
  • 网络Reserved name;nomina conservanda;nomen conservandum;nomina conservwnda;nomina conservenda;First name
  1. 使用别名可以保留主机名所需的结构,同时简化用户使用的名称。

    The use of aliases preserves the structure needed for host names and the ease of use desired by users .

  2. 请为主页另外选择名称。您所选择的名称与某个保留页面名相冲突。

    Please choose another name for your home page . The name you have chosen conflicts with a reserved page name .

  3. 计算由“.”分隔的第一个标记值,有效地保留文件名并移除扩展名。

    In this instance $ { FileName { token = 1 } { separator = . } } will evaluate to the first token split by the character " . " effectively keeping the file name but removing the extension .

  4. 目前,Terremark将继续作为一个全资子公司独立运作,并且还将保留其商标名与管理团队。

    As for the present , Terremark will continue to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary and will retain its brand name and management team .

  5. 这个属性保留了文件名并且始终是常驻属性。

    This Attribute stores the name of the file attribute anl is always resident .

  6. 所指定的位置在无效或只读的磁盘上,或者包含为系统保留的设备名。

    The location specified is on an invalid or read-only disk , or contains a device name reserved for the system .

  7. 生产出的成品食醋保留了传统名特食醋的优良风味,食醋的生产成本也大大降低。

    The vinegar continues to have excellent flavour of traditional famous and special vinegar , and production cost of the vinegar was reduced greatly .

  8. 根据这份报告,纽约和伦敦将击退快速增长市场的竞争,保留前两名的地位,但欧洲其它城市包括巴黎、布鲁塞尔、柏林和法兰克福势必将经历人气下降。

    New York and London will fight off competition from rapidly growing markets to retain the first two spots , according to the report , but other European cities – including Paris , Brussels , Berlin and Frankfurt – are set to experience a decline in popularity .

  9. 他们终究还是保留了那些词名。

    They have kept those words in after all .

  10. 输入复制名或者保留空白使用主机名。

    Enter the replica name or leave this field blank to use the host name .

  11. 更好的是,您可以在该值中保留一系列比赛名。

    Even better , there 's nothing stopping you from holding a collection of race names in this value .

  12. 三星表示,59岁的申宗均将保留其作为三名联席首席执行官之一的正式职位,以便把主要精力放在长期战略上,不过他将“退出日常运营”。

    Mr Shin , 59 , will retain his formal position as one of three co-chief executives , to focus on long-term strategy - but he will " step back from day-to-day operations , " Samsung said .

  13. 主任向申人出明,表明申人在明上指明的件及限制所限下,有在明上指明的期其姓名保留在普通科生名。

    The Registrar shall issue to the applicant a certificate to the effect that he is , subject to any conditions and restrictions specified in the certificate , entitled to have his name remain in the general register for the period specified in the certificate .

  14. 日本和韩国将成为东方奖牌大国。欧洲传统强国或许已不复往日的强盛,但德国、法国、意大利和英国应该仍会保留在前12名之列。

    Japan and South Korea will join the medal charge from the east , and while the traditional powerhouses of Europe may not be as strong a they once were , Germany , France , Italy and the UK should still finish in the top 12 .