
  • 网络tribune
  1. 这些福利项目可以追溯到公元前122年,当时的保民官盖约·格拉古(GaiusGracchus)设立《粮食法》(lexfrumentaria),要求国家政府实现罗马公民低价购进谷物的需求。

    These entitlement programs date back to 122 B.C. , when the tribune Gaius Gracchus instituted lex frumentaria , a law that ordered Rome 's government to supply its citizens with allotments of cheaply priced grain .

  2. 试论古罗马的保民官

    On the Tribune Plebeian of Ancient Rome

  3. 保民官享有极崇高的地位,个人上高于法律。

    Tribunes enjoyed sancrosanct status and were personally above the law .