
  • 网络ancient chinese characters
  1. 一个痴迷古汉字的高中毕业生

    A high school graduate who is keen on ancient Chinese characters

  2. 但无论做什么工作,他对于古汉字的热爱未减分毫。

    Whatever he did , his love of ancient Chinese characters had never changed .

  3. 囧:古汉字,音jiong,几千年前指'光透过窗户'的意思(与该字形状类似)。

    This is an ancient Chinese character , pronounced jiong , used to mean " light shining through a window " several thousand years ago ( kind of what the character itself looks like ), among other things .

  4. 利用细胞神经网络识别古汉字(Ⅱ)

    The Recognition of Ancient Chinese Characters Using Cellular Neural Networks (ⅱ)

  5. 建立信息交换用古汉字编码字符集的必要性及可行性

    Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing " Sets of Classical Chinese Characters "

  6. 古汉字同源分化研究

    The Study on the Cognate Derivation of Ancient Chinese Characters

  7. 论古汉字构形变化的规律

    The Regular about ancient Chinese Character Form Changing

  8. 浅谈我国古汉字的绘画艺术美论融诗词于酒、茶包装装潢设计之中

    On Mixing the Artistic Conception of Ancient Chinese Poetry into the Package Design of Liquor and Tea

  9. 因为现代汉字在形体上已与古汉字有较大变异。

    Because modern Chinese characters in the form of ancient Chinese characters has been a greater variation .

  10. 所有这些付出都是源于他对学习古汉字的热情。

    All of this attributed to Cai Wei ` s strong enthusiasm for studying ancient Chinese characters .

  11. 在这过程中,汉字经历了古汉字、今汉字两大类型阶段。

    During this process , Chinese characters go through two stages : the ancient and the present .

  12. 古汉字与滇川黔桂彝文同义比较研究

    Study on the Synonymy Comparison of Ancient Chinese and Yi Characters of Dian 、 Chuan 、 Qian 、 Gui

  13. 古汉字使用整体性音借方式,而圣书字使用分析性音借方式。

    The ancient Chinese writing applies a holistic borrowing pattern , while Egyptian hieroglyphic applies an analytical borrowing pattern .

  14. 我国古代字典是人们查找古汉字、阅读古代文献的重要工具书。

    Chinese ancient dictionaries are important reference books for people to index ancient Chinese characters and read ancient literature .

  15. 而正是蔡伟对于学习古汉字的执着,使他得蒙垂青。

    While it was Cai Wei ` s resolution on the study of ancient Chinese language that let him become appreciated .

  16. 早在2008年,那时还是三轮车夫的蔡伟就已经在古汉字研究上小有成就。

    In 2008 , Cai Wei who was working as a pedicab driver had already gained some accomplishments on ancient Chinese study .

  17. 中国更是苦恼:汉字数以万计,使用古汉字和稀有汉字的名字会给计算机输入带来很大麻烦。

    Chinese face a particular difficulty : their language has tens of thousands of characters , but a name that uses archaic or rare ones can mean computer problems .

  18. 古汉字形体最早期的创造是得到结绳和刻契地启发的,至于记事的图画,则可能就是早期汉字的前身。

    The earliest of ancient Chinese characters to create a rope and be inspired carved deed , as notes of the picture , you may be the predecessor of the early Chinese .

  19. 古汉字和古埃及圣书字都在人类文明早期独立地实现了完全记录语言的目标,成为成熟文字。

    The ancient Chinese writing and the Egyptian Hieroglyphic are both mature writing systems . They have both independently achieved the goal of recording language fully in the early period of human civilization .

  20. 文章通过一系列有关的甲骨文形义关系的分析研究,描述了由古汉字文化具象所反映出来的殷、周田猎之种种情况;

    Through a series of studies on the form and meaning of the oracle bone scripture , this paper gives a general description on the Yin and Zhou Dynasties ' hunting culture as reflected by the ancient characters .

  21. 古汉字和古埃及圣书字中,表意方式都是文字系统的基础,它产生最早,具有直觉自然性,积淀着古老的历史文化。

    The method of recording word meaning is the foundation of both ancient Chinese writing and Egyptian writing . They are created early in the writing history , intuitive and natural , and embody rich culture of ancient civilization .

  22. 因而对古汉字同源分化的深入研究,不仅可以揭示古汉字演化的某些规律,而且对文字学的理论建设有积极意义。

    By means of focusing on the deep analysis of the cognate derivation in Ancient Chinese Character , this paper shows great significance to the revelation of some rules in its evolution as well as to the theoretical construction of Chinese philology .

  23. 把人体的美与古文化的汉字结合,创造出美丽的意境画面。

    The body of ancient culture , beauty and character , creating a beautiful mood picture .