
ɡù yì shānɡ hài zuì
  • Crime of intentional injury;crime of willful and malicious injury
  1. 在爆炸案件审理的司法实践中,故意伤害罪和故意杀人罪的界定存在一定难度。

    In the judicial practice that the case of explosion is handled , certain difficulty has been in the delimitation of crime of willful and malicious injury and crime of murder .

  2. 本部分讨论了故意伤害罪的概念和构成特征。

    This section discusses the concept of intentional assault and characteristics .

  3. 故意伤害罪中的伤害理论探析

    A Probe into the Injury Theory in Intentional Injury Crime

  4. 第二部分,故意伤害罪中的疑难问题。

    The second part discusses difficult problems of crime of intentional injury .

  5. 群殴事件中故意伤害罪的认定问题

    On Determination of Intentional Injury Crime at Group Fisticuffs

  6. 第二种意见认为,张某某行为构成故意伤害罪。

    The second one , Zhang constituted the crime .

  7. 试论共同故意伤害罪

    A Probe on the Common Crime of Intentional Injury

  8. 北京朝阳区法院对此案以故意伤害罪定性。

    The court in Beijing condemned the man of wilful and malicious injury .

  9. 故意伤害罪是指故意非法损害他人身体健康的行为。

    Deliberate hurt crime is to hurt others ' body and health deliberately .

  10. 该部分介绍了故意伤害罪的相关界限。

    This section describes the relevant boundaries of the crime of intentional injury .

  11. 警方现已按故意伤害罪将陈送办。

    Intentional assault by the police has been sent to Chen to do .

  12. 故意伤害罪是实践中较为多发的一种犯罪。

    Crime of intentional injury is more prone to be committed in real life .

  13. 故意伤害罪若干争议问题探讨

    Discussion on Controversial Issues of Intentional Injury Crime

  14. 因故意伤害罪做过三年牢。

    Did three years for aggravated assault .

  15. 后来,这场官司真的打赢了,狼被判故意伤害罪锒铛入狱!

    Subsequently , this case is really winning , and the wolf convicted of intentional assault in jail !

  16. 她父母遗弃婴儿将被起诉,而伤害女婴的人将涉嫌犯故意伤害罪,面临重刑。

    The assailant who cut the girl 's finger is suspected of intentional assault and will face felony charges .

  17. 正如担心的,这种西方的故意伤害罪反而也促进了与南方的微妙的和平协定。

    Just as worryingly , this mayhem in the West could prompt the delicate peace agreement with the south to unravel too .

  18. 同时,故意伤害罪也是一种古老的犯罪,在我国已经历了数千年的立法和司法变迁。

    Meanwhile , the crime of intentional injury is an ancient crime in our country with several years of legislative and judicial changes .

  19. 何某当时17岁现年18岁,于昨日因故意伤害罪被关押在诺威治刑事法庭。

    He , 17 at the time but now 18 , was locked up at Norwich Crown Court yesterday after admitting wounding with intent .

  20. 南通切除智障少女子宫案中,被告被诉故意伤害罪。

    In the case about a girl of unhealthy mind whose womb was ablated in Nantong , the defendants were sued with crime of intentional violence .

  21. 时至今日,就故意伤害罪的法律规定已较为详细,相应的司法制度也渐渐得以建立。

    Today , the legal provisions on the crime of intentional injury has been detailed and the corresponding judicial system has gradually been established as well .

  22. 医生为移植而摘取活人的器官,不构成故意伤害罪的根本理由是有供者的承诺。

    A doctor can remove a man 's organ for transplantation and don 't constitute intentional injury crime if he got the assent of organ provider .

  23. 若行为人没有损伤孕妇,而仅仅只是恶意伤害胎儿的话,按照刑法通说的解释不能认定为故意伤害罪。

    According to the common explanation , one can 't be punished for assault if he only do damage to an infant without injury to the pregnant mother .

  24. 近年来,故意伤害罪的犯罪率呈增长态势,司法实践中,检察机关、法院受理的刑事案件也多为故意伤害罪。

    In recent years , the crime of intentional injury crime rate showed a rising trend , the judicial practice , prosecutors , court admissible in criminal cases .

  25. 任何人不能为移植而摘取无承诺能力的未成年人的器官,也不能以紧急避险为由,强行摘取不同意捐献器官者的器官,否则,就有可能构成故意伤害罪。

    Anyone can 't remove the organ of junior for transplantation , and remove anyone 's organ without his assent , otherwise it probably will constitute intentional injury crime .

  26. 笔者从事检察工作多年,特别是从事公诉工作三年来,对故意伤害罪的认识和感触颇深。

    The author has been doing procuratorial work for many years , in particular in the public prosecution for 3 years and thereby developing deep understanding of intentional injury .

  27. 共同伤害实行行为中的一部分人自动放弃犯罪并有效防止了伤害结果发生,则他们构成了故意伤害罪中止。

    In the simple common crime of intentional injury , if the people who gave up the crime and prevented the result to occur , his behavior forms discontinued crime .

  28. 对故意伤害罪是一种结果犯方面虽有所研究,但有关伤情鉴定效力、期限、时间等问题还没有详细的研究。

    Although some research has been done on the consequential offense of this crime , there is no detailed research on the validity , time limit and time of injury identification .

  29. 现行刑法第234条规定了故意伤害罪,其内容较1979年刑法相比,规定更为明确,法定刑也有所调整。

    The criminal Law article 234 provides the deliberate hurt crime . Compared with that in 1979 , its regulations are more definite , and the legal punishment are adjusted a lot .

  30. 法庭判定邓玉娇的行为构成故意伤害罪,但因邓“精神异常”,故对其免除处罚。

    The court found Ms Deng guilty of causing injury with intent but freed her without a sentence on the grounds that a " mood disorder " absolved her of criminal responsibility .