
jí lù
  • compile;collect;edit
辑录 [jí lù]
  • [compile;collect;edit] 把相关的资料加以收集、整理成书

辑录[jí lù]
  1. 首先要辑录和复原契约文书的内容。

    We must first compile the content of contract documents .

  2. 第一章对隋文的结集与流传情况进行了整理和辑录。

    . The first chapter of a collection of essays on the Sui Dynasty and spread carried out to collate and compile .

  3. 这本书辑录了他对那位女演员的回忆。

    The book is a collection of his reminiscences about the actress .

  4. 这个集子辑录了已故作家的所有信件。

    All the letters of the late writer are compiled in this collection .

  5. 备注:人命伤亡及财物损毁数据是根据报章报导辑录而成。

    Note : casualties and damage figures were compiled from press reports .

  6. 现存《司空表圣诗集》,系由后人三次辑录而成。

    The present Sikong Biaosheng Shiji has been compiled three times by later generations .

  7. 少数民族题材电影座谈会专家发言辑录

    A Symposium on Minority Nationality Films

  8. 他对《诗经》的资料辑录,是其有目的地进行学术史研究的基础。

    His work of collecting data about the Book of Songs was the foundation of academic history study .

  9. 本文辑录抗日战争时期途经贵州的文教界人士对贵阳和贵州重要交通线上的城镇之观感。

    Guiyang and Guizhou in the eyes of visitors from other provinces during the period of Anti-Japanese War ;

  10. 从目录的辑录体出发,结合《经籍考》,说明了辑录体的定义、义与影响。

    The author also introduces the definition , significance and influence on the style of the compilation of catalogues .

  11. 日用类书是宋元明清时期在地方社会广泛流传的一种书籍,这类书籍里所辑录的内容丰富,词状文书就是其中十分重要的内容。

    Daily books circulated widely in the local society from Song to Qing dynasty , which is rich in content .

  12. 我国道教宫观文化的研究与发展&辑录道教宫观文化研究论文题录有感

    The Taoist Temple Culture Researches And Development In Our Country & Some Impressions of Recording the Thesis Index of Taoist Temple culture Researches

  13. 为便于使用,组织可考虑编制并保持一份文档概要,用于:辑录环境方针;

    For ease of use , the organization can consider organizing and maintaining a summary of the documentation to collate the environmental policy ;

  14. 张家山汉简中的《二年律令》和《奏谳书》是西汉初年的法律辑录。

    The Two-year Laws and Decrees and in Zhangjiashan bamboo slips of Han Dynasty is the collection of codes of the early Western Hart .

  15. 这些水利纠纷案件主要是从《陕西水利月刊》中辑录出来的,少数来源于碑刻资料、人文笔记中的记载。

    The disputes are mainly chosen from Shaanxi Water Resources Monthly and a few from the records of the inscription references and the notes .

  16. 指出历史有感地震的确认必须考证,在考证基础上先编,目录尔后辑录简目。

    It is pointed out that to confirm felt historical earthquakes must be textual research first , then compiling catalog based on textual research and simple catalog .

  17. 墓志录文的校勘和辑录是墓志研究的两项基础工作,本论文主要对洛阳出土北魏墓志的录文进行校勘和辑录。

    This article , which is composed of amending and compiling , is mainly carries on to the texts of Northern Wei Dynasty epitaphs unearthed in Luoyang .

  18. 第十章通过辑录时事小说所涉及的新闻史资料、评述时事小说在信息传播中的作用来显示时事小说的新闻史价值。

    Chapter X demonstrates the value of news history of the Current Events Novels by collecting their news data and commentary their function on diffusion of news .

  19. 现存的《沈约集》为后人辑录而成,对其开展专题性研究将会对汉语史研究提供许多重要的结论。

    Case study on the present Works of Shen Yue , compiled by later generations , will draw many important conclusions benefiting the study on Chinese language history .

  20. 马端临的《文献通考。经籍考》是一部目录学著作,书中体现了辑录体的编撰方法。

    Comprehensive Textual Research of Historical Documents by Ma Duan-lin is a very famous book about the theory of bibliography which reflects compiling methods of the style of compilation .

  21. 这一派文学理论和文学实践中呈现了异常明显的现代性特征,而且顺应着近现代中国新文化想像与建构的思维路向,因此被文学史家作了大量的辑录、书写与铺陈。

    The works and literary theories of this school not only embodies the distinct spirit of " modernity ", but also conform to the mainstream to construct modern Chinese culture .

  22. 从考察版本到辨认字体,从辑录评语到总结其中所蕴含的文学思想,加之笔者学历浅薄,难度可想而知。

    From the prome version to identify the font , compiled from reviews to summing up the literature which contains ideas , combined with my qualifications shallow , difficult to imagine .

  23. 清代谢元淮辑录编订的《碎金词谱》是目前所存“唐宋词调”曲谱数量最多的一部独立的词乐乐谱集。

    Suijin CiPu edited by Xie Yuanhuai in the Qing Dynasty is an independent tune book in which he picked up as much the Tang and Song Tunes as possible existing .

  24. 本文论述了姚名达关于编目的思想,主要论述了编目的八点宗旨、四种提要(叙录体、注释体、传录体和辑录体提要),主题标引的五原则等。

    This article summarizes the primary views on bibliography coming from Yao Mingda , which include eight purposes of catalogue , four kinds of abstracts , and five principles of subject heading .

  25. 它辑录了北宋末年宋和金互相往来的国书以及金灭辽、破宋,建立了楚、齐傀儡政权的文件。

    It excerpts many documents including the credential between Song and Jin at the end of north Song Dynasty and the Jin perished the Liao , destroyed the Song , and founded a puppet state of Qi and Chu .

  26. 叙述了建筑管线进行综合布设的必要性、技术方法和要点,并从现行设计规范和施工验收规范中辑录了管线布设的部分相关规定。

    In this article , the author states necessities , technical methods and key points of comprehensive wiring of building pipelines , and introduces some relevant rules of pipeline wiring from some current design regulations and construction check and acceptance standards .

  27. 书中辑录了大量前代和当时的文献,也提出作者的心得和见解,是明代重要的农业科学巨著。

    A great num-ber of reference books written before or at the time were recorded h Non , gzheng Quanshu , and the understandings and perspectives of the author presented.It was a great agricultural work of special importance in the Ming Dynasty .

  28. 二是隋代文章在流传的过程中亡佚甚多。对于隋代结集的辑录有利于探清隋代创作的原貌,以便客观的评价隋文的创作情况。

    Second , the Sui Dynasty prose works in the process of circulating a lot lost . Compiled for the Sui Dynasty in favor of collective exploration of the Sui-ching of the original creative prose in order to assess objectively the situation in Sui creative prose .
