
gù zuò zī tài
  • strike a pose;put on airs;make a deliberate gesture;strike an attitude on purpose;pose
故作姿态 [gù zuò zī tài]
  • [pose] 指假装具有艺术效果的姿势或假装的模样

故作姿态[gù zuò zī tài]
  1. 她的拒绝只是故作姿态。

    Her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture .

  2. 《大城小妞》(BroadCity),ComedyCentral,1月14日播出。伊拉纳·格雷泽(IlanaGlazer)与艾比·雅克布逊(AbbiJacobson)带着第二季回归了,它讽刺了纽约那些大材小用而又自恋的人们生活中的故作姿态、妥协与纯粹粗俗。

    BROAD CITY ( Comedy Central , Jan. 14 ) Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson return for a second season of satirizing the poses , compromises and sheer physical grossness of life in New York when you 're underemployed and self-absorbed .

  3. 决定受军事策划的驱使;外交受恐吓和故作姿态的驱使。

    Military planning drove decisions ; bluster and posturing drove diplomacy .

  4. 塔尼亚:我不认为他们只是在故作姿态。

    Tania : I don 't think they 're just posturing .

  5. 他关心穷人只是故作姿态罢了。

    His concern for the poor is a mere pose .

  6. 怪异的动作[姿态]当他开始故作姿态时,使他们产生了怀疑。

    An extravagant gesture He made them suspicious when he began acting funny .

  7. 在德勤-东南融通的事件中故作姿态可能使问题的解决更困难。

    The posturing over the Deloitte-Longtop affair may make a resolution more difficult .

  8. 她不是真的生气,只不过故作姿态而已。

    She wasn 't angry really ; she was only putting it on .

  9. 欧美官员私下里对中国的要求不以为然,认为这只是故作姿态。

    Officials in Europe and the US privately dismissed the Chinese demands as posturing .

  10. 汤姆没有手绢,他鄙视那些有手绢的孩子们,把他们看作是故作姿态的势利小人。

    Tom had no handkerchief , and he looked upon boys who had as snobs .

  11. 这类拥护完全是故作姿态。

    These embraces were a vain pretence .

  12. 为未来写作如果不是故作姿态,也是自欺欺人。

    Unless it is pretence , to write for the future only deludes oneself and others as well .

  13. 当时的总理,保守的自由党人约翰·霍华德将其视为故作姿态的愤怒。

    The prime minister , John Howard of the ( conservative ) Liberal Party , looked on with ill-disguised fury .

  14. 她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。

    Her father is a renowned professor . However , I never find that he puts on airs as an intellectual .

  15. 为了推介自我,公蜘蛛会故作姿态,跳舞,扯动母蜘蛛的网,或献上一个包装好的猎物作为爱的信物。

    To introduce himself , a male may posture , dance , pluck a female 's web or present gift-wrapped prey .

  16. 随着移动运营商和互联网企业纷纷出手争夺利益,它们接下来将上演一场故作姿态与边缘政策的行动。

    What follows will be an exercise in posturing and brinkmanship by mobile operators and Internet companies as they jostle for advantage .

  17. 私下里,西方外交官认为中国是在故作姿态,但在公开场合,他们则小心翼翼地采取了安抚性语调。

    This has been privately dismissed by Western diplomats as posturing , but in public officials have been careful to adopt a conciliatory tone .

  18. 幸运的是,除了亲自站在会议观众面前,昂首挺胸故作姿态之外,还有其他方式吸引高管猎头的注意。

    Luckily , there are other ways to catch an executive recruiter 's eye besides standing up in front of an in-person audience and strutting your stuff .

  19. 2008年,克林顿夫人在新罕布什尔州的一个小饭馆里大哭,在印第安纳州一口气喝下一杯威士忌,这些被批评家们指责为故作姿态。

    In 2008 , critics accused Mrs. Clinton of pandering when she cried in a diner in New Hampshire and downed a shot of whiskey in Indiana .

  20. 主旨可能显而易见,但细细读来你可能会想,如果用更少的字来说,少一些故作姿态呢?

    The topic may be obvious , but a close reading prompts an urge to question whether it could have been said with fewer words and less grandstanding .

  21. 我们故作姿态,我们自以为很重要,我们自欺欺人地认定人类在宇宙中的特权地位,这一切都被这个白光中的小点推翻了。

    Our posturings , our imagined self-importance , the delusion that we have some privileGoogle Earthd position in the Universe , are challenGoogle Earthd by this point of pale light .

  22. 是的,它们是高傲的,它们也并没有掩饰傲气,也没有故作姿态,只是凭着自己的铮铮铁骨昂首挺立,骄傲地、坦然地承受人们的目光。

    Yes , they are arrogant , and they did not cover up the arrogance , no posturing , but with their heads held high clank stand , proud and frankly people 's eyes to bear .