
  • 网络Principles of Criminal Law;Criminal law principles
  1. 因此,同居相为隐这一古代刑法原则的形成与确立有其历史必然性。

    So the principle is destined to generate and establish .

  2. 三是刑法原则与规范之间的诸多冲突。

    Thirdly , there are quite a few conflicts between the principles and stipulations within the criminal laws .

  3. 在一定程度上,礼治表现出尊重人的主体性及人的生命的人文主义特征和某种近代刑法原则的意味。

    To some extent ," Rule of Li " showed the characteristic of humanism of respecting human being and life .

  4. 尤其在讨论时,以一个与以往不同的视角,即罪名体系来探讨西周的核心法制思想与刑法原则。

    Especially in discussion , it studies the most important legal thought in the aspect of the system of the accusation .

  5. 提出罪刑法原则虽然在我国已经法典化,但原有的价值观念还可能以其它方式或途径在刑事立法与司法中复活。

    Crime Law Rule has been placed into the Code , but the original Value Conception will survive in criminal legislation and judicature .

  6. 其中学术分歧集中在注重刑法原则、倾向刑法规定和执行利益等方面。

    Which focus on academic differences is pay attention to principles of criminal law , tendency criminal law , executive benefits and so on .

  7. 笔者同意在判定非法占为已有时,应坚持占有行为说,按照主客观相一致的刑法原则加以认定。

    The writer agrees with the judgment that the already illegal possession should adhere to the " appropriation ", according to the subjective and objective consistent principle .

  8. 本文以“责任能力与实行行为同时存在”这一传统刑法原则为线索对原因自由行为理论进行探讨。

    The authors explore the theory of action liberal in cause with traditional principle of criminal law the capacity for responsibity coexist with the action as its cue .

  9. 本文用横向比较与纵向比较的研究方法试图系统探讨近代刑法原则对《大清新刑律》的影响。

    Using the comparative researching method in landscape orientation and portrait , this dissertation tries to discuss that how the modern criminal principles influenced the New Criminal Code of Qing Dynasty .

  10. 我国罚金刑种类所存在的问题主要是无限额罚金刑所占的比例过高,与罪刑法定的刑法原则存在实质性的冲突。

    Our country fine punishment type exists the question is mainly the proportion which the non-quota fine punishment occupies is excessively high , decides the criminal law principle with the crime criminal law to have the substantive conflict .

  11. 严打与刑法基本原则的体现

    Strike Hard and Reflection of Basic Principle of Criminal Law

  12. 刑法基本原则的困惑与解读

    Puzzlement and Comment on the Basic Principle of Criminal Law

  13. 论公司资本制度刑法保护原则

    Principles in Protection to Company 's Assets by Criminal Law

  14. 刑法平等原则辨析

    Analyses on the Principle of Equality Before Criminal Law

  15. 刑事自由裁量权与刑法基本原则关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship Between Discretion and the Fundamental Principles of Criminal Law

  16. 论刑法平等原则的理论基础

    The Theory of the Criminal Equality Principle

  17. 对新刑法基本原则的理性思考

    Reflections on the New Criminal Law s

  18. 比较而言,必减原则体现了罪刑均衡的刑法基本原则。

    In contrast , the principle of certain reduction has balanced the basic principles of criminal law .

  19. 建议在立法上完善刑法基本原则体系,增加刑法基本原则的例外规定。

    The system of basic principles of criminal law should be completed and exceptions should be provided .

  20. 原因自由行为理论是西方一个颇具争论的问题,它对传统刑法理论原则具有补充和完善的作用。

    The theory of the free behavior by reason is a very controversial problem in the western legal field .

  21. 作为现代刑法基本原则的罪责刑相适应的内容并不是一成不变的,而具有鲜明的时代特征。

    As the basic principles of modern criminal law , suiting punishment to crime suites to the characteristics of the times .

  22. 惩办职务犯罪适用从重原则与刑法平等原则之关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Giving Heavier Punishment on Crimes by Taking Advantage of Duty and the Doctrine of Equality in Criminal Law

  23. 价值观念的变迁对刑法基本原则的影响&论罪刑法定主义面临的挑战和应对

    Impact of the Changes of Value Concept on the Principles of Criminal Law & Challenges Facing the Principle of Legality and Countermeasures Concerned

  24. 它的实施取得了一定的效果,但却与刑法的原则、刑罚的目的发生了一定的冲突。

    Its implementation gained certain effect , but conflicted with the principles of criminal law and the aim of punishment to a certain degree .

  25. 二是预备犯与刑法谦抑原则的冲突,并对个人自由构成了不应有的威胁;

    (ⅱ) The preparation of a crime is in conflict with the economical principle of criminal law , and unnecessarily endangers the personal freedom ;

  26. 在价值层面反映为法条竞合适用原则与刑法基本原则可能存在冲突,罪刑法定原则与罪刑相当原则哪一个应优先适用。

    The conflict between the basic principles of criminal law and the applicable principle of enactments overlapping is the most part of value aspect .

  27. 刑法平等原则与罪刑法定原则、罪责刑相适应原则之间是什么关系。

    What relationship is between the equality before criminal law with the principle of legally prescribed punishment and the principle of suiting responsibility and punishment to crime .

  28. 刑法基本原则拷问&试论法律面前人人平等不适为刑法的基本原则

    Questioning the Basic Criminal Law Principle & On " All People Are Equal before the Law " Is not Appropriate to the Basic Principle of Criminal Law

  29. 它的设立,不仅反映出罪刑法定原则在我国刑法中明确得到确认,而且为我国开展教育犯罪的研究,提供了理论依据和探索空间。

    In the process of establishing socialist country under the principle of the rule of law , it is urgent to develop presumption of innocence in our country .

  30. 刑法谦抑原则在日本及欧陆诸国刑法理论中受到高度重视,其基本内容包括刑法的补充性、片断性和宽容性。

    The modesty principle is paid more attention in criminal law theory of Japan and European countries , It , s basic content are Complementatrity , incompletion and tolerance .