
  • 网络PONDICHERRY;Pondichéry;Pondichery
  1. 这家印度工厂的年产量为200万台,联想目前在印度有100万台的产能,现有的一家工厂位于南部城市本地治里,是通过收购IBM的PC业务而获得的。

    The Indian factory 's annual capacity of 2m computers adds to the 1m units produced by an existing plant in the southern city of Pondicherry that Lenovo acquired through its purchase of IBM 's PC division .

  2. 去年,路易威登第一次把制造移出欧洲,在印度本地治里(pondicherry)成立了一个制鞋企业。

    Last year Louis Vuitton made its first manufacturing foray outside of Europe by establishing a shoe production venture in Pondicherry , India .

  3. 本地治里王子写了一封信给旺卡先生

    Well , Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka ...

  4. Ratchegar说:“我们所有的房屋都将安装由附近的本地治里工程学院设计的预制抗震窗。”

    All our houses are being built with pre-cast windows that have been designed to be earthquake proof by the Pondicherry Engineering College nearby