
ɡù yì shā rén zuì
  • murder;crime of intentional homicide;willful murder
  1. 对他犯有故意杀人罪的判决被上诉法院撤销了。

    His conviction for murder was quashed in the court of appeal .

  2. 她说,国家显然没有排除合理怀疑来证明被告犯了故意杀人罪,没有足够的事实。

    The state clearly has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder , she said . There are not enough facts .

  3. 故意杀人罪是最典型的有被害人的犯罪。

    The offence of intentional killing is a typical crime with victim .

  4. 被害人有过错的故意杀人罪的死刑裁量研究&从被害与加害的关系切入

    The Judgment on Intentional Killing with the Victim 's Fault

  5. 故意杀人罪是故意非法剥夺他人生命的犯罪。

    Murder is the intentional unlawful deprivation of life of a criminal offense .

  6. 我国司法实践中将实施安乐死的行为人以故意杀人罪定罪处罚。

    Euthanasia actors are convicted as the intentional killers in the justice practice .

  7. 吴谢宇被判故意杀人罪。

    Wu Xieyu was found guilty of intentional homicide .

  8. 故意杀人罪立法缺陷探析

    Analysis on the Defect of Legislation of Murder

  9. 安乐死与故意杀人罪之思考

    The Exploration of Euthanasia and the Intentional Killing

  10. 一审法院认为夏俊峰的行为构成故意杀人罪,判处死刑。

    The court of first instance decided Xia intentional homicide and sentenced him to death .

  11. 他们面临的将是致命的控诉而非原先的故意杀人罪。

    They were all facing lethal charges than the original attempted murder charges they faced .

  12. 作为联结故意杀人罪罪量与宣告刑量纽带的量刑情节与宣告刑量之间存在着紧密联系。

    There is a close relationship between crime amount and announced penalty amount of intentional homicide .

  13. 近日,因涉嫌故意杀人罪,巴东县邓某被检察机关批捕。

    Recently , on suspicion of intentional homicide , Badong County Dengmou by prosecutors arrest approval .

  14. 故意杀人罪量刑基准研究为故意杀人罪均衡量刑指明了方向。

    The sentencing benchmark study of intentional homicide pointed out the right direction to the sentencing equilibrium .

  15. 故意杀人罪的社会危害性极大,在民众中的恶劣影响也极深。

    Intentional homicide great harm to society , the adverse effects in the population is also profound .

  16. 因此应当引入类型化的思维研究方式,对故意杀人罪进行研究。

    Therefore , we should introduce the type of thinking way to study the crime of intentional homicide .

  17. 公诉机关以龚德勇涉嫌故意杀人罪向合肥市中院提起公诉。

    Public prosecutor to Gong Deyong suspicion of manslaughter to the Hefei Intermediate People 's Court for prosecution .

  18. 这是我国现行刑法对故意杀人罪基本罪状与刑罚的规定。

    This is the basic indictment and punishment rules against intentional homicide in current Criminal Law in our country .

  19. 从行为人危害性质、客体及综合角度分析其行为符合刑法规定故意杀人罪和敲诈勒索罪的犯罪构成要件。

    From harm nature , object and comprehensive analyzed the compliance to criminal law intentional homicide and extortion of the crime .

  20. 我国还没有针对安乐死案件进行专门的刑事立法,一般以故意杀人罪论处。

    Our country has no special case for euthanasia of criminal legislation , generally to the crime of intentional homicide crime .

  21. 庭审后,法院判定劳荣枝的行为构成故意杀人罪、抢劫罪和绑架罪。

    After the trial , the court held that Lao 's behavior constituted the crime of intentional homicide , robbery and kidnapping .

  22. 在这种情况下,指使逃逸者与逃逸的肇事者构成故意杀人罪的共同犯罪分子。

    In this case , to escape and escape the perpetrators of the crime of intentional homicide crime constitutes a common molecular .

  23. 其目的在于用拿来主义的方法,古为今用,外为中用,促进我国故意杀人罪立法体系的完善。

    Its goal lies in promoting our murder crime legislation system with the bringing principle method and making the past serve the present .

  24. 在故意杀人罪死刑裁量中,被害人的过错是酌定从轻处罚情节。

    In the measurement of death penalty of intentional killing , the fault of the victim is a factor to punish more slightly .

  25. 从立法完善的角度考虑,应当将以杀人为手段进行抢劫的行为以故意杀人罪定罪处罚。

    To perfect legislation , the conduct of robbery with homicide as the means should be convicted and penalized as crime of intentional homicide .

  26. 故意杀人罪自古以来就是刑罚中的重灾区,时至今日,仍是死刑适用的重灾区。

    Intentional homicide has been the hardest-hit area in punishment since ancient times . Today it is also the hardest-hit area in death penalty .

  27. 上海市第二中级人民法院于2014年2月一审判决林森浩故意杀人罪成立,并判处死刑。

    The Shanghai No.2 Intermediate People 's Court convicted Lin of intentional homicide in the first trial and sentenced him to death in February 2014 .

  28. 故意杀人罪&这一最易引发死刑判决的罪名开始被越来越多的人关注起来。

    The murder crime - - the easiest to initiate the charge of the death penalty starts to pay attention intentionally by more and more people .

  29. 我国的故意杀人罪和英美刑法中的谋杀罪同中有异,需要对其进行比较分析。

    It is needed to analyze the difference and sameness between the murder in English-American and intentional killing cime in the criminal law of our country .

  30. 关于对本案行为人林某定性的不同见解主要集中在以下几个方面:构成绑架罪;构成故意杀人罪和敲诈勒索罪。

    About this case qualitative behavior different point in the following several aspects : constitute the crime of kidnapping ; Constitute intentional homicide and extortion of crime .