
  • 网络gas giant
  1. 该行星属于一类“热木星”,跟太阳系中的气态巨星&木星类似,但达到了极高的温度,因为它们在很近的距离上围绕其恒星旋转。

    It is a'hot Jupiter'type , similar to the gas giant Jupiter in our solar system but reaching scorching temperatures because they orbit so closely to their stars .

  2. 这个编号为hat-p-1的天体是迄今发现的最大气态巨星。

    The object , dubbed hat-p-1 , is the biggest gaseous giant yet discovered .

  3. 与木星和土星等气态巨星相比,地球的大气层稀薄,因为太阳的热和光除去了氢气等较轻的气体。

    Compared with gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn , Earth 's atmosphere is thin and tenuous , because the Sun 's heat and light havestripped away lighter gases like hydrogen .