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gù rén
  • old friend;former wife;the departed;the dead;disciples and old followers
故人 [gù rén]
  • (1) [old friend]∶旧交,老朋友

  • 足下待故人如此,便告退。--《三国演义》

  • (2) [former wife]∶古称前妻或前夫

  • 怅然遥相望,知是故人(指前夫)来。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (3) 又

  • 新人从门入,故人(指前妻)从阁去。

  • (4) [the departed;the dead]∶已死的人

  • 昔年在南昌蒙尊公骨肉之谊,今不想已作故人。--《儒林外史》

  • (5) [disciples and old followers]∶对门生故吏既亲切又客气的谦称

  • 震曰:故人知君,君不知故人,何也?--《后汉书.杨震传》

故人[gù rén]
  1. 探幽中国现代知识女性的生存境遇&解读从《海滨故人》到《无处告别》

    Searching for survival circumstance of Chinese modern intellectual women & Decoding from Old Friend on the Seashore to Nowhere to Say Goodbye ;

  2. 老房子拆了,故人四散,记忆里的细节越来越似是而非。

    Old building was torn open , old friend broadcast , the detail in memory is more and more specious .

  3. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。(李白《送孟浩然之广陵》)

    You have left me behind , old friend , at the Yellow Crane terrace , | on your way to visit Yangzhou in the misty month of flowers .

  4. 留下这个记录的是佛罗伦萨市的一个高级官员AgostinoVespucci,罗马雄辩家Cicero在他收藏的信件中有证明,他和达芬奇是相识的故人。

    The notes were made by a Florentine city official Agostino Vespucci , an acquaintance of the artist , in a collection of letters by the Roman orator Cicero .

  5. 西出阳关无故人。

    West of Yang gate there 'll be no old friends .

  6. 故人具鸡黍,邀我至田家。

    Lee chicken with millet , invited me to Tian .

  7. 国王查尔斯二世藏在橡树里以躲避他的故人。

    King Charles ll hid from his enemies in an oak tree .

  8. 几架飞机被故人的炮火击落。

    Several planes were shot down by enemy fire .

  9. 贾樟柯的《山河故人》恰好根据时间节点被分为三个部分。

    Jia Zhangke 's Mountains May Depart is neatly divided into three time periods .

  10. 很久以前的一位故人

    Somebody I knew a long time ago .

  11. 因为他要去见他很久没见面的故人。

    Because he is going to see people he doesn 't see a long time .

  12. 故人故情怀故宴,相望相思不相见。

    Therefore , it is feeling dead person dinner , Acacia did not meet the sea .

  13. 一个生存的配偶对一个已故人的财产可能提出权益要求的产业。

    The assets of a deceased person against which a surviving spouse may claim an interest .

  14. 该公告结束了《狼图腾》和《山河故人》制片方的激烈竞争。

    The announcement ended a fierce competition between the producers of Wolf Totem and Mountains May Depart .

  15. 我忘了是故人迁入新居,而且你也在此守候。

    I forget that there abides the old in the new , and that there also thou abidest .

  16. 基于多层模糊模型的船舶机损事故人为因素评估方法

    Evaluation Method of Human Error as the Cause of the Ship Mechanical Accident Based on Multilevel Fuzzy Models

  17. 不过在维多利亚时代的英国,这却是一种缅怀故人,缓解悲伤的方式。

    But in Victorian England , they became a way of commemorating the dead and blunting the sharpness of grief .

  18. 阔别9年之后,这两位故人已经没有什么实质的内容可聊了。

    After the passage of nine years , they found that there was nothing that they could truly say or do .

  19. 要是能触摸到故人的一只手,要是那沉寂的嗓音又响起在耳边!

    But o for the touch of a vanish 'd hand , and the sound of a voice that is still !

  20. 虽然曼联已经十几年没踢过马赛了,但在对手那边还是有不少故人。

    Although United haven 't faced Marseille for more than a decade , there are some familiar faces in the opposition camp .

  21. 他们更需要故人的关心,哪怕一句话都会让他们温暖好几天。

    They also need to care about the enemy , even if a word will allow them to warm for several days .

  22. 但相同的是这些故人留下深厚的科学基础,让我们踏出认识世界的第一步。

    They were in common because both of them had left us a well-established scientific foundation to make the first step to explore the world .

  23. 因为故人总是在眼前浮现的缘故,我连曾经去过的地方也不敢去。

    I can 't go to any of the places I used to go to , there are people coming up to me all the time .

  24. 我也说不好可能是你你让我想起了一位故人我最好的朋友莱希

    I don 't know . I guess you , uh you remind me of someone , my , uh , my best friend , Lexi .

  25. 贾樟柯说《山河故人》是自己最富情感的影片,他可能低估了自己的作品有多么深切感人。

    Mr. Jia has characterized " Mountains May Depart " as his most emotional movie , which may underplay how deeply moving his work can be .

  26. 他的笔记体小说多写故人往事,与其气质和艺术追求相契,其笔记体小说情节冲淡,结构随便。

    Most of his sketchbooks describes old friends of past events , which correspond with his temperament and artistic pursuit . The structure of his novels is very casual .

  27. 在寒食、清明节日中,人们纪念死去的先贤故人,但多数时间是在进行种种带有现世狂欢色彩的活动。

    This can be seen in the fact that people reveled most of the time during the week-long Hanshi and Qingming festivals in which people commemorated their dead ancestors .

  28. 所以,治军无方的将领不能让他统率军队,离心离德的军队不能用以攻伐故人。

    Thus a general that is not able to manage and control an army should not lead his troops , a rebellious army should not be used against an enemy .

  29. 中国导演贾樟柯的新片《山河故人》时间跨度长达几十年,描绘了从过去到未来的人物,影片在纽约电影节上映。

    The Chinese director Jia Zhangke charts characters from past to future in the decades-spanning film " Mountains May Depart , " a selection in the New York Film Festival .

  30. 一个计划同时缺乏金钱和吸引力就意味着将永远停滞,但这些外星状的建设现在却宛如是对已故人的一种怀念。

    A plan with a lack of money and uses meant a standstill , but the outside of the star-shaped building is now like a memory of a deceased person .