
  • 网络Faraday cage;Faraday's Cage
  1. 利用法拉第笼和脑电波监测仪器,科臣雪夫斯基发现,当对人体周围的磁场做出调整时,实验者的а脑波产生了重复性的变化。

    Using a Faraday cage and EEG monitor , Kirschvink observed reproducible changes in human alpha brain waves when adjustments were made to the magnetic field around them .

  2. 法拉第笼是较为常见的事物,远远比你所知的要多。

    Faraday cages are far more common entities than you might realize .

  3. 使用法拉第笼是另一个可以减少EMC引起问题的不错机制。

    Using a Faraday 's cage is another good mechanism for reducing the problems caused by EMC .