
  • 网络Channel Island;the Channel islands;guernsey
  1. 海峡群岛是英国和法国的帆船运动爱好者夏日最爱去的地方。

    The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike .

  2. 看看特拉华州的公司,或者海峡群岛(ChannelIslands)的信托。

    Look at Delaware companies , or trusts in the Channel Islands .

  3. 对于非常驻居民而言,自诩监管较松和税赋较轻的最大金融中心是伦敦、卢森堡、都柏林、海峡群岛(channelislands)、直布罗陀、摩纳哥以及欧洲后院许多其它地区。

    The largest centres of boastfully light regulation and light taxes for non-residents were London , Luxembourg , Dublin , the Channel Islands , Gibraltar , Monaco and many other locations in the European backyard .

  4. 包括vinum精品葡萄酒基金、arch精品葡萄酒基金以及curzon精品葡萄酒动力增长基金在内,多家基金都在海峡群岛证券交易所(cisx)上市。

    Several including the vinum fine wine fund , arch fine wine fund , and the Curzon fine wine geared growth fund are listed on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange ( cisx ) .

  5. 海峡群岛位于不列颠的东南面。

    The Channel Islands lie to the southeast of Britain .

  6. 海峡群岛是度假的好去处。

    The channel island is favorite holiday destination .

  7. 海峡群岛泽西岛、根西岛、奥尔德尼岛和沙克岛也都是自治的。

    The Channel Islands jersey , guernsey , aldeney , and Sark are also self-governing .

  8. 海峡群岛也都是自治的。

    The channel islands are also self-governing .

  9. 奥尔德尼乳牛原产于海峡群岛中的一种体型小的乳牛。

    One of a breed of small dairy cattle originally raised in the channel islands .

  10. 这些学生也将一睹海峡群岛独有物种的风采,比如说岛狐。

    The students are getting a glimpse of species unique to this island group like the island fox .

  11. 较小的岛屿即马恩岛和海峡群岛既不属于英国也不是独立的。

    The smaller islands , the Isle of Man and the Channel islands are neither part of the United Kingdom nor independent .

  12. 根西岛,位于英吉利海峡面积不大的群岛,却居住着65000多的人口。

    Guernsey , a small island in the English Channel , inhabits just over 65000 residents .