
kě zài shēnɡ zī yuán
  • renewable resource
  1. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学(pennsylvaniastateuniversity)这样做,是通过环境和可再生资源经济系的课程。

    Pennsylvania State University does so through courses in its environmental and renewable resource economics department .

  2. 还有就是美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama),他在上周就能源的未来发表演说,承诺要利用世界上其他国家难以匹敌的一项关键的可再生资源:美国的才智。

    And then there is President Barack Obama , who on Wednesday gave an address about the future of energy , promising to use a critical , renewable resource the rest of the world cannot match : American ingenuity .

  3. 可再生资源包括光伏(PV)和风力发电系统。

    Renewable energies include photovoltaic ( PV ) system and wind power generation systems .

  4. 实现可再生资源综合利用是经济全球化趋势、加入WTO以及实现社会经济可持续发展的时代要求。

    To use recycling resources synthetically is the requirement of our times facing three tides of economic globalization , WTO and sustainable development .

  5. 这看起来似乎仍很多,但IP地址是不可再生资源,一旦分配出去就没有了。

    That might still seem a lot , but they 're a non-renewable resource , and once they 're gone , they 're gone .

  6. 以可再生资源木质素磺酸钙和聚乙烯醇(PVA)为基料制备力学性能良好的木质素/PVA复合膜。

    With reproducible calcium lignosulfonate and PVA as primary material , the film of good mechanical properties was synthesized .

  7. PLA作为一种重要的可生物降解材料,具有机械强度高、可塑性良好等优点,其生产原料可来自谷物、植物秸秆等可再生资源,彻底摆脱了对石油资源的依赖。

    PLA , an important biodegradable material , has high mechanical strength , good plasticity , etc. The raw materials of PLA can come from renewable resources such as grains , plant straws , which is completely free from dependence on oil resources .

  8. PLA纤维针织汗布染整工艺近年来,玉米纤维作为一种利用玉米淀粉等可再生资源加工制造的完全可生物降解的纤维材料,已经越来越引起纺织界的广泛关注。

    Dyeing and finishing of polylactic acid knitted undershirt cloth Over recent years , Polylactic acid ( PLA ) fibers that have the biological degradability have attracted increasing interest owing to the fact that they lend themselves to manufacture from renewable resources , in particular , from corn-starch .

  9. 这是一个庞大、自由和无限可再生资源。

    It 's a huge , free and endlessly renewable resource .

  10. 建筑材料生命周期评价中不可再生资源耗竭性当量的研究

    Study on equivalent of non-renewable resources depletion for building materials life-cycle-assessment

  11. 平衡态的人口总量与平衡态可再生资源总量成正比;

    The population is proportional to renewable resources in equilibrium state ;

  12. 中国可再生资源综合利用的战略思路与对策

    Strategic Thoughts and Measures about How to Use Recycling Resources Synthetically

  13. 热带植物纤维是一种丰富的天然可再生资源。

    Tropical plant fiber is a kind of natural renewable resource .

  14. 从这个角度来看,这是一个非常的可再生资源。

    From that perspective , it 's a very renewable resource .

  15. 中国必须保护环境,保存不可再生资源。

    China must protect the environment and conserve nonrenewable resources .

  16. 对有经济价值的可再生资源进行开发;

    Renewable resources with economic worth are developed in the nature reserve .

  17. 生物柴油来源于动植物油脂等可再生资源。

    Biodiesel derives itself from renewable resources such as oils and fats .

  18. 可再生资源研究与开发的新动向

    The Trends in Research and Development of Naturally Renewable Resources

  19. 第二,可再生资源会带来立竿见影的环境效益。

    Secondly , renewable energy has many immediate environmental benefits .

  20. 能源监控系统(4)加大可再生资源的使用等。

    Energy monitoring system ( 4 ) increased use of renewable resources .

  21. 浅层地温能属于可再生资源,利用前景广阔。

    Shallow geothermal energy is renewable resources , broad prospects are used .

  22. 汽车工业的发展大大增加了人类对石油这种不可再生资源的消耗。

    The development of automobile industry has greatly increased the oil consumption .

  23. 矿产资源是重要的不可再生资源,其储量是有限的。

    Mineral resources are important non-renewable resources , and its reserves are limited .

  24. 21世纪绿色可再生资源&生物质

    Green and Regenerated Resource in 21 ~ ( st ) Century : Biomass

  25. 不可再生资源是人类生存的必须物质。

    Non-renewable resources are the necessary substances sustaining the human being to survive .

  26. 潮汐能作为一种可再生资源,蕴藏量大,利用潮汐能发电,运行成本低。

    The running cost of generating power from tidal energy is very low .

  27. 彻底改变对不可再生资源的非理性滥用是绝对有必要的。

    It is absolutely essential to reverse the irrational misuse of nonrenewable resources .

  28. 松香作为我国一种重要的天然可再生资源,具有广泛的生物活性。

    Rosin as an important natural resource , is widely available throughout China .

  29. 可再生资源的废物利用逐渐被各国所重视。

    The countries gradually pay more attention to waste utilization of renewable resources .

  30. 玉米芯是廉价的可再生资源。

    Corncob is a kind of cheap renewable resource .