
xínɡ shì zé rèn nián línɡ
  • age for criminal responsibility
  1. 略论中国古代刑事责任年龄制度

    On the System of Age for Criminal Responsibility in Ancient China

  2. 我国刑法对刑事责任年龄规定的立法缺陷与完善

    Legislative Defects and Perfection of the Provisions of the Criminal Law of China on Age for Criminal Responsibility

  3. 同时,修正案将谋杀等严重犯罪行为的刑事责任年龄降低至12岁。刑法修正案规定,

    The amendment also lowers the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 12 for severe crimes such as murder .

  4. 规定刑事责任年龄的上限。

    Third , regulate the upper limit age of criminal responsibility .

  5. 刑事责任年龄制度研究

    The Research on the System of Age of Criminal Responsibility

  6. 相对负刑事责任年龄适用问题研究

    Research on Application of Age for Relative Criminal Responsibility

  7. 刑事责任年龄认定存在的问题及对策研究

    A Study on the Problems in Determining Age of Criminal Responsibility and Countermeasures

  8. 由此,刑事责任年龄制度得以确立。

    From then on , System of age of criminal responsibility had been established .

  9. 论新刑法中相对负刑事责任年龄规定的适用

    On Applying the Provisions of Relative Criminal Liability Age in the New Criminal Code

  10. 对中外刑事责任年龄阶段的划分进行了比较分析。

    This paper compares the age divide of the criminal responsibility both at home and abroad .

  11. 主要有降低刑事责任年龄的依据以及对最低刑事责任年龄进行立法设计。

    One is the basis for lowering the age of criminal responsibility and the other one is legislative design .

  12. 完善我国刑事责任年龄的相关立法,意义重大而深远。

    It is of great and profound significance to improve relative lawmaking on age of criminal responsibility of China .

  13. 刑事责任年龄制度是在国家和刑事法律制度产生后相当一段时期内,随着主观归罪原则的出现才得以确立。

    It was established long after the foundation of a country and penal statute system with the emergence of subjective responsibility-belonging system .

  14. 本文通过对97刑法第17条第2款规定的八类行为的具体分析来探讨相对刑事责任年龄人的定罪问题。

    This article discusses the eight categories of behavior which come form paragraph 2 , article 17 of the 97 Criminal Code .

  15. 论相对刑事责任年龄人在绑架杀人犯罪中的刑法适用&兼谈刑法第十七条第二款的立法根据

    On the Application of Criminal Law to the Person with Relevant Age of Criminal Responsibility in the Crime of Kidnapping and Killing People

  16. 刑事责任年龄作为决定自然人是否承担刑事责任以及影响刑事责任的大小、刑罚轻重程度的重要因素,在刑法理论体系中占有一席之地。

    The study on legislative problems of relative criminal responsibility has marked significance , due as the problem of legislation for relative criminal responsible age .

  17. 包容加重犯的立法具有利于实现罪刑均衡、便于司法操作等重要意义,但也存在如何适用相对负刑事责任年龄条款、绝对确定的死刑等一些问题。

    The legislation of contained and aggravated crime has important meaning which is balance between crime and punishment and is advantageous for the judicial operation .

  18. 1997年新刑法把相对刑事责任年龄的范围从原来规定的5种犯罪扩大为8种犯罪,并对立法用语做出多方面的修改。

    New criminal law promulgated in 1997 changed corresponding criminal responsibility age from former 5 kinds to 8 ones , and revised legislative phraseology in many spheres .

  19. 我曾与某人就刑事责任年龄发生分歧,她坚信刑事责任年龄应从10岁升至16岁,甚至到18岁。

    I once had an argument with someone who passionately believed that the age of criminal responsibility should be raised from ten to 16 , even 18 .

  20. 本罪的主体是一般主体,即已满16周岁达到刑事责任年龄的自然人;

    The subject of the crime is general subject who is natural person who is older than 16 years of age and reaches the age for criminal responsibility .

  21. 相对刑事责任年龄的人犯罪,承担刑事责任能力与其年龄密切相关。

    When the person at the relative age of relative criminal responsibility commits a crime , his ability of taking criminal responsibility is closely related to his age .

  22. 浅议唐律中的刑事责任年龄第三章论述州县官在司法活动中的刑事责任。州县官在司法活动中有犯罪行为,依律应当治罪的,应负刑事责任。

    A brief analysis of criminal responsibility ages in the Law of Tang Dynasty Chapter 3 is involved with the criminal responsibility of the magistrates in judicatory activities .

  23. 《刑法》第17条第2款规定了相对负刑事责任年龄阶段的人对八种犯罪负刑事责任。

    The 2nd item of the 17th article in the " Criminal Law " defines that persons of assuming relatively criminal liability age are criminally responsible for eight kinds of offences .

  24. 而共同犯罪中相对刑事责任年龄人的定罪问题,笔者认为可与其他具有完全刑事责任能力的共犯定不同的罪名。

    While the relative age of criminal responsibility in the joint criminal convictions of people problems , the author thinks we can have full criminal responsibility with other accomplices set a different charge .

  25. 关于刑事责任年龄问题,未成年人适用刑罚的问题,未成年人刑事诉讼程序问题的思考,应建立起科学、有效的未成年人刑事法律制度。

    Thinking about those problems & age of criminal duty , application of underage criminal penalty , underage criminal litigation procedure , We must set up a scientific , effective underage criminal law system .

  26. 随着社会的发展,未成年人犯罪低龄化问题日渐突出,当初设定的十四岁最低刑事责任年龄不再符合现在的国情;2、关于相对刑事责任年龄。

    With the development of society , the problem of juvenile delinquency have become increasingly prominent younger age , had set the minimum liability age of fourteen years old no longer meet the present situation .

  27. 1997年10月1日中国新刑法典开始实施,其中刑法典第17条对中国自然人犯罪主体的刑事责任年龄作了规定。

    The new punishment code of our country began to be enforced on October 1, 1997.The 17th provision stipulates the age of responsibility for a crime as natural person 's subject of crime of our country .

  28. 我国刑法关于刑事责任年龄的相关制度,至今仍然沿用三十多年前的相关规定,不满十四周岁的未成年人完全不负刑事责任。

    In our Criminal Law , we still have being used the provisions about the age of criminal responsibility which was established thirty years ago . Minors under fourteen years are the absolute non-criminal responsibility age person .

  29. 传统的刑事责任年龄定义存在着概念过窄等诸多缺陷,不但不利于司法实践工作,也不利于我国刑事责任年龄立法的完善。

    The traditional criminal responsibility age definition has many flaws such as the excessively narrow concept , which does not favor not only the judicial practice work , also consummation of our country 's criminal responsibility age legislation .

  30. 笔者倾向于对刑法第20条第3款的规定采取如刑法第17条第2款对于年满14周岁不满16周岁的刑事责任年龄的列举方式,将其具体化。

    I tend to the Criminal Law Article 20 , paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code to take as Article 17 , paragraph 2 , for at least 14 years of age is under 16 years of age of criminal responsibility in the manner outlined its practice .