
  1. 论古典文献学与现代文献学的交融

    On the Blending of the Classical Documentation and the Modern Documentation

  2. 孔子在中国古典文献学史上的地位和作用

    The Role of Confucius in the History of Ancient Chinese Documentation

  3. 论古典文献学的结构模式及其意义

    The Comment on Structural Mode and Meaning of Classical Philology

  4. 对纳入的现代文献资料进行总结分析,并结合古典文献进行讨论。

    All the selected modern literatures were summarized combining with classical literatures .

  5. 古籍版本学;古典文献学;晋代。

    Study of ancient books edition ; Ancient philology ; Jin Dynasty .

  6. 编辑语文素质与古典文献传承之危机

    Crises in Chinese Quality of Editors and Carrying on the Classical Literature

  7. 计算机古典文献的查询与获取(上)

    On Seeking and Accessing Computer Classical Literature ( I )

  8. 古典文献整理研究与当代意识

    Research Into Ancient Chinese Literature and Modern Consciousness

  9. 试论中国古典文献的英译

    On the English Translation of Ancient Chinese Works

  10. 海纳百川,有容乃大&启功先生与中国古典文献学

    Sir Qi - gong and Classical Chinese Bibliography

  11. 继承与创新兼备的文献学佳作&评《古典文献学》

    Inheritance and innovation of both ancient literature masterpiece of comments " Classical Literature ";

  12. 论古典文献数字化

    Study on Digitalization of Classical Documents

  13. 创立整理古典文献的方法和传统。

    This paper reviews the contribution of Confucius to the techniques and tradition of Chinese documentation .

  14. 随着专科文献学著作的不断出现,历史文献学的专科文献学性质和地位逐渐形成定局。代表整个中国传统文献学的任务已由中国古典文献学接替了。

    The mission representing the entire chinese traditional philology has been replaced by the Chinese classical philology .

  15. 无论是西方古典文献还是中国古代史书,都彻底否定了这一点。

    Both the west classical data and Chinese ancient history books are completely negative in this point .

  16. 西方人对中国文化有着浓厚兴趣,有的竟迷上了中国古典文献。

    Westerners have great interest in the Chinese culture and some are even fascinated by ancient Chinese works .

  17. 而这些文献整理工作的成果也为古典文献的保存和利用作出了相当大的贡献。

    And the achievements of these literature sortings also make considerable contribution to the preservation and perfection of classical literature .

  18. 本文是以古典文献和考古发掘资料为基础、对古希腊狄奥尼索斯崇拜这一宗教现象所作的一项专题研究。

    This thesis attempts to study the cult of Dionysus in ancient Greece , based on available ancient literature and archaeological materials .

  19. 本书的另外一个方面也许同样会遭到批评,那就是对本书所参考的中国古典文献的运用和解释方面。

    Another aspect of the book is also open to criticism : the use and interpretation of references to classical Chinese literature .

  20. 热门文献数据重复等问题。解决这些问题的关键在于建立公共古典文献数据库和开发个性化文献检索服务系统两个方面。

    The key of solving these problems included two aspects , forming public classical document data base and developing document retrieval service system .

  21. 希腊古典文献和考古材料一般只保存了神谕问询中的较为重要的问题,如政治、军事等。

    Only the important enquiries had been recorded in the classical literature and archaeological evidence such as politics , military and so on .

  22. 本论文把中国古典文献定义为中国古代一切有价值的文字资料,包括中国古代文言散文和中国古代韵文。

    This paper defines ancient Chinese works as all valuable character information in ancient China , including ancient Chinese prose and ancient Chinese verse .

  23. 即使有少量文章也主要是对古典文献中记载保存的材料进行研究。

    Even if there have a few articles also are mainly records preserved to the classical literature in the material to conduct the research .

  24. 唱和文献是我国古典文献的一个重要组成部分,严格意义上的唱和文献直到唐代才出现,并在唐宋两代逐步发展繁荣起来。

    Existent responsorial literature , in a strict sense , came into being only in Tang Dynasty and prospered in Tang and Song Dynasties .

  25. 钱氏诠释著作中表现出单边、双边(多边)及理象式诠释原则以及中国古典文献的解释方法。

    QIAN Zhongshu 's hermeneutic works display unilateral , bilateral ( multilateral ) and reason-shape hermeneutic principles and the explanation methods of Chinese classic literature .

  26. 从中国古典文献学研究领域来说,北朝墓志具有十分重要的文献价值、地位与意义。

    The Northern Dynasties ' Epitaphs have very important literature value , high status and great significance in the field of Chinese classical bibliography research .

  27. 古典文献与实际调查表明,南京江宁与曹雪芹家族及《红楼梦》创作有着密切关系。

    Classical bibliography and practical investigation show that Jiangning in Nanjing has a close relationship with Cao 's family and the creation of A Dream of Red Mansions .

  28. 同时,古典文献数字化也带来了古籍整理与出版的新革命。

    And at the same time , the digitalization of classical documents will lead to a new revolution in the field of classical documents ' arranging and publishing .

  29. 欧阳修对考古研究也做了贡献,编辑了《集古录》,这本书涵盖了从周至唐的古典文献。

    He contributed to archaeological study and compiled Jigulu ( " The Collection of Antiques " ) , which covers classical documents from the Zhou to the Tang dynasties .

  30. 中国古典文献学与历史文献学的对比分析两种目录的比对&日文社科文献互补关系的调查

    The Comparative Analysis on Chinese Classical Philology and Historical Philology The comparison between two catalog systems & Investigation of the supplementary relationship between Chinese documents and Japanese documents of social science