
  1. RNA沉默途径具有多样性,涉及的关键基因也比较多,在拟南芥等模式植物上研究的比较清楚。

    By studying for the model plant such as Arabidopsis , researchers realized that plant RNA silencing pathways are diverse and involve many core genes .

  2. 该模型将把Web使用挖掘和Web内容挖掘相结合,对服务器数据以及web页面做分析,建立物品、用户类等模式,以作为推荐的依据;

    The model uses both web usage minding and web content mining to analyze and set up the pages , products and customers pattern with server – data which is used as accordance of recommendation ;

  3. 本文在阐述了GPS技术的最新发展之后提出:使用静态、动态、伪动态和快速静态等模式结合布设城市及工程GPS网。

    This paper gives the newest developments of GPS technique . Then it presents the static , dynamic , pseudo-dynamic and quick static models with comments on the construction of urban and engineering GPS network .

  4. 丝裂霉素C(MMC)是一种广谱抗肿瘤药物,它在体内活化后可以与DNA以共价结合或交联反应等模式相互作用,从而抑制肿瘤细胞DNA的合成。

    Mitomycin C ( MMC ) is a broad-spectrum antitumor drug , which inhibits the synthesis of DNA of the tumour cell , due to the covalent or interlinking interaction with DNA after its activation in human body .

  5. 分析J2EE的典型B/S应用体系结构和关键技术。在此基础上,提出运用MVC和SessionFacade等模式,实现J2EE应用的一种方法。

    Based on the analysis of the typical B / S application architecture and essential techniques , it put forward a method to implement the J2EE application using MVC and Session Facade patterns .

  6. 最后,对项目融资模式展开研究,分析并比较了BOT、ABS、PPP、TOT、TBT等模式各自的特点和优劣;

    At last , the project financing models are researched . The characteristic and advantage of BOT , ABS , PPP , TOT and TBT is analyzed and compared .

  7. 相对于拟南芥、烟草等模式作物来讲,MAPK在蔬菜作物逆境信号转导中的作用研究还刚刚起步。

    Relative to Arabidopsis , tobacco and other terms of the mode crops , the study of the role of MAPK in stress signal transduction in vegetable has only just begun .

  8. 然后提出了一种新的计算李雅普诺夫(Lyapunov)指数的方法来确定动力学系统方程出现的混沌等模式,给出了判别条件。

    Then we put forth a new Lyapunov exponent method to determine the condition when the chaotic phenomenon ( mode ) appeared , discussing how to calculate the Lyapunov exponent by computer and program flow chart is given .

  9. 介绍目前图书馆信息资源整合建设的发展现状,重点探讨基于OPAC系统整合、基于信息资源管理的导航整合和基于统一检索平台整合等模式及相关元数据技术的应用。

    This paper makes a thorough research on the development of information resources integration in libraries at present , and then discusses the popular integrating modes , including the integration of OPAC , the navigation of information management and unified search platforms , and the application of metadata .

  10. 利用固体与趣味色织地毯、家具及配件等模式来补充件。

    Use solid color rugs with interesting textures and patterns to complement other furniture and accessory pieces .

  11. 通过对细菌、酵母等模式生物蛋白质组研究,人类蛋白质组研究取得了一定进展。

    More progress has been obtained in human proteome by studying model biology such as bacteria and yeast .

  12. 提示,其潜能开发应提供多种环境刺激、暗示训练等模式。

    Model of brain potential exploitation were in various forms such as providing diverse stimulating environments and suggestion training .

  13. 与传统教育等模式相比,网络教育有其自身优点,并与之相辅相成。

    Compared with the traditional education model , online education has its own advantages , and the two are complementary to each other .

  14. 在知识经济时代,企业创新越来越趋向于采取开放式和网络式的协同创新等模式。

    In the knowledge-based economic era , an open and collaborative innovation network-mode is being adopted by enterprises in the process of innovation .

  15. 其次在法国、瑞典、日本等模式的衬托下重点论述了自由市场经济模式和社会市场经济模式的差异。

    Then , with the economic modes of France , Sweden , and Japan , it demonstrates the features of developed market economic systems .

  16. 实践证明,农业内部挖潜、大中城市的吸纳效应、国际劳务输出等模式是促进农民充分就业的重要途径。

    The paper presents the approaches of internal agricultural development , the attractive effect of large cities , international labor exportation to promote full peasant employment .

  17. 现在已经有一些关于过程、需求管理、软件构架、测试、项目管理等模式的书籍和文章。

    There are now books and articles on patterns for process , requirements management , software architecture , testing , project management , and so on .

  18. 如道德教化、高薪养廉、法律严密、赋权惩治、政治透明、正本浚源等模式。

    Such as moral education , high salary , the law strictly , empowerment punishment , political transparency , the original " Chun source " and other models .

  19. 知识服务是图书馆服务在知识经济时代新的发展,有数字参考咨询服务、学科知识门户服务、学科馆员服务、用户定题服务等模式。

    The knowledge service is the new development in the knowledge economic age , has mode of the quantity reference service , discipline knowledge service and so on .

  20. 本文将用于求解组合优化问题的模拟退火法引入聚类分析、属性关系图同态、分段曲线拟合和特征选择等模式识别问题。

    Simulated annealing technique for solving combinatorial optimization problems has been applied to cluster analysis , isomorphisms of attributed relational graphs , piecewise curve fitting and feature selection .

  21. 该地区生产性服务业的集聚在演化上出现了生产性服务业与制造业空间分布的交叠、生产性服务业集聚区空间功能分化和集聚城市的功能扩展等模式。

    Spatial layout of the producer services and manufactures in this area is overlapped , spatial function of congregated zones is differentiated and function of the centralized-city is expanded .

  22. 职教经营方式主要有学校办企业、企业办学校、组建教育实业集团、校企合作等模式。

    The operation modes of vocational education mainly include : school running enterprise , enterprise running school , building educational industry group , and cooperation between school and enterprise , etc.

  23. 随着拟南芥、水稻等模式植物基因组测序的完成,植物基因组学的研究重点已经转变为功能基因组学研究。

    With the completeness of the two model plants , Arabidopsis and rice , genomic sequencing project , the emphasis of plant genomic research has focused on functional genome research .

  24. 城乡统筹、新农村建设的政策在中国大地创新实践,工业反哺农业、土地流转、现代农业等模式不断推广,农村终于按循序渐进的方式向前发展。

    The policy of urban-rural integrated development and building new socialist rural areas are innovated and practiced in China . Modes of Industry-back-feeding-agriculture , land transfer and modern agriculture are widely promoted .

  25. 综上所述,在大量研究和分析的基础上,我们形成了一种以预见性管理和集成管理等模式为基础的全面、科学、而又合理的甲级写字楼公用区域公共设施管理模式。

    In summary , in the massive research and in the analysis foundation , we have formed one kind take patterns and so on foresighted management and integrated management as the foundation .

  26. 第六部分有助于培养自我监控能力的几种教学模式旨在探讨适合学生自我监控能力发展的教学模式,对发现教学、合作教学和目标教学等模式的优点结合实例进行了分析。

    The sixth part " some kinds of teaching patterns which are helpful to train self-controlling ability ", aims at discussing the teaching pattern that makes student suitable to develop their self-controlling ability .

  27. 通过积极谋求与东中部合作,采取东西部联合办学、外地务工外地培训、重点项目委托培养、外出求学等模式实施转移开发。

    Carry out " transferring development " through active cooperation with east and middle region , united running school with east region , entrusted cultivation for important items , going out for schooling .

  28. 国内一些专家和学者也对此进行了卓有成效的研究,大型国有银行及部分股份制银行也在逐渐由专家评判、评分卡等模式向模型化转变。

    Lots of experts and scholars in China have done excellent researches , risk management in large-size national banks and some of joint-stock banks transferring gradually from expert judgment and score card to modeling .

  29. 试验说明缺陷试件的信号能量变化量在一些特定的频带内显示出显著的不同,为下一步应用神经网络等模式识别方法辨别试件缺陷类型提供了比较理想的特征向量。

    The results show that energy variation of signals of defect samples are obviously different in some certain frequencies , which provide perfect eigenvalues for Artificial Neural Network to identify the types of defects .

  30. 已发表的关于东部岩石圈减薄的机理有拆沉作用、幔柱构造等模式,均与造山带的演化相联系。

    There have been many models suggested , such as delamination , mantle-root structure etc , for the mechanism of thinning of the eastern lithosphere , all are related to the evolution of orogenic belt .