
  • 网络Submarine volcano;seamount
  1. 分形几何在海底火山地形中的应用

    The application of the fractal geometry in the study of submarine volcano

  2. 火山碎屑矿物主要分布于15°N两侧的深海平原和海山区,来源于海底火山岩的剥蚀物和附近弧状列岛的火山喷发物。

    The volcanogenic minerals mainly distribute in the abyssal plain and the seamount near the latitude of 15 ° N , mainly come from the erosion of the volcanic rocks in the seabed and the volcano eruptions in the vicinity of islands .

  3. 作为SUBSEA项目的一部分,两个名为大力神和阿格斯的机器人将研究海底火山附近的生物、地质和化学情况。

    As part of the SUBSEA project , the robots , named Hercules and Argus , will study the biology , geology and chemistry of the region .

  4. 成矿前和成矿期的海底火山活动带来了Mn、Co、Ni、V等,藻礁捕获成矿元素形成地球化学异常和矿体。

    Metallic substances , Mn , Co , Ni and V , were introduced in by the submarine volcanic activities before and during the metallizing phase , and the geochemical anomalies and ore bodies are produced by the metallogenic elements captured by algae reefs .

  5. 于上周二发表的这则声明,是该政府太空机构的系统水下生物地球化学科学和勘探模拟(SUBSEA)项目的一部分。该项目将帮助NASA探索海底火山口附近存在的生命体,并更好地了解我们自己的星球。

    The announcement , made last Tuesday , is part of the government space agency 's Systematic Underwater Biogeochemical Science and Exploration Analog ( SUBSEA ) project and will help aid NASA 's search for life in deep space , as well as better understanding of our own planet .

  6. 指出该矿床属海底火山喷流沉积改造型块状硫化物铅锌矿床。

    This deposit belongs to the massive sulfide Pb-Zn deposit of the sea floor-exhalation sedimentation-reformation type .

  7. 事实上,每次海底火山喷发就是对此进行的一个实验。

    Actually , this experiment happens every time a volcano erupts at the bottom of the ocean .

  8. 扑灭海底火山和地面的火山最大的不同在于水的压力,与水的湿度并没有关系。

    The biggest difference between undersea and land volcanos has nothing to do with water 's wetness , but with its pressure .

  9. 这片水域最详细的地图大约涵盖16000平方英里面积,其中的海底火山,蜿蜒的山谷,倒转的峡谷或许是揭开谜团的线索。

    The most detailed map ever of the seabed in this area , 16000 square miles covered with crumbling underwater volcanoes , winding valleys , plunging canyons and just maybe the solution to a mystery .

  10. 其他较老年龄锆石是由强烈的海底火山喷发作用从深部基底物质中带出的,并与热水流体一起沉积下来,赋存在石英钠长石岩中。

    Some other older zircons with 206Pb / 238U ages of 932 to 2443 Ma were brought from Precambrian basement rocks at depth by strong submarine volcanic eruption and then deposited in quartz albitite together with hydrothermal fluids .

  11. 在持续的观察中,研究人员发现海底的火山口不断有熔岩溢出。

    During a routine visit to the area last month , researchers found lava coming out of a vent that was formed on the seafloor .

  12. 海底泥火山、甲烷气柱、甲烷气裂缝、双似海底反射等大量的证据,都有助于揭示天然气水合物体系的动态演化的特征。

    Submarine mud volcanoes , methane plumes , methane vents , double bottom-simulating reflections ( dBSR ) and other evidences can help to uncover the characteristics of the dynamic evolution of gas hydrate .

  13. 海啸由海底地震或火山喷发而造成的巨大海浪横贯大西洋的通讯海底电缆

    A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption . cable across North Atlantic

  14. 他说面对这些勇敢无比的人,让人惊叹。这些人都曾多次冒着生命危险,去探勘世界上最偏远、最险峻的山脉、峡谷、河川、海底、冰原和火山。

    He said it was amazing to be in the presence of such incredibly courageous people , all of whom have risked their lives so many times to discover the world 's most remote and dangerous mountain ranges , canyons , rivers , ocean depths , ice fields and volcanoes .

  15. NASA表示,这支SUBSEA团队将在海底度过三周时间,研究海底火山并模拟人机探索,为未来寻找太阳系中外星生命做准备。

    The SUBSEA team will spend three weeks at sea and will study the volcano and simulate human-robotic exploration to help with future deep-space missions , NASA said .

  16. 从其完好的沉积组构和特殊的化学成分来看,它与国外典型层状Pb&Zn矿床中的海底热水沉积富硼硅质岩相似,是与海底酸性火山活动有关的热水沉积岩。

    Their perfect sedimentary fabrics and unusual chemistry indicate that they are exhalites associated with submarine acid volcanism , which are similar to the boron and silicon - rich exhalites in the typical stratiform Pb-Zn deposits in the world .