
fǎ shū
  • model calligraphy;your honorable penmanship
法书 [fǎ shū]
  • (1) [model calligraphy]∶有高度艺术性的可以做为书法典范的字

  • (2) [your honorable penmanship]∶敬辞,称对方写的字

法书[fǎ shū]
  1. 日本书法艺术的形成和发展与中国法书的传入有相当直接的渊源关系。

    The formation and development of Japanese calligraphy had quite direct relation with the spreading of the Chinese model calligraphy .

  2. 中国法书对日本书法的影响

    Influence on Japanese Calligraphy of the Chinese Model Calligraphy

  3. 没有(别的)一法书比这一本更受高中生的。

    No grammar book is more popular than this one with senior high school students .

  4. 对以中缀表示法书写的表达式进行语法分析时,需要用括号和优先规则排除多义性。

    When parsing expressions written in infix notation , you need parentheses and precedence rules to remove ambiguity .

  5. 项氏法书鉴藏是董其昌在书法艺术方面得以成功的转折点。

    The collection of the calligraphy in Xiangs'family is the successful turning point of DONG Qi-chang 's study of calligraphy .

  6. 当对一个低等级目标释放增益法书的时候,会自动选择合适的法术等级。

    When casting a buff on a low level target , the appropriate rank of the buff will be automatically be applied .

  7. 嘉兴项氏家族是一个有着良好传统的封建大家族,其法书鉴藏是家族多年在政治、经济、文化方面长期积累的结果。

    The family background offered the offspring advantage for calligraphy research . We can say that Xiang 's calligraphy collection is the result of the family 's long time accumulation on politics , economy and culture .