
miàn bāo
  • bread;roti
面包 [miàn bāo]
  • [bread] 用谷物的细粉或粗粉加上液体、油料和发酵剂和成生面,经过揉捏、定形、发酵并加以烘烤而制成的食品

面包[miàn bāo]
  1. 要不要用块面包把这酱料蘸蘸吃了?

    Do you want some bread to mop up that sauce ?

  2. 他用一块面包把碟子擦干净。

    He wiped his plate clean with a piece of bread .

  3. 吃点正常的食物,别净吃烤面包加果酱!

    Eat some proper food , not just toast and jam !

  4. 她站起身掸掉了毛衣上的面包屑。

    She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her sweater .

  5. 早餐有无黄油的面包和一杯茶。

    Breakfast consisted of dry bread and a cup of tea .

  6. 抱歉,我们的面包卖完了。

    I 'm sorry , we 've sold out of bread .

  7. 厨房里飘出新鲜面包的香味。

    The smell of new bread floated up from the kitchen .

  8. 一只知更鸟在地上啄食面包渣。

    A robin was pecking at crumbs on the ground .

  9. 他正用力切着一条面包。

    He was sawing energetically at a loaf of bread .

  10. 我们喝汤,吃面包,凑合了一顿。

    We had a simple meal of soup and bread .

  11. 你一定要把面包片切得厚厚的。

    Make sure you cut the bread nice and thick .

  12. 他从一条面包上切下四厚片。

    He cut four thick slices from the loaf .

  13. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。

    The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery .

  14. 他被一块烤面包噎得透不过气来。

    He was choking on a piece of toast .

  15. 他坐在椅子上,嚼着烤面包片。

    He sat in a chair munching his toast .

  16. 该死!我把面包烤煳了。

    Bugger it ! I 've burnt the toast .

  17. 她用黄油涂了四片厚面包。

    She buttered four thick slices of bread .

  18. 他把那条面包切成了厚片。

    He cut the loaf into thick slices .

  19. 谁还要烤面包片?

    Who 's for another round of toast ?

  20. 回家时你能不能顺路进那家店里买点面包?

    Could you stop by the store on the way home for some bread ?

  21. 她把面包屑扫进废纸篓里。

    She swept the crumbs into the wastebasket .

  22. 在收市前常常有些面包降价出售。

    There was usually some bread going cheap at the end of the day .

  23. 用快刀把面包切开。

    Slit the roll with a sharp knife .

  24. 我正要去面包店。

    I 'm just going to the baker 's.

  25. 她在嘎嘣嘎嘣地啃着一个硬面包圈。

    She was chomping away on a bagel .

  26. 用面包屑将肉裹起来。

    Roll the meat in the breadcrumbs .

  27. 我们停下来买了一些面包。

    We stopped and bought some bread .

  28. 那种面包很松软。

    The bread had a spongy texture .

  29. 我喜欢吃切成薄片的面包。

    I like my bread sliced thin .

  30. 抱歉——我把面包烤煳了。

    Sorry ─ I burnt the toast .