
  • 网络principate;princeps;principate system
  1. 在元首制下,皇帝拥有最高统治权,大多数皇帝都希望将皇位世袭。

    Under the principate , most emperors with the highest authority favored the hereditary system .

  2. 元首制巩固时期,元首的各种权力和元老院的地位与作用皆由奥古斯都时期沿袭而来。

    In the time of the Principate 's consolidation , all the princeps ' power and the status followed old conventions .

  3. 第二章将元老院内部成员的重建,包括元老成员人数、选举条件、来源及经济支出等,作为元首制下元老院重建的重要内容之一进行探讨。

    The second chapter investigates the senators ' reconstruction which includes the study on the electoral condition , quantity , origin , and expenditure of senate members .

  4. 第一章对共和晚期的时代背景进行了简要的介绍,突出这一时期是罗马帝国元首制和罗马军队职业化的成型时期,酝酿着此后数百年间罗马帝国的政治和军事制度。

    There are three chapters , the first chapter introduces the background of Rome in the Late Republic . It is an important era which the professional Roman army and the Principate system were coming into existence .