
děnɡ wèi jī yīn
  • allele;allelic gene;allelomorph;allelomorphic gene
  1. 63例正常人C等位基因频率C为4%。

    C allele frequences were 4 % in 63 normal subjects .

  2. 融合基因阳性AL高度相关,T等位基因可能是AL发病的遗传易感基因。

    T allele may be a genetic susceptibility gene for AL .

  3. 一个基因可能有两个以上的等位基因。

    There can be more than two alleles for a gene .

  4. 检出B位点等位基因总数47个,单一位点3例,杂合子22例。

    , 47 alleles were detected in locus B , 3 were single and 22 were of heterozygosis .

  5. 对抗病毒治疗的反应与A、G等位基因均无关;

    A and G allele were not associated with the response to antiviral therapy .

  6. 鸡白痢沙门菌等位基因特异性PCR检测方法的建立

    Development of allele-specific PCR assay for detecting Salmonella pullorum

  7. PCR结合银染法检测载脂蛋白E等位基因

    PCR in combination with silver staining as a method for the determination of apolipoprotein E alleles

  8. 双链置换探针实时PCR用于DNA池的等位基因频率测定

    Determination of Allele Frequency of Pooled DNA by Double - stranded Displacing Probe - based Real Time PCR

  9. G等位基因频率在老年性痴呆组中和正常对照者组中分别为41.8%和46.6%。

    The G allele frequency was 41.8 % in patients with AD and 46.6 % in control subjects .

  10. 原发性肝癌的等位基因型及肿瘤抑制基因p53第七外显子分析

    Study of allelotype and suppressor gene p53 exon 7 in primary hepatocellular carcinoma

  11. 有关等位基因的相关信息从PAGE胶上获得,聚类图构建的数据则来源于琼脂糖凝胶电泳。

    The dendrogram was constructed from the agarose gel data , while the information of alleles was from PAGE gel .

  12. 每个座位观测到的平均等位基因数(Na)为1.01&1.39;

    The mean number of alleles per locus ( Na ) ranges 1.01-1.39 ;

  13. CTT-PCR中,19例妊娠女胎孕妇血浆中有15例检出父源性等位基因即女性胎儿DNA。

    And 15 of 19 female bearing pregnant women were detected the paternal allele gene sequence , as female fetal DNA .

  14. 对老年受试者的尸检发现载脂蛋白Eε4等位基因增加慢性脑梗死发生的概率

    The apolipoprotein E ε 4 allele increases the odds of chronic cerebral infection detected at autopsy in older persons

  15. 新的HLA等位基因B~5610的发现和序列分析

    Identification and sequence analysis of a novel HLA allele B ~ 5610

  16. 内含子Ⅰ在冀中山羊发现了2个等位基因A、K,且基因频率依次为:A为0.5,K为0.5;

    Two alleles are found in Jizhong Goats at Intron I , and gene frequencies are 0.5 and 0.5 ;

  17. D系与B系的平均座位杂合度和平均有效等位基因数均高于A系与C系;

    The mean genetic heterozygosity and the average effective numbers of alleles of B and D lines were higher than that of A and C lines .

  18. B亚型中Bx新等位基因的鉴定

    Identification of a novel Bx allele in a Chinese Han individual with B subgroup

  19. 结果:在正常男性和男性不育患者组之间,RAD51基因135G/C的等位基因频率和基因型频率均无显著性差异(P值均大于0.05)。

    Results : No significant differences in allele and genotype frequencies of SNP 135G / C between infertile patients and controls were observed ( P > 0.05 ) .

  20. 目的探讨湖北土家族人群HLAA2超型各等位基因与宫颈癌的关联。

    Objective To explore the association between HLA-A2 supertype alleles and cervical carcinoma .

  21. 在中国人胃癌组织DNA中发现癌基因Ha-ras等位基因缺失

    Loss of Ha-ras Alleles in DNA from Gastric Carcinoma Tissue of Chinese Individuals

  22. 1名RhD弱表现型个体携带D~(el)等位基因

    Weak D phenotype carrying Del allele : a case of report

  23. 我国地方猪种清平猪、小梅山猪、金华猪ESR基因B等位基因频率都较高,分别为0.884、0.744、0.617;

    The gene frequency of allele B in Qingping , small Meishan , Jinhua was 0.884 、 0.744 、 0.617 respectively .

  24. 结果①AD患者与正常对照人群之间不存在219G/T多态各等位基因和基因型频率分布的差异(P值均大于005);

    Results We found no distribution differences of the ApoE promoter 219G / T polymorphism between AD cases and controls ( P > 0 05 ) .

  25. 北方汉族泛发型白癜风与HLAⅠ、Ⅱ类等位基因相关性研究

    Association of HLA class ⅰ and ⅱ alleles with generalized vitiligo in Chinese Hans in north China

  26. Wx是一对复等位基因,高AC与低AC分别由不同的Wx~a和Wx~b基因所控制。

    There are two allele genes in Wx , which respectively controlled high amylose and low amylose .

  27. 结论浙江畲族人群有其自身的str等位基因分布特征。

    Conclusion she population has its own STR allele distribution characteristic .

  28. 目的研究中国人控制自然杀伤细胞(naturalkillercell,NK)活性的基因是否与人类白细胞抗原等位基因相连锁。

    Objective To study whether there is a relationship between HLA B alleles and low natural killer ( NK ) cell activity in Chinese .

  29. 结论对女性来说,等位基因G可能是脑梗死的易感基因标志。

    Conclusion The G allele may be a predisposing gene marker , HGR gene intron 4 polymorphism contributes to the development of CI in females .

  30. 得出一对杂合等位基因从F1到Fn的基因型熵值变化规律。

    The law is got about entropy which changes from F1 to Fn .