
tǎ jí kè yǔ
  • Tajik
塔吉克语[tǎ jí kè yǔ]
  1. 林德赛斯在采访中说,蒙古语、哈萨克语、塔吉克语和黑山语的译本是最难寻觅的。

    Mr. Lindseth said in an interview that Mongolian , Kazakh , Tajik and Montenegrin versions were among the most challenging to find .

  2. 那些独立作家努力用与塔吉克语有很大联系的波斯语,以使塔吉克语更纯正,并排斥源于阿拉伯语的外来语。

    Among these writers were individuals who strove to purify the Tajik language by tying it in more with Persian and eliminating Arabic loanwords .

  3. 目前塔吉克语教学有加强的趋势,无论是学校数量、师资队伍、教材质量、课程设置等都随着政府提高国语地位的政策而得到重视。

    At present , Tajik language teaching is strengthened in the country , as can be manifested in the number of schools , teachers , teaching quality and teaching program , to enhance its status as the national language .