
  • 网络Discordia
  1. 兄弟之间不睦是不近人情的。

    It is unnatural for brothers to be at variance .

  2. 合伙人不睦的现象似乎在高科技产业尤其普遍。

    Dysfunctional partnerships seem to be particularly common in high-tech industries .

  3. 这个泼妇总是与邻人不睦。

    The shrew was always at enmity with her neighbors .

  4. 哇,似乎你的婚姻关系相当不睦呀。

    Wow , that sounds like you have a rather dysfunctional marriage .

  5. 美国与巴基斯坦关系不睦已有一段时间。

    US-Pakistani relations have been fraying for some time .

  6. 她与他不睦。

    She doesn 't fit in with him .

  7. 以及你父亲的婚姻不睦

    and your father 's marital woes .

  8. 我的猫与狗极不睦。

    My cat hates dogs .

  9. 由于与表兄弟不睦,皮耶希出走保时捷,一开始他去了奥迪,后来又去了大众。

    Tension with his cousins led to his exit and a career first at Audi , then at VW .

  10. 该国与乌兹别克斯坦长期不睦,今年以来该国与吉尔吉斯斯坦边境地区发生了一些小冲突,制造了紧张局势。

    It has a long-running feud with Uzbekistan , and skirmishes this year have also created tension on the Kyrgyz border .

  11. 舍瓦被传与蓝军主教练穆里尼奥关系不睦,但他却对这为葡萄牙战术大师做出了很高的评价。

    Shevchenko is rumoured to have an uneasy relationship with Blues boss Jose Mourinho , but he had words of praise for the Portuguese tactician .

  12. 箴29:22好气的人挑启争端.暴怒的人、多多犯罪。挑拨离间,使不睦,引起争吵

    An angry man stirs up strife , And a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression . set persons by the ears : cause persons to quarrel

  13. 典型的弗洛伊德理论认为,口欲滞留的原因有很多,诸如:喂食不足或喂食过盛、哺乳时间过长、或与母亲关系不睦。

    Typical to Freudian theories , oral fixation is linked to myriad causes , such as under-feeding or over-feeding , breast-feeding too long , or problematic relationship with your mother .

  14. 亚历山大大帝和波斯王大流士不睦的原因,是亚历山大不肯遵守父亲的诺言,向大流士贡献金蛋。

    The quarrel between Alexander the Great and Darius , the Persian king , originated in Alexander 's refusing to pay the tribute of golden eggs to which his father had agreed .

  15. 希腊与土耳其两国在历史上有着很深的矛盾。进入现代以来,两国又因为塞浦路斯问题和爱琴海争端而长期不睦,数次走到战争的边缘。

    Greek-turkey relations have been in deep contradiction for such a long time in history that stepping into new century , they were also inflicted by the Cyprus problem and Aegean Sea issues and even went into the edge of war .