
  • 网络Tara;Thala;WST
  1. 保罗邀请塔拉外出吃饭,但遭到拒绝。

    Paul asked Tara out to dinner but she gave him the brush-off .

  2. 我们大多数人都像劳拉和塔拉。

    Most of us are like Lara and Tara .

  3. 他们的母亲问了塔拉同样的问题。

    Their mother asked Tara the same question .

  4. 塔拉坚称那是一块白板,却看到了一块黑板。

    Tara , who insisted it was a white board , saw a black one .

  5. 劳拉确信它是黑色的,塔拉却确信它是白色的。

    While Lara was confident it was black , Tara was sure it was white .

  6. 劳拉和塔拉是双胞胎。

    Lara and Tara are twins .

  7. 例如,劳拉最爱辣食,塔拉喜欢甜食。

    For example , hot food is Lara 's favorite , and Tara has a sweet choice .

  8. 劳拉被要求站在木板的一边,塔拉站在另一边。

    Lara was asked to stand on one side of the board and Tara on the other .

  9. 劳拉认为早上起得很早很可怕,而塔拉坚持认为早晨空气清新,熬到半夜对她很难。

    Lara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning , while Tara insisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight .

  10. 塔拉眼下正忙着制作个人专辑。

    Tara is currently working on a solo album .

  11. 杰里米告诉ABC新闻记着说,塔拉是我的英雄。

    Tara is my hero , Jeremy told ABC news .

  12. 迈克尔传记的作者J.兰迪·塔拉博雷利称,迈克尔在1979年表演一个舞蹈常规动作时出现了事故,在那之后他进行了第一次隆鼻手术。

    J. Randy Taraborrelli , who wrote Michael 's biography , said Michael had his first rhinoplasty in 1979 after an accident during a dance routine .

  13. 加勒比海地区尼维斯(Nevis)的摄影师塔拉&12539;利(TaraLeigh)的客户则提出了一些更高难度的要求。

    Tara Leigh , a photographer in Nevis in the Caribbean , has had some more involved requests .

  14. “《Elle》杂志俄罗斯版的美容总监玛莉亚•塔拉年科(MariaTaranenko)补充说:”她们会将妆容、指甲油还有鞋子的颜色搭配起来。“

    beauty director of Elle Russia , adds : " They will match the make-up with their look , with nail polish and shoes of the same colour . "

  15. 他的妻子塔拉•贝内特-戈尔曼(TaraBennett-Goleman)是个神经治疗师兼教员,也曾写了一本神经科学方面的畅销书。

    His wife , Tara Bennett-Goleman , is a psychotherapist and teacher who has also written a popular neuroscience bestseller .

  16. 在21大街上,塔拉(Tara)把钥匙交给我,并建议我把窗门锁好,防止窃贼从消防梯爬上来进入公寓。

    Outside on 21st Street , Tara handed me the keys , advised me to keep the gate on the window locked so burglars didn 't come up the fire escape and into the apartment .

  17. 如果他死了,谁来照管塔拉农场呀?

    And who would look after Tara if she should die ?

  18. 谁也休想从她手中把塔拉夺走。

    No one was going to get Tara away from her .

  19. 塔拉粉挥发性成分和塔拉豆微量元素的测定

    Volatile components of Tara powder and trace elements of Tara bean

  20. 艾丹竭尽他的演技才能来追求漂亮的塔拉。

    Aidan turns all his thespian charm on the beautiful Tara .

  21. 塔拉:什麽?我以为重量限制是七十磅。

    Tara : what ? I thought it was seventy pounds .

  22. 可他们怎么会没有把塔拉烧掉呢,思嘉?

    How come they did n 't burn tara , scarlett ?

  23. 塔拉的生态适应性及其在云南适生区域的划分

    Ecological Adaptability of Caesalpinia spinosa and Division of Its Normal Region

  24. 威尔肯定欢迎这样好的一个庄稼汉到塔拉来。

    Will would certainly welcome a good field hand at Tara .

  25. 她梦见自己又回到了塔拉,而塔拉是一片荒凉。

    She was back at Tara again and Tara was desolate .

  26. 不过她们都是塔拉的一分子。

    But they were of her blood , part of tara .

  27. 我明天回塔拉再去想吧。

    I 'll think of it all tomorrow , at Tara .

  28. 他注意到一个青年眼睛细成两条缝,嘴唇还塔拉着。

    He noticed one with narrow-slitted eyes and a loose-lipped mouth .

  29. 塔拉单宁水解废液回收奎尼酸的工艺试验

    Experiment of recovering quinic acid from liquid waste of Tara Tannin hydrolysis

  30. 塔拉是我的家,我还想回去呢。

    Tara MAH home an'ah is aimin'ter go back dar .