
fàn zuì shì shí
  • criminal facts;facts of crime
  1. 对没有犯罪事实的人错误逮捕的;

    A wrong arrest of a person without criminal facts ;

  2. 公诉机关指控的犯罪事实清楚,证据充分,罪名成立。

    Prosecutor accused of criminal facts are clear and sufficient evidence , convicted .

  3. 他怀疑有人密谋掩盖犯罪事实。

    He suspects there 's a conspiracy to cover up the crime

  4. 他供述了犯罪事实。

    He confessed to his crime .

  5. 为什么承认犯罪事实的诈骗犯梅尔温伯格同意帮助FBI?

    Why did confessed con man Mel Weinberg agree to help the FBI ?

  6. 最后,尽管一些法官审查了FBI的行动策略,这个行动确实缺少了FBI和司法部门的监督,法庭还是支持所有提交的犯罪事实。

    In the end , the courts upheld all of the convictions on appeal , even though some judges scrutinized the FBI 's strategies and lack of FBI and DOJ supervision .

  7. 他朋友有关于他犯罪事实的详细内容。

    His buddy 's got some details about his criminal dealings .

  8. 他彻底交代了全部犯罪事实。

    He made a clean breast of all his crimes .

  9. 他受良心谴责,承认了犯罪事实。

    He was constrained by conscience to confess his crime .

  10. 几小时之后,法官终于相信他的犯罪事实。

    It took several hours to convince the judge of his guilt .

  11. 起诉书犯罪事实之描述

    Description of the Facts of Crime in the Indictment

  12. 想说服别人相信这一犯罪事实相当困难。

    It was difficult to convince others that the crime had taken place .

  13. 基于上述思考,我国刑事证明标准可以表述为:依法确信无疑地认为犯罪事实清楚、证据确实充分。这样表述涵盖了刑事证明标准的法律属性、主观属性和客观属性。

    The result of criminal proof has objectivity , subjectivity and legal attributes .

  14. 被告人以前被证明有罪的犯罪事实的列表。

    A list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted .

  15. 指纹证实了嫌疑犯的犯罪事实。

    Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime .

  16. 不同的法官对于同一或者类似的犯罪事实完全可能做出不同的评价。

    And different judges have the various evaluations upon the same or similar criminal facts .

  17. 12死58伤的犯罪事实证实了这两条指控是公正的。

    Two charges were filed for each of the 12 people killed and 58 injuried .

  18. 在铁证面前,温某供认了犯罪事实。

    In the face of irrefutable evidence , a confession of the crime - the facts .

  19. 犯罪事实的叙述模式受到传统制作理念和现实制作条件的影响;

    The description pattern of crime facts are affected by traditional making concepts and real making conditions .

  20. 首先,它可以帮助办案人员争取更多的时间查清犯罪事实。

    First , it helps to investigators strive for more time to ascertain facts of a crime .

  21. 证据裁判原则要求法官应当依据证据认定犯罪事实。

    The principle of evidentiary adjudication requires judges to find the facts of crimes in accordance with evidence .

  22. 行为人捏造的不需是犯罪事实,向谁告发也不是成立本罪的关键问题。

    The mendacious fact may not be criminal fact : Whom the actor report to is not important ;

  23. 新华社表示,这些僧人在爆炸后逃窜,并在被捕后“对犯罪事实供认不讳”。

    The monks fled after the explosion and " confessed their crimes " after their arrest , Xinhua said .

  24. 被告人认罪是指被告人承认指控的基本犯罪事实或主要犯罪事实。

    Guilty plea of the defendants means the defendants admit the basic criminal facts or main criminal facts charged .

  25. 刑事诉讼的主要作用是对犯罪事实进行查明并适用法律进行裁判。

    The main role of criminal suits is to identify the criminal facts and to judge the criminals with law .

  26. 作为刑事诉讼客体的案件由两大要素构成:一为被告人,二为犯罪事实。

    There are two factors in the cases as the object of the criminal procedure : defendant and criminal fact .

  27. 对默多克来说更加危险的是,警方和政客指责该集团高管对调查犯罪事实的努力进行阻碍。

    Even more dangerous for Mr Murdoch are allegations levelled by police and politicians that executives obstructed efforts to uncover criminality .

  28. 刑事公诉案件的审理对象包括犯罪事实与行为、触犯的罪名和应判处的刑罚。

    The adjudicating objects in public prosecution case include criminal facts and actions , relevant names of crime , and sentenced punishments .

  29. 新华社指出,二被告人犯罪事实清楚,证据确实、充分。

    The facts of the two defendants ' crime are clear , and the evidence is irrefutable and substantial , Xinhua said .

  30. 起诉书中犯罪事实制作的好坏直接影响到起诉书的质量,也会影响到办案的质量。

    Whether the writing of crime details is good effects not only the quality of the plaint but also that of case decision .