
zhān bǔ zhě
  • soothsayer;diviner;fortune-teller
  1. 为什么不去叫一个占卜者来解释我的梦呢?

    Why not get a diviner to expound my dream ?

  2. 美国宇航局的月球勘测轨道飞行器利用“占卜者”仪器探测永久阴影环形山的底部世界。

    Nasa 's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has used its Diviner instrument to probe the insides of permanently shadowed craters on Earth 's satellite .

  3. 村里的一个占卜者说,我会找到一把剑。

    A soothsayer in my village says I 'll find a sword .

  4. 当然,在美国政治系统内也有类似的“占卜者”。

    There are tea-leaf readers in the American system too , of course .

  5. 而杓也为中国古代的占卜者们指明了方向,助其走向内心的和谐与安宁。

    the ladles would point the direction to inner harmony for ancient Chinese soothsayers .

  6. 你可以在占卜者那里读到它,也同样在你宗教的基督圣经里。

    You can read that in Nostradamus , and also in your religious Christian scriptures .

  7. 危地马拉人算命时眼睛盯着占卜者的左腿:如果右腿的肌肉颤动,那就表示前途光明。

    People in Guatemala watched their soothsayer 's left leg ; if the right leg muscles twitched , the future looked bright .

  8. 占卜者首先在龟壳或者一片肩胛骨上钻洞,然后将其置于火上炙烤。

    The divination performer first drilled holes on tortoise shell or a piece of bull scapula , then put it over fire .

  9. 因为受热,龟壳或骨头会不规则的裂开,占卜者以此来解读这些裂纹为好的征兆或者不详之兆。

    Since the shell or bone would crack irregularly under heat , the diviner could supposedly interpret these cracks as good or bad omen .

  10. 不可去探询亡魂,亦不可寻问占卜者,而为他们所玷污:我,上主是你们的天主。

    Go not aside after wizards , neither ask any thing of soothsayers , to be defiled by them : I am the Lord your God .

  11. 他们遇到了一位占卜者,她只说了一句“从现在起,珍惜每一分钟”,然后一滴泪珠从占卜者面庞滑落。

    They came to a fortune teller and she just said " Treasure every moment from now on . " and a tear rolled down the fortune teller 's cheek .

  12. 这位占卜者跟预言中国地震并劝我不要去的是同一个人我非常相信她说的是真的!

    This fortune came from the same woman who predicted the earthquake when I was about to go to china and warned me not to go . I truly believe that she is telling the truth !

  13. 若有人去求问亡魂和占卜者,跟随他们行邪法,我必板起脸来与这人作对,将他由民间铲除。

    The soul that shall go aside after magicians , and soothsayers , and shall commit fornication with them , I will set my face against that soul , and destroy it out of the midst of its people .

  14. 占卜者非常熟悉醋的防腐效果,在疫病流行时大量使用它们。我将尊重被占卜者有随时拒绝或终止塔罗的解读,即使是对方已事先同意。

    Nostradamus was well acquainted with the antiseptic quality of vinegar and used it a great deal in case of epidemic . I will respect my clients ' right to refuse or terminate their reading at any time , regardless of prior consent .