
yī bān zhǔ tǐ
  • general subject
  1. 在本文中,主张如下:本罪主体为一般主体而不是特殊主体;

    The subject of the crime is general subject but not special subject .

  2. 本罪的主体是一般主体;

    The subject of the crime is general subject ;

  3. 罪过形式是故意;主体为一般主体。

    Its form is intention and its subject is a general one .

  4. 抢夺罪的主体是一般主体。

    The subject of this crime is general object .

  5. 泄露国家秘密罪的犯罪主体应是一般主体;

    The subject of the crime of betraying state secrets is general person ;

  6. 其犯罪主体为一般主体;

    The criminal subject is the common person .

  7. 从市场经济的一般主体来看,通常认为有三个经济主体:政府、企业和居民。

    Government , business and household are the three principal parts of market economy .

  8. 比如认为保险诈骗犯罪主体应规定为一般主体;

    For example , the crime subjects of insurance defrauding should be stipulated as general subjects ;

  9. 主体是投保人、被保险人或受益人,也有人认为是一般主体。

    Subject of this is the insured or beneficiary while someone else thinks it is general subject .

  10. 这些思想和观点可以集中归结为三个方面:关于一般主体的思想;

    These thought and views can be summed up hi three aspects : Thought about general subject ;

  11. 犯罪主体应是一般主体,仅包括直接驾驶机动车辆的人员。

    The subject of crime should be general , which only includes the direct driving motor vehicle personnel .

  12. 寻衅滋事罪的主体是一般主体,单位不能成为本罪主体。

    The subject is the general subject , which means the units cannot be the subject of crime .

  13. 给出了一般主体意义下的三种认识复杂性度量和主体间性意义下的认识复杂性的三种分析。

    And three cognitive complexity measurements in general subject and three kinds of analysis in intersubject were presented .

  14. 本人认为:重大环境污染事故罪的主体为一般主体;

    In my opinion , the subject of the accident crime of great environmental pollution is a general subject ;

  15. 一般主体论是论文的逻辑起点,主要是讨论一些主体的基本理论问题。

    The general subject discusses is the paper logical beginning , which is mainly discusses some subject elementary theory questions .

  16. 在主体方面,笔者认为危险驾驶罪的主体是一般主体。

    On the subject aspect , the author believes that the subject of the crime of dangerous driving is general subject .

  17. 本罪主体为一般主体,在主观方面表现为故意,而对国有档案的明知只要求有盖然性认识即可。

    The subject of the crime is general subject with deliberate intent , while awareness of state-owned archives only requires general acknowledgement .

  18. 本罪的客体是司法机关的正常治动,主观方面是故意,主体是一般主体。

    Its object is the normal activities of judicial organs , and its subjectivity is intention . Meanwhile , its subject is general one .

  19. 二是理解性学习的主体即学生,其表现为一般主体性和独特的理解属性的结合。

    Second , the subject of learning for understanding is student . It is represented by integrated of their general subject and specific understanding factor .

  20. 绑架罪的犯罪主体,是一般主体。即已满16周岁,具有刑事责任能力的自然人。

    The subject of kidnapping is general subject , which means natural person who has attained the age of 16 and has capacity for criminal responsibility .

  21. 只要求一般主体,不要求行为人的先前的交通肇事行为构成犯罪。

    The criminal subject is the common person . The troublemaker who did not offend the crime of causing traffic casualty before may offend the crime .

  22. 本罪犯罪主体为一般主体,并且既要打击非法送的人,又要打击非法治的人。

    The crime subject is the general subject , and not only the " send " should be punished , but also the illegal " treat " .

  23. 其犯罪主体是一般主体,包括自然人和单位,不包括其上游犯罪主体;

    The subject of the crime is a general one , including natural person and unit , except for the subject of the original crimes of the crime .

  24. 本罪的主体是一般主体,即已满16周岁达到刑事责任年龄的自然人;

    The subject of the crime is general subject who is natural person who is older than 16 years of age and reaches the age for criminal responsibility .

  25. 我国土地公有的性质决定了空间所有权只能是公有,一般主体取得的只是空间利用权。

    Ownership of Space in China must be state-owned based on the state-owned land , so that the general subjects can only have the Use Rights of Space .

  26. 在犯罪主体方面,认为犯罪主体是一般主体,具体来说不仅包括驾驶人员,还包括非驾驶人员。

    The subject of a crime , the subject of a crime is considered a general subject , specifically includes not only drivers , but also including non-driving staff .

  27. 在第二大点清代刑讯主体部份,本文考察了清代司法中可以适用刑讯司法方法的一般主体和特殊主体。

    Second point " in qing dynasty torture part , main body " qing dynasty in this paper can be used torture judicial justice general subject and method of special subject .

  28. 消防责任事故罪的主体为一般主体,在该部分本文重点讨论了本罪是特殊主体还是一般主体。

    The main body of fire accident responsibility for the general subject , in the part of the article focused on the subject of this crime is a special or general subject .

  29. 就一般主体而言,他认为人作为价值主体在社会中具有不同的价值,应不断加强自我改造和完善以提高自己的社会价值;

    On general subject , he thought , as value subject , different human being have different value hi the societies , everyone should strengthen self-remoulding and self-perfecting to raise his own social value constantly ;

  30. 如侵占罪的客体是公私财产所有权,侵占罪的对象有动产、不动产、有形物、无形物、合法物、违法物等,侵占罪的主体是一般主体。

    For example , the object of embezzlement is the ownership of public and private properties , which include chattels , immovable , tangible items , intangible items , legal items and illegal items , etc.