
hǎi shuǐ
  • seawater;the sea;brine
海水 [hǎi shuǐ]
  • (1) [seawater]∶海中或来自海中的水

  • 海水浴

  • (2) [brine]∶海洋中的水

  • (3) [the sea]∶海

  • 海水不可斗量

海水[hǎi shuǐ]
  1. 切伦科夫计数法测定海水和植物中的~(40)K

    Determination of K in seawater and plant with Cerenkov counting method

  2. Cr对钢耐海水腐蚀性的影响

    Effect of chromium element on corrosion resistance of steels in seawater

  3. 阳光下海水波光闪烁。

    The sea was shimmering in the sunlight .

  4. 走累了的人们把脚伸进海水中浸泡以缓解疼痛。

    The weary walkers soothed their aching feet in the sea .

  5. 海堤溃决,海水淹没了低洼地区。

    Sea walls collapsed , and low-lying areas were flooded .

  6. 她能闻到海水浓烈的咸味。

    She could smell the salty tang of the sea .

  7. 船会停靠在那里,映衬在一片波澜不兴的湛蓝海水之中。

    The ship would lie there mirrored in a perfectly unmoving glossy sea .

  8. 渡船搅起豪湾的海水,从兰代尔驶向霍斯舒湾。

    Ferries churn the waters of Howe Sound from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay .

  9. 船随着海水的起伏节奏时起时落。

    The ship adjusted herself to the roll and rhythm of the sea .

  10. 潜艇位于巴伦支海水下6,000英尺深处。

    The submarine lies at a depth of 6,000 feet in the Barents Sea .

  11. 游客晒着日光浴在海水里嬉戏。

    Tourists sunbathe and frolic in the ocean .

  12. 清澈的海水拍打着悬崖峭壁,令她想起了卡普里。

    The cliffs , lapped by a crystal-clear sea , remind her of Capri .

  13. 海水拍打礁石的咆哮声似乎要淹没一切思绪。

    The thunder of the sea on the rocks seemed to blank out other thoughts

  14. 海水呈深蓝色。

    The sea was a deep midnight blue .

  15. 海水的温度越往南越高。

    The seas are warm further south .

  16. 铀可溶解于海水。

    Uranium is soluble in sea water .

  17. 巨大的冲击力使一些窗户崩碎,海水涌了进来。

    The impact blew out some of the windows and the sea came rushing in .

  18. 海水冲刷着海岸。

    The sea washed against the shore

  19. 海水在我的脚上泛起泡沫。

    The sea froths over my feet

  20. 大量海水冲入了船舱,正在船底来回晃荡。

    Gallons of sea water had rushed into the cabin and were now swilling about in the bilges

  21. 幼鲸长出一层厚厚的鲸脂,以抵御寒冷的海水。

    The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea .

  22. 过量接触阳光、海水、沙粒和氯气会使浅色头发略呈绿色。

    An overdose of sun , sea , sand and chlorine can give lighter hair a green tinge .

  23. 海水主要由水和盐组成。

    The sea water is mainly composed of water and salt .

  24. 人们时常到这地方来洗海水澡。

    The place is much frequented for sea-bathing .

  25. 海水在船首下面泛起浪花。

    The sea water foams under the bow .

  26. 海水冲击礁石,激起高高的浪花。

    Swashing against the rocks , the breakers sent up a fountain of spray .

  27. 海水冲在石头上发出轰响声。

    The sea thundered against rocks .

  28. 海水含有盐分。

    Sea water contains salt .

  29. 海水波荡。

    The sea surges .

  30. 海水含盐的浓度是多少?

    What is the concentration of salt in sea water ?