
qì xiànɡ jú
  • weather bureau
  1. 气象局每天报告天气状况。

    The weather bureau makes daily reports on weather conditions .

  2. 气象局预测将有地震。

    The weather bureau predicts that there will be an earthquake .

  3. 美国国家气象局报道说在伊利诺伊州出现了几次龙卷风。

    The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois .

  4. 1898年到1933年期间,美国气象局利用盒式风筝来收集气象数据。

    From 1898 until 1933 , the United States Weather Bureauused box kites to collect weather data .

  5. 酋长随即要求族人捡更多的木柴,然后再次给国家气象局打电话:“你肯定吗?”

    The chief tells his people to gather even more firewood , then calls the Weather Service again : " Are you sure ? "

  6. 英国气象局的研究人员利用气候模型分析了创记录的气温,这些模型能模拟全球气候在受到化石燃料排放物影响以及未受到它影响时的情况。

    Met Office researchers have now analysed the record-breaking temperatures , using climate models that can simulate the world with or without the impact of fossil fuel emissions2 .

  7. 通过查看过去三百年英格兰地区的气温记录,英国气象局得出了这一结论:在英国工业革命以前,像2018年这样炎热的夏天是非常罕见的。

    By looking at records of temperatures in England that date back three hundred years , the Met Office was able to say that summers as warm as 2018 were very rare before the Industrial Revolution .

  8. 广东省气象局表示,2017年第13号台风“天鸽”周三中午在珠海市登陆,台风中心风速达到45米每秒。

    Hato , the 13th typhoon this year , landed at noon Wednesday in Zhuhai City , south China 's Guangdong Province , bringing gales of 45 meters per second at its eye , according to local meteorological authorities .

  9. 尽管一些人可能会欢迎英国有更多炎热的夏季,但英国气象局的研究人员说这并不是什么好消息,尤其是对于身体脆弱的老年人、农民和在室外工作的人们来说更是如此。

    And while some people might welcome the idea of having more hot summers in the UK , Met Office researchers said it was not good news , especially for vulnerable elderly people , for farmers , and for those who work outdoors .

  10. 根据美国国家气象局的数据,地球上每年发生的闪电次数可达近2000万次,雷雨过程中闪电可行进10到12英里(16到19公里),瞬间让空气升温华氏5万度。

    The Earth is struck by lightning nearly 20 million times each year , and bolts of lightning can travel as much as 10 to 12 miles from a thunderstorm , instantly heating the air to 50000 degrees Fahrenheit6 , according to the National Weather Service .

  11. 职位:英国气象局(metoffice)气候科学部主任

    Position : Director of climate science , Met Office

  12. 尽管如此,包括美国国家气象局(USNationalWeatherService)在内的主要天气预测机构都预计,未来一个月美国中西部的天气将较以往平均水平炎热和干燥。

    Nonetheless , leading forecasters including the US National Weather Service expect the Midwest to see hotter and drier conditions than average over the next month .

  13. 中国气象局(ChinaMeteorologicalAdministration)确认,事发地点当时记录到了风力12级以上的龙卷风。

    The China Meteorological Center confirmed that a tornado with winds of more than 90kph had been recorded in the area at the time .

  14. 为了洪水预报,瑞典国家水文气象局开发了HBV水文预报模型及与之相集成的软件系统。

    Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute developed HBV hydrological forecast model and an integrative system based on flood forecast .

  15. 英国气象局(UKMeteorologicalOffice)科学家表示,人类活动致全球变暖的证据在过去一年里变得更充足了。

    The evidence for man-made global warming has become even stronger over the past year , according to scientists at the UK Meteorological Office .

  16. n.来临气象局对飓风的来临做了充分的警告。

    advent The Weather Bureau gave adequate warning of the advent of the hurricane .

  17. .美国国家气象局(nationalweatherservice)表示,周三,南部的密西西比州和阿拉巴马州部分地区遭遇了接近150场龙卷风袭击。

    Death Toll From US Tornados Rises to at Least 292 The National Weather Service says about 150 tornados tore through parts the southern states of Mississippi and Alabama on Wednesday .

  18. 该研究的第一作者PeterCox是英国埃克塞斯大学教授、英国气象局气候系统动力学主任。

    Lead author Peter Cox holds the Met Office chair in Climate System Dynamics at the University of Exeter , UK .

  19. 中国气象局VSAT卫星通信系统

    China Meteorological Administration 's VSAT Satellite Communication System

  20. 本研究利用MODIS数据,分析植被水与同期降水、土壤相对湿度之间的关系,结合中国气象局灾情报告,对利用植被水做干旱监测的可能性做出了初步探讨,并对监测结果的精度进行评价。

    Using the MODIS data , this research analyses the relation between the vegetation water and rainfall / relative water humidity .

  21. 我与米切尔会面前一周,英国气象局被迫为其“烧烤夏季”(barbecuesummer)的新闻稿进行了辩护这证明哪怕只是进行季节性预测也很困难。

    The week before I met Mitchell , the Met Office was forced to defend its " barbecue summer " press release proving the difficulty of making even seasonal predictions .

  22. 过去一年,英国气象局(MetOffice)下属的一个国际研究小组分析了100多篇科学论文,以更新IPCC在2007年推出的最新一份评估报告。

    An international research team led by the UK Met Office spent the past year analysing more than 100 recent scientific papers to update the last IPCC assessment , released in 2007 .

  23. 屡遭非议但往往判断准确的英国气象局(metoffice)指出,鉴于下一个厄尔尼诺事件显然正在酝酿中,并将与人为的气候变化构成叠加效应,2010年很可能打破1998年的纪录。

    With another El Nio apparently developing now and superimposing its effect on man-made climate change it is more likely than not that 2010 will beat the 1998 record , according to the much-maligned but often accurate UK met office .

  24. 叙述了中国气象局VSAT卫星通信系统(92101程)的总体结构和布局、主要功能、配置以及对外服务的方式。

    The architecture , layout , functions and configuration of China Meteorological Adiministration 's ( CMA ) VSAT Satellite Communication System are described .

  25. 在已观测到的气候变化的诸多不同方面,都已经发现人类活动影响的特征,英国气象局哈德利气候研究中心(HadleyCentreforClimateResearch)气候监测主任彼得斯托特(PeterStott)表示。

    The fingerprint of human influence has been detected in many different aspects of observed climate changes , said Peter Stott , head of climate monitoring at the Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Research .

  26. 官方的新华社称,天津市气象局和中海油(CNOOC)已开始试用这台新型超级计算机。

    Xinhua , the official news agency , said the Tianjin Meteorological Bureau and the National Offshore Oil Corporation had both started trials with the new computer .

  27. 对中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所业务化运行的沙尘模式&GRAPESSDM的业务化过程、预报效果及其预报中发现的现象进行了总结。

    The operational flow , prediction effects and some problems occurring in the prediction of GRAPES_SDM which is running in IAM are summarized .

  28. 如清单10所示,我可以使用curl命令从美国国家气象局了解我所在位置(纽约州布法罗市)的当前天气状况。

    As shown in Listing 10 , I can use the curl command to access the current local conditions of the National Weather Service for my location ( Buffalo , NY ) .

  29. 利用中国气象局出版的1949&1994年台风年鉴资料,在大量普查的基础上,定义进入30°N以北、125°E以西热带气旋为影响我国北方的热带气旋。

    The typhoon year book data ( 1949-1994 ) are used to analyse the tropical cyclone . First , the tropical cyclones entered in north of 30 ° N and west of 125 ° E are defined as the influencing the northern China tropical cyclones .

  30. 采用国家气象局整编的1960-2000年黄河流域97个气象站点的系列资料和Kriging插值方法,对黄河流域降水时空结构及其变化特征进行了分析。

    Based on the series climate data of 97 meteorological stations in the Yellow River Basin from 1960 to 2000 compiled by the China Meteorological Administration , the spatial and temporal structure of precipitation in the Yellow River Basin was analyzed , by using Kriging method .