
  • 网络intentional distortion
  1. 国有企业会计信息故意失真的危害及其防范

    The Harm and Prevention of the Intentional Distortion of Accountant Information in the State-owned Enterprises

  2. 要整治国有企业会计信息故意失真问题,必须完善产权制度;

    To tackle the intentional distortion of accountant information in the state-owned enterprises , we must improve the system of property right .

  3. 会计信息故意失真产生的原因在于所有者缺位造成的监管失控、政治和经济利益的驱动以及会计法规制度不健全。

    Its causes lie in the being out of supervision control due to the absence of owners , the drive of political and economic interests , and the imperfect accountant regulation system .