
  • 网络Gas liquefaction;GTL
  1. 一种可应用于气体液化的脉冲管制冷系统

    A new pulse tube refrigeration system applied : to gas liquefaction

  2. 他尤以研究低温下物质的性质著称于世,在验证范德瓦尔斯气体理论、改进和发展气体液化的实验技术、特别是深入认识低温下的流体和金属的物理性质方面作出了重大贡献。

    He made great contributions in testing and verifying van der Waals ' gas theory , improving and developing the experimental techniques of gas liquefaction , and especially in deeply understanding the physical properties of fluids and metals at very low temperature .

  3. 空气或其他气体液化器集团侧重于设计和提供热氧化焚烧技术处理废气和液体工艺物流。

    The group specialises in the design and supply of thermal oxidation / incineration technology for the treatment of waste gas and liquid process streams .

  4. 本文讨论了一种可适用于气体液化的新型脉冲管制冷系统:在该系统中,回热器被间壁式换热器所取代。

    This paper discusses a new pulse tube refrigeration system that can be applied togas-liquefaction , in which the regenerator is replaced with recuperative heat exchanger .

  5. 结合250t/d液化装置的工艺设备平面布置、管道布置及职业安全卫生要求,提出了空分气体液化装置工程设计中应注意的问题。

    The paper puts forward some problems needing attention during the engineering design of liquefaction plant s specific for gases produced by air separation on the basis of the layout of the process equipment associated with 250t / d liquefaction plant and piping arrangement and professional safety and hygiene .

  6. SF6断路器运行中气体低温液化解决方案

    Solution to Gas Low-temperature Liquefaction in Operation of SF_6 Circuit Breakers

  7. 炼厂气胺法脱硫设计优化问题探讨炼油厂气体和液化气脱除硫化氢采用的胺法脱硫工艺,普遍存在胺液中热稳定性盐(HSS)的积聚。

    Amine sweetening process was normally used to remove hydrogen sulfide from refinery gas and LPG , one of the problems was the accumulation of byproducts called heat-stable salts ( HSS ) formed in the amine solution .

  8. 炼油厂气体及液化气脱硫工艺的探讨

    Probe into Desulphurization Process of Refining Gas and Liquid Petroleum Gas

  9. 铜制容器,用于装压缩气体或液化气体

    Cryogenic storage vessel container , copper , for compressed or liquefied gas

  10. 装压缩气体或液化气体用的铝制容器。

    Aluminium containers for compressed or liquefied gas .

  11. 民用压缩气体或液化气体气瓶库与周围建(构)筑物安全间距探讨

    Probe of safety distance-spacing between gas steel-bottle storehouse of civil compressed gas or LPG and building around one

  12. 铁或钢制容器,无论是否焊接,各种容量,用于运输或储存压缩气体或液化气体

    Container , of iron or steel , whether or not welded , of any capacity , for the transport of storage of compressed or liquefied gases

  13. SF6气体的低温液化或泄露将造成气体密度的下降,必然导致断路器的灭弧和绝缘性能的降低,所以对电气设备中SF6气体密度及湿度的监测就显得尤为重要。

    If the SF_6 fluidify in the low temperature circumstance or let out , the gas density will decline inevitably , it will be certain to reduce the capabilities of insulation and arc eradication .

  14. 它来自被岩浆加热的地下水,并和热的气体一起从液化的岩石中释放出来。

    It came from ground water , heated by magma , which joined with hot gases released from the liquefied rock itself .

  15. 气体分馏装置原料液化石油气(LPG)中有机硫化物形态复杂,考察分析工业装置精丙烯硫化物含量变化难度大。

    It 's very difficult to investigate the content variation of sulfide in fine propene since the state of organic sulfide in gas fractionation unit feedstock ( LPG ) was very complex .

  16. 中国石油某石化分公司气体分馏装置处理液化气量400kt/a,是新扩建的3Mt/a重油催化装置的重要组成部分。

    One gas fractionation unit of certain petrochemical company of CNPC has a liquefied gas processing capacity of 400 kt / a. It is an Important Part of the newly expanded 3 Mt / a heavy oil catalytic unit .

  17. 液化气体运输的当事人通过内河罐装液化气体运输方式将液化气体运送至燃气紧缺的地区,有效的解决了长期以来我国东部发达城市能源缺乏的问题。

    Canned goods by inland transport modes will be delivered to gas shortage of liquefied area by Liquefied gas of the transportation of the party . The problems are effectively solved in the eastern of Chinese long-developed cities .

  18. 为了回收利用这些有价值的气体,将上述气体改排入民用液化石油气系统或催化裂化装置气压机入口。

    In order to recover these valuable gases , they are now exhausted to civil LPG system or the gas compressor inlet of FCC unit .

  19. 除了有资格的压缩气体生产商外,不能重新灌装压缩气体钢瓶。液化压缩气体可以装在多种容器里。

    Compressed gas cylinders should not be refilled except by qualified producers of compressed gases . Liquefied compressed gases come in a variety of containers .

  20. 采用混合气体作冷却与绝缘介质可以综合解决SF6气体的散热和液化问题。

    Applying gas mixtures as the insulating and cooling medium can comprehensively solve the problems of heat dissipation and liquefaction of SF 6 gas .