
  • 网络helmand province
  1. 在ribs俱乐部(一个英国军队餐饮协会)最近的一次会议上,不管是刚从混乱的赫尔曼德省回来还是即将重返那里的士兵都一致认为,麦克里斯特尔是个“好东西”。

    At a recent meeting of the ribs club a British Army dining society the consensus among those who had just returned from and were about to return to the troubled Helmand province was that Gen McChrystal was a " good thing " .

  2. 阿富汗国民军士兵热烈旁边火灾的Marjah在阿富汗的赫尔曼德省城镇凌晨自己在星期一2010年2月15号。

    Afghan national Army soldiers warm themselves next to a fire in the early morning in the town of Marjah in Afghanistan 's Helmand province on Monday Feb.15,2010 .

  3. 在坎大哈(kandahar)周边和西南部赫尔曼德省(helmand),大量战地头目被击毙、俘虏,或被迫逃往巴基斯坦,也有少数逃往伊朗。

    Around Kandahar and in the south-western Helmand province much of the leadership in the field has been killed , captured or forced to flee into Pakistan , or , in a few cases , Iran .

  4. 美国从第3营,海军陆战团第六届期间对她们在Marjah的地位在阿富汗的赫尔曼德省的交火在周日的消防塔利班狙击手2010年2月14日支付。

    US Marines from3rd Battalion , 6th Marine Regiment take cover during a firefight as Taliban snipers fire on their position in Marjah in Afghanistan 's Helmand province on Sunday Feb.14,2010 .

  5. 美国从第3营,海军陆战队第6陆战团温暖的火在在在Marjah在阿富汗的赫尔曼德省星期二2010年2月16日清晨化合物本身。

    US Marines from3rd Battalion , 6th Marine Regiment warm themselves by a fire in a compound in the early morning in Marjah in Afghanistan 's Helmand province on Tuesday Feb.16,2010 .

  6. 阿富汗国民军士兵围坐饮酒后快速突破后,在夕阳的Dahaneh村日常斋月茶,在阿富汗赫尔曼德省,星期四,2009年8月27日。

    Afghan National Army soldiers sit around drinking tea after breaking their daily Ramadan fast after sunset in the village of Dahaneh , in Helmand Province , Afghanistan , Thursday , Aug.27,2009 .

  7. 现为是赫尔曼德省的首府。

    Today it is the capital of the Helmand province .

  8. 美国海军陆战队收复了赫尔曼德省一度被塔利班控制的城镇。

    American Marines have recaptured Taliban-held towns in Helmand province .

  9. 爆炸发生在赫尔曼德省一条主要道路上。

    Two other police officers were wounded in the blast on a main road in Helmand province .

  10. 他们是在赫尔曼德省巡逻时遭遇附近飞机投弹身亡。

    It is understood they died when the planes dropped a bomb near their patrol in Helmand province .

  11. 在南部赫尔曼德省,今年夏天叛乱者吊死了一个当地警察八岁的儿子。

    This summer insurgents in Helmand province in the south hanged the eight-year-old son of a local policeman .

  12. 他们中的一些人可能再过几周就会被派到阿富汗的赫尔曼德省。

    They may be only weeks away , some of them , from a posting to Helmand province in Afghanistan .

  13. 还有数百名阿富汗士兵加入,试图将反叛分子清除出赫尔曼德省的Sayedebad镇。

    They are joined by hundreds of Afghan soldiers , trying to clear insurgents from the town of Sayedebad in Helmand Province .

  14. 塔利班发言人回应美军在阿富汗南部赫尔曼德省展开的军事行动。

    QARI YOSUF AHMADI , Taliban spokesman reacts to the U.S.army launching an offensive against them in south Afghanistan 's Helmand province .

  15. 在阿富汗赫尔曼德省的冲突中又有六名英国士兵被杀害。

    BBC News with Aleem MaqboolIn Afghanistan , six more British soldiers have been killed in the latest fighting in Helmand Province .

  16. 根据这一想法,联军将在赫尔曼德省中部和坎大哈这两个人口稠密地区、以及两者间的主要道路附近巩固防线。

    The idea would be to consolidate around two populous regions , central Helmand and Kandahar , and the main road between them .

  17. 阿富汗官员说,塔利班反叛分子在南部的赫尔曼德省袭击一处安全哨卡时,打死8名阿富汗警卫。

    Officials in Afghanistan say eight Afghan security guards were killed when Taliban insurgents attacked a security post in the southern province of Helmand .

  18. 在赫尔曼德省玛尔扎赫镇宣布已摆脱塔利班控制之后的数日,阿富汗副总统阿卜杜勒哈利利对该镇进行了视察。

    The Vice President of Afghanistan Abdul Khalili has visited the town of Marjah in Helmand Province days after it was declared free of Taliban influence .

  19. 在最近一年多的时间内,我第三次访问赫尔曼德省、坎大哈和喀布尔,发现了形势好转的确切迹象。

    Having visited Helmand , Kandahar and Kabul recently for the third time in just over a year , I found the signs of improvement unmistakable .

  20. 赫尔曼德省跟巴基斯坦接壤,具有战略意义,非法的鸦片贸易非常兴旺,武装人员和武器轻而易举地可以通过漏洞百出的边界。

    Helmand is strategic , lying along the Pakistan border , where the illicit opium trade flourishes and fighters and weapons move easily across the porous border .

  21. 本周驻扎在阿富汗赫尔曼德省堡垒营的英空军基地降下英国国旗,标志着这场远征终于画上休止符。

    The British flag was lowered over Helmand Province in Afghanistan this week , a symbol that the U.K. 's combat mission in the country is over .

  22. 据美联社报道,在赫尔曼德省首府拉什卡尔加,塔利班在过去一周占领了几乎所有的警区。

    In Lashkar Gah , capital of Helmand province , the Taliban took over nearly all police districts during the past week , The Associated Press reported .

  23. 但是设在伦敦的英国皇家国际事务研究所的国际安全问题专家保罗.科尼什说,要说英国在赫尔曼德省的军事行动已大功告成还为时过早。

    But international security expert Paul Cornish from the Chatham House in London says it is too early to call the British operation in Helmand province a success .

  24. 一个男孩走在他的家在从赫尔曼德省的国内流离失所者营地,在阿富汗首都喀布尔,阿富汗,星期二,2009年8月25日的郊区。

    A boy walks inside his home at a camp for internally displaced people from Helmand province , on the outskirts of Kabul , Afghanistan , Tuesday , Aug.25,2009 .

  25. 美国从24海军陆战队远征部队海军陆战队试图采取的前沿作战基地德怀尔的住房,从沙尘暴在阿富汗南部星期三,2008年5月7日赫尔曼德省。

    US Marines from the24th Marine Expeditionary Unit try to take shelter from a sand storm at forward operating base Dwyer in the Helmand province of southern Afghanistan Wednesday , May7,2008 .

  26. 塔利班加强了对阿富汗各城市的攻击,在该国第三大城市赫拉特、赫尔曼德省省会拉什卡尔加和坎大哈爆发了激烈的战斗。

    The Taliban intensified their assault on Afghanistan 's cities , with fighting raging in Herat , the country 's third-largest , Lashkar Gah , the capital of Helmand province , and Kandahar .

  27. 从美海军陆战队第24海军陆战队远征部队,采取的护堤在与附近加姆塞尔在阿富汗赫尔曼德省星期五2008年5月2日镇塔利班阵地开火斗争的立场。

    US Marines , from the24th Marine Expeditionary Unit , take positions on a berm during a fire fight with Taliban positions near the town of Garmser in Helmand Province of Afghanistan Friday May2,2008 .

  28. 预计英国首相卡梅伦将告诉奥巴马,英军将在15个月内停止在赫尔曼德省的例行巡逻任务。此举将为英军撤出阿富汗设定更加紧迫的最后期限。

    In a move that provides a tighter deadline for UK withdrawal from Afghanistan , the British premier is expected to say that troops could stop routine patrols in Helmand province within 15 months .

  29. 单是赫尔曼德一省就负担了超过40%的鸦片产量。

    Helmand alone accounted for over 40 % of production .