- metamathematics

Metamathematics and programming languages
After analysing each unit and the whole area , a3-D finite element model and a corresponding c language program were constructed .
A Two-dimensional Vertical Finite Element Mathematical Model of Suspended Sediment Transport
A new thermal analysis approach based on gray finite element method
A two-dimensional mathematical model for suspended pollutants transporting and diffusing in river
Application of Finite Element Mathematical Model to Water Resource Evaluation
Morphological Filters with Multiple Structuring Elements For Binary Image Processing
Quasi - holographic - element Model and Its Applications
The Seepage Control from Ash Lagoon and the Application of Three Dimensional Mathematical Model
An Enthalpy Finite Element Mathematical Model and Process Simulation for Deformation Solidification with Thermal Conduct
Mathematical Morphological Binary Image Real time Parallel Processing Using Optical Frequency Filtering of Complex valued Kernel
A numerical method is developed for lower bound limit analysis of3D concrete high arch dams .
The concept " meta-mathematics education " would lead the related research to a new and advanced theoretical level .
Two-dimensional Finite Element Mathematical Model of the Yellow River Estuarine Sediment and Its Application ( I ) & Model and Verification
Structural free vibration characterization and seismic response were calculated by means of beam-plate linear mathematical model of finite element method .
With the three dimensional boundary element mathematical model . simulation of transmission loss of the muffling structure is carried out .
Quasi-holographic-element model is the self-organization principle of the complicated systems , which embodies all essential characteristics of complicated and opened systems .
2-D Mathematic Model of the Yellow River Estuarine Tidal Wave and Sediment and Its Application (ⅱ) & Water and Sediment Movement Process Simulation
FEM model of plasma powder deposition manufacturing ( PPDM ) was presented in consideration of the moving heat source and dynamic transfer process .
Then based on the finite element model and destabilization mode of counter-arch plunge pool , the influence of the type of plunge pool is analyzed .
Derivatives of vibration mode shapes with respect to design parameters are very important in the structural dynamic design , FE model refining and . structure updating .
This paper introduces the results of electricity simulation and mathematical model of finite element method of perforating completion well , analyzes the effect of perforation pen (?)
In order to analyze load-bearing capacity of the solid rocket motor fiber winding composite case , its finite element model was established and its load-bearing capacity was simulated .
The author developed a mathematical model of 2-D finite element , especially discussed how to deal with no-linear boundary conditions of electrochemical fields and used iterative method to solve no-linear equation groups .
In case of the limited kinematic strain hardening material model , a numerical method is proposed for upper bound shakedown analysis of elbow structures under the combined action of constant and complex variable loads .
Based on FEM mathematical models to describe the carburization process and practical carburization technical conditions , two-step gear carburization is simulated by programming , from which the carbon content distribution in carburization process is obtained .
For the safety assessment of structures under the combined action of initial constant loadings and variable loadings , a numerical method for limit analysis of 3-D structures considering initial constant loadings and proportional loadings is developed .
The load factors and corresponding velocity fields during the iterative processes converge to the upper bounds of the real solutions . A numerical method is proposed for upper bound shakedown analysis of elastic-perfectly plastic elbow structures under complex variable loads .
According to the amount of tests , the effect law of mixing ratio of fly ash , cement water ratio , curing temperature to concrete strength of 28 days is discussed , the test mixing and the strength improving law is expressed through three dimensions mathematics model .
This paper that makes use of the classical theory of magnetic charges proposes a new formulation of FEM based on the Single Scalar Magnetic Potential Method for magnetostatic field numerical analysis , while it corrects the negligence of the Reduced Scalar Potential Method used in the past .