
miàn jī
  • area;square measure;extent;proportion
面积 [miàn jī]
  • (1) [area;square measure]

  • (2) 平面或物体表面的大小

  • (3) 指只能在平面上或在两个方向(如长与宽)上进行测量的东西(如土地或地板的表面)

面积[miàn jī]
  1. 这个公式用于计算圆的面积。

    This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle .

  2. 新式背包把承重量分散在更大的面积上。

    Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area .

  3. 保护区占地面积大约1140平方公里。

    The reserve covers an area of some 1 140 square kilometres .

  4. 这个房间面积是12平方米。

    The room is 12 square metres in area .

  5. 这些改动应该使我们有更大的居住面积。

    The alterations should give us extra floor space .

  6. 房间面积是12英尺×9英尺。

    The room is 12ft × 9ft .

  7. 炸弹造成大面积破坏。

    The bomb caused widespread devastation .

  8. 他的头骨做过大面积的矫形手术。

    He has received extensive corrective surgery to his skull .

  9. 调查发现一层地下的横梁大面积腐烂。

    Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor

  10. 他身上三度烧伤的面积达98%。

    He suffered third-degree burns over 98 per cent of his body .

  11. 高速公路的实际覆盖面积还不到农村地区的0.1%。

    Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside

  12. 厨房面积扩为原先的3倍。

    The kitchen is triple the size it once was .

  13. 它的总表面积为7,000平方英尺。

    Its total surface area was seven thousand square feet .

  14. 这些岛屿总面积为625.6平方公里。

    The islands cover a total area of 625.6 square kilometers

  15. 金丝雀码头计划要提供1,000万平方英尺的办公面积。

    Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space

  16. 开罗居民的人均绿地面积仅13平方厘米。

    Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant .

  17. 这套公寓虽然面积很大,但并没有太多房间。

    Although large in area , the flat did not have many rooms .

  18. 他们将需要一个面积较大的摆放办公桌的地方和充足的照明。

    They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light .

  19. 年复一年,这个小国家的乡村面积正在一片片地大量消失。

    Year by year great swathes of this small nation 's countryside disappear .

  20. 我们计算出兰开斯特郡的农场面积平均为65英亩。

    We calculate that the average size farm in Lancaster County is 65 acres

  21. 这9个共和国在面积、文化和财富上迥然不同。

    The nine republics are immensely disparate in size , culture and wealth .

  22. 专家们正想方设法清除这片面积巨大的浮油。

    Experts are trying to devise ways to clean up the huge slick .

  23. 这块新领土将会使加拿大陆地面积扩展1/5以上。

    The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada 's land mass .

  24. 量一下温室的建筑面积再将它除以6。

    Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six .

  25. 西非的大片森林面积已缩小了。

    The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk

  26. 到他1986年去世前,格林伍德一直拥有并管理着一片面积广阔的梨园。

    Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard .

  27. 生物学家称这个地区的面积可能足以让一个自我维系的种群生存下来。

    Biologists say the area might be large enough to support a self-sustaining population .

  28. 这个酒吧风格独特,面积不大,比较低调。

    This pub was of a very different type , smaller , less pretentious .

  29. 爆炸给这所房子造成了大面积的损坏。

    The blast caused extensive damage to the house

  30. 慢慢地,平底锅表面积起了一层厚厚的油脂。

    Slowly a thick layer of fat builds up on the pan 's surface .