
  • 网络Turan;Arda Turan;Tulane
  1. 图兰说,新的风格让好莱坞两者兼得。

    The new stylization " allows Hollywood to have its cake and eat it too ," says Turan .

  2. 本土记者提问霍奇森是否对于加拉塔萨雷的土耳其超级明星图兰感兴趣。

    Local journalists were also keen to see if Hodgson held any interest in Galatasaray 's Turkish superstar Arda Turan .

  3. 由于进入韩松洞有人数限制(每年只发放220份入洞许可证),价格也相当可观(每次旅行花费6000美元以上),附近的图兰(TuLan)洞价格适中,也向爱探险的旅行者开放。—DAVIDLLOYD

    While trips into Son Doong are limited in number ( only 220 permits for the year ) and to visitors with deep pockets ( over $ 6000 per trip ) , the nearby and more affordable Tu Lan Cave is also now open to adventurous travelers . - DAVID LLOYD

  4. 传统文化的现代涅磐&图兰大学迈尔学生-公寓设计解读

    The Modern Renascence of Tradition & Unscramble the design of Mayer residences of Tulane University

  5. 在图兰平原的气候条件下,没有供漫长而严寒的冬季用的饲料储备,游牧生活是不可能的;

    In the climate of the Turanian plateau , pastoral life is impossible without supplies of fodder for the long and severe winter .

  6. 《洛杉矶时报》的影评家肯尼思-图兰说,香港风格是在好莱坞处于关键时刻流行起来的。

    The popularization of the Hong Kong style arrived in the nick of time for Hollywood , says Los Angeles Times film critic Kenneth Turan .

  7. 图兰也抱怨道“所有那些投资金促使挥霍无度的《蜘蛛侠3》请来了太多的恶棍”,其中包括一个转变成极端利己分子的蜘蛛侠。

    One of Turan 's complaints : " All that money also allowed spendthrift Spider-Man3 to acquire too many villains " including an egomaniacal Spider-Man alter ego himself .

  8. 本文以土库曼某油气田盆地为研究对象,该油气田盆地位于图兰地台东南部,是在海西期褶皱基底上发育起来的中新生代盆地。

    This paper studies the Turkmenistan oil and gas fields , which is in the southeast of Turan platform that is Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin development in the Hercynian folded basement .

  9. 另一方面,西南航空、图兰航空和边疆航空这周开始了新一轮廉价票的提供,很多票价低于100美元,廉价票包括一些一月的机票。

    On the other hand , Southwest , AirTran and Frontier offered a new round of cheap flights this week , many under $ 100 , extending in some cases into January .