
  • 网络Protectionism;protectionist;trade protectionism;conservatism
  1. 大西洋两岸都在大肆鼓吹贸易保护主义。

    Shrill voices on both sides of the Atlantic are advocating protectionism .

  2. 该党在自由贸易和保护主义之间摇摆不定。

    The party wavered between free trade and protectionism .

  3. 自然资源保护主义者预测,数以百计的物种可能会从这个地区消失。

    Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area .

  4. 动物保护主义者去年为保护动物募集了7万英镑。

    Animal welfare campaigners raised £ 70 000 for their cause last year .

  5. 环境保护主义者对这一裁决表示愤慨。

    Environmentalists have expressed outrage at the ruling .

  6. 在民意调查中,自认是环境保护主义者的人达到了20%。

    In the opinion polls the ecologists reached 20 per cent .

  7. 环境保护主义者将会密切关注对野生动物造成的伤害。

    Environmentalists will be on the watch for damage to wildlife .

  8. 动物权利保护主义者把55只狐狸从毛皮动物饲养场放了出来。

    Fifty-five foxes were released from a fur farm by animal rights activists

  9. 自然环境保护主义者大多致力于保持物种的多样性。

    Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature .

  10. 环境保护主义者说造成该城市污染问题的一个关键因素是其人口数量。

    Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city 's pollution is its population

  11. 贸易保护主义者引起的两国之间的贸易摩擦。

    Trade frictions between the two countries had been caused by trade protectionists .

  12. 环境保护主义者担心这并非解决全球变暖问题的长久之计。

    Environmentalists fear that this is a short-sighted approach to the problem of global warming

  13. 由于破坏了森林,这家公司受到环境保护主义者的猛烈抨击。

    The company came under furious attack from environmentalists for tearing up the forests .

  14. 商人们正努力改掉60年来在保护主义经济下所养成的那些习惯。

    Businessmen are trying to shake off habits learned under six decades of a protected economy

  15. 这份报告让环境保护主义者欢欣不已。

    The report has delighted environmentalists .

  16. 关贸总协定的成员国已大体上同意在全球贸易中用竞争性的自由市场体制取代代价高且效率低的保护主义政策。

    GATT member countries have largely agreed to replace expensive and inefficient protectionist policies with a competitive free market system for world trade .

  17. 第四,我们必须避免首鼠两端一端是保护主义的真小人而另一端是自由主义的假道学。(典型的认知不协调)。

    Fourth , we must avoid both protectionism and false pieties .

  18. 对环境保护主义的反对者来说,转基因食品是邪恶的,是一种未经研究的、可能有害的工具,被大型农业企业用来控制全球种子市场和压榨当地农民。

    To environmentalist opponents , GM foods are simply evil , an understudied , possibly harmful tool used by big agricultural businesses to control global seed markets and crush local farmers .

  19. 哈克比先生的弱点在于他的贸易保护主义者和反公司的言论吓坏了经济保守派

    Mr Huckabee 's weakness is that his protectionist and anti-corporate rhetoric appals economic conservatives .

  20. 虽然环境保护主义者们对此感到高兴,但一些业界人士担心其价格费用,因为商户可能会被要求为安装和运行押金退还项目掏腰包。

    Environmentalists are delighted but some industry figures may be worried about the price tag because business could be asked to pick up the bill for installing and running the deposit return scheme .

  21. 当前形势下,我们要坚定不移构建开放型世界经济,维护以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制,反对滥用国家安全之名行保护主义之实。

    Under the current situation , we need to stand firm for building an open world economy . We need to uphold the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core and reject abuse of the “ national security ” concept for protectionist purposes .

  22. 我们应该将亚太经合组织打造成推动一体化的制度平台,加强经验交流的政策平台,反对贸易保护主义的开放平台,深化经济技术合作的发展平台,推进互联互通的联接平台。

    The APEC can be an institutional platform to promote integration , a policy platform to strengthen experience exchanges , an open platform to fight against trade protectionism , a development platform to deepen economic and technological cooperation and a connection platform to promote connectivity .

  23. 保护主义仍是一个遥远的威胁,而去年12月在巴厘岛达成的协定为世界贸易组织(WTO)注入新的生命力。

    Protectionism remains a distant threat and an agreement in Bali last December has breathed new life into the World Trade Organisation .

  24. 各国的贸易保护主义者频繁地以WTO所允许的贸易救济等措施实行产业保护,对我国制造贸易摩擦,使之成为贸易保护的合法工具。

    Every country in order to protect its business will make trade friction which justified by the legal trade remedy of WTO rules .

  25. 在勇敢地试图阻止这场经济大戏演变成保护主义危机时,世界贸易组织(wto)就遇到了这个问题。

    That is the problem the World Trade Organisation is encountering in its valiant efforts to prevent an economic drama turning into a protectionist crisis .

  26. 将出席G20会议的政治家们能感觉到,来自于保护主义者的压力正不断上升。

    The politicians who will assemble at the G20 can feel the protectionist pressures mounting .

  27. 而且,各国的贸易保护主义抬头也在客观上为TBT的产生起到了推动作用。

    Furthermore , the Trade Protectionism improves the TBT objectively .

  28. 许多经济学家警告称,如上世纪30年代的大萧条(greatdepression)一样,本次全球经济危机可能促使各国诉诸于保护主义,以应对国内产业的求救呼吁。

    Many economists have warned that the global economic crisis may prompt countries to resort to protectionism as domestic industries cry out for help , as in the Great Depression of the 1930s .

  29. 独立学术机构全球贸易预警(globaltradealert)发现,贸易保护主义并非历史中的幽灵,此现象在2008-09年金融危机之后突然加剧。

    Global trade alert , an independent academic initiative , has found that trade protectionism is not a ghost of the past but rose sharply in the wake of the 2008-09 financial crisis .

  30. 多年来,众议员理查德格普哈特(richardgephardt)一直是保护主义者的化身。

    For years , the protectionist urge was exemplified by representative Richard Gephardt .