Federal officials said Monday that they will need a few more weeks to decide whether polar bears need protection under the Endangered Species Act because of global warming .

  23. 在阿拉斯加的最大城市安克雷奇,2014年的气温从未低于华氏零度(或摄氏零下18度),在该市101年的气温记录中,这是首次。

    The temperature in Anchorage , Alaska 's largest city , never fell below zero in 2014 , the first time that has happened in 101 years of record-keeping for the city .

  24. 冰川湾是喜欢冒险的旅客必须要去的地方。从安克雷奇到冰川湾的旅途中,你可以看到无数的海鸟、水獭、熊、甚至是座头鲸。

    A must-see stop on any adventurous traveler 's itinerary , a trip from Anchorage to Glacier Bay on Carnival Alaska will include sightings of numerous seabirds , otters , bears and even humpback whales .

  25. 在1995年,美国园艺作家协会在安克雷奇举办了年会,在研究了安克雷奇的模式后,“为比恩施粥所种一排蔬果”的计划被演变成了“为饥民种一排蔬果”。

    In1995 , the Garden Writers Association of America held their annual convention in Anchorage and after learning of Anchorage 's program , Plant a Row for Bean 's became Plant a Row For The Hungry .

  26. 我提到了我曾参与过圣地亚哥的一场政治选举中,我现在的老板正想进入安克雷奇的议会,这让他对我很感兴趣,这一步我走的很对。

    I mentioned that I 'd worked on a political campaign in San Diego . My current boss is running for office in Anchorage , which sparked his interest in me . It was a lucky move that paid off .

  27. 在一次官方的公共天气预报讨论中,正在因为政府关闭而无偿工作的安克雷奇国家气象局工作人员发布了一串被编码的信息,要求政府请发工资。

    In an official public forecast discussion , the Anchorage National Weather Service office whose employees are working without knowledge of when they will be paid during the ongoing Federal shutdown - encoded this secret message : Please pay us .