
kě yí chuán de biàn yì
  • Heritable variation;autogenous variation
  1. 表观遗传学是近年来新兴起的生物学学科,主要研究在没有DNA序列改变情况下基因功能可逆的、可遗传的变异。

    Epigenetic is the latest biological science in recent years , which mainly researches gene function reversible and heritable variation without DNA sequence changes .

  2. 转基因第一代植株(T0)在株高和结实率上与相应的组培、种子实生苗植株相比,发生明显的不可遗传的变异。

    The plant height and seed setting rate of the first generation ( T 0 ) of transgenic plants were reduced apparently as compared with the corresponding plants derived from seeds and untransformed calli .

  3. 发生在体细胞而非种系中的可遗传的变异。

    Somatic mutation & A mutation occurring in a somatic cell rather than in the germline .

  4. 可以认为秋水仙碱诱变处理,引起了玉米可遗传的有利变异。

    Therefore we may think that inducement of colchicine can cause maize advantageous variation .